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Barry Owen Interview Summary

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I'm 17, and had a £50 season ticket this year, I was considering getting a £10 season ticket in a relatives name but might not now. I'm annoyed that I'll have to pay either a rise to £183 or a tenner a match, especially seeing as I've got no part time job an I'm at college full time so I might pick and choose matches. I'll still go and the club won't have lost a fan, bu I think they need to think of a better transition for the new fans they've got from the offer this year. Something like a discount if you're renewing, or money off a shirt?


Sorry mate but getting old happens to us all - try your luck on an under season ticket when your 17 its probably the last chance you will get to do so unless you look really young for your age. There has to be a cut off point somewhere just like there is (or was) for the bus and like there is for getting cigs and alcohol which you no doubt want but cant always get when your 17.

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£10 is a good idea. But for saying just u-16 is a bit silly, what about those who are 16 after 31st Dec? Why should someone born on 1st January have to pay over a £100 more than someone born on 31st December? What about 16 17 18 year olds who are still in full-time education at college?


They have to draw a line somewhere. Someone will always be a day out.


To be honest I think the offer is aimed at those quite a bit younger than 16. By 16 your football allegiances are well drawn (usually). Get the kids in with their parents early with an offer like this and plant the seeds for the future...

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I'm 17, and had a £50 season ticket this year, I was considering getting a £10 season ticket in a relatives name but might not now. I'm annoyed that I'll have to pay either a rise to £183 or a tenner a match, especially seeing as I've got no part time job an I'm at college full time so I might pick and choose matches. I'll still go and the club won't have lost a fan, bu I think they need to think of a better transition for the new fans they've got from the offer this year. Something like a discount if you're renewing, or money off a shirt?


I'm in almost the exact same situation and simply can't afford £183 for a season ticket. Regarding the £10 ST offer I just can't see the point in it if you're going to lose the majority of the fans that have benfitted from the offer when they have to pay 'proper' prices. Why not introduce a scheme where the price of your ST increases every year until you get to 19 and then you must pay adult prices as this is the age when a full-time job is more likely. Having this offer is brilliant in getting new fans but when they have to pay another £173 or 1830% extra or however you want to say it once they reach the cut off age most will not come back making the £10 ST offer pointless in an economic sense.

Edited by NewBlue
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I'm in almost the exact same situation and simply can't afford £183 for a season ticket. Regarding the £10 ST offer I just can't see the point in it if you're going to lose the majority of the fans that have benfitted from the offer when they have to pay 'proper' prices. Why not introduce a scheme where the price of your ST increases every year until you get to 19 and then you must pay adult prices as this is the age when a full-time job is more likely. Having this offer is brilliant in getting new fans but when they have to pay another £173 or 1830% extra or however you want to say it once they reach the cut off age most will not come back making the £10 ST offer pointless in an economic sense.


Let's scrap the £10 offer and make it £150 instead.


Then the jump won't be as tough.


Might reduce all the whining a bit.


£183 is about £8 a match. It's still a very good price.

Edited by opinions4u
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The message is simple, if you are Under 16 on 31st December 2012, then you qualify, if not you don't.




Just one point, I think this should be done by school year rather than calender year meaning a cut off of something like 31st July 2013. You'd be pretty gutted if your mates from school all got in for a tenner for the season and you had to pay £180 just because you were born slightly earlier. In essence you're all in the same financial situation and surely that's how this should be viewed.

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Do you have to pay a mortgage,council tax,gas ,electric,car to run,car tax,car insurance,fuel for car,weekly shopping,house insurance,cloth your kids etc etc pay £330 for a season ticket...no you don't stop :censored:ing moaning and welcome to the real world....

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Do you have to pay a mortgage,council tax,gas ,electric,car to run,car tax,car insurance,fuel for car,weekly shopping,house insurance,cloth your kids etc etc pay £330 for a season ticket...no you don't stop :censored:ing moaning and welcome to the real world....


I think you're confusing complaining about season ticket prices with ideas to make the club more money and a chance to make the most of the scheme that they've introduced.

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To be fair this is for under16's and unfortunately you'll get those who will try to get into matches for under 50p a match who are over 16. I think anyone trying that is really taking the piss. Big difference from trying it on getting in for £10 instead of £20 at away games etc.


The club must absolutely stamp that out and by any means available to them. It's a scheme trying to get the youth of the town in the habit. All down the years it's happened where a fan gets to an age he/she must pay more. It's life.


Maybe the club could or maybe should look at the student match ticket price and even a unemployed match ticket to maybe help those that are in the junior to over 16 age group and will struggle to pay the higher price. It would cost and be time consuming to run this and even then you'll get those trying to flout it. For me the club is correct in trying tooth and nail to erradicate the flouters.


As for Harrybosch, I really would like to see some sensible resolution to his problem. There as to be one out there.

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I think the kids and intermediate prices are fine but I'd extend the age of the kids ones to 18. Most 17 year olds are still in full time education. By the time they've got to 18 they're either in work or heading to uni meaning they've either got an income or their student loan (!) to spend on STs.


We'd have the same situation with people 1 day older than 18 missing out - there are always going to be an unlucky few but hey, they get to drink sooner. In almost all other respects, you're still a kid if you're under 18 so think that should apply here.


£183 is still a very good price though - wish I could have one for that!!


I also think the club should market the student membership properly. Many other clubs have student tickets, even for pay on the day away fans (Sheff U and PNE spring to mind).

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Just one point, I think this should be done by school year rather than calender year meaning a cut off of something like 31st July 2013. You'd be pretty gutted if your mates from school all got in for a tenner for the season and you had to pay £180 just because you were born slightly earlier. In essence you're all in the same financial situation and surely that's how this should be viewed.


This makes a lot of sense.


Do you have to pay a mortgage,council tax,gas ,electric,car to run,car tax,car insurance,fuel for car,weekly shopping,house insurance,cloth your kids etc etc pay £330 for a season ticket...no you don't stop :censored:ing moaning and welcome to the real world....



This doesn't make sense for the under 18s - most are still in full time education. When they go from education with a lowish income, maybe £25 a week if they are lucky with a part-time job, where a £300 ST would leave them less than £20 a week; to proper work, getting £150 a week, they could consider 2 weeks wages a reasonable spend on a ST, leaving over £140 to live off.

Do YOU spend 23% of your income on your ST? Would you buy one at that rate?


I think the kids and intermediate prices are fine but I'd extend the age of the kids ones to 18. Most 17 year olds are still in full time education. By the time they've got to 18 they're either in work or heading to uni meaning they've either got an income or their student loan (!) to spend on STs.


We'd have the same situation with people 1 day older than 18 missing out - there are always going to be an unlucky few but hey, they get to drink sooner. In almost all other respects, you're still a kid if you're under 18 so think that should apply here.


£183 is still a very good price though - wish I could have one for that!!


I also think the club should market the student membership properly. Many other clubs have student tickets, even for pay on the day away fans (Sheff U and PNE spring to mind).


Kids currently in year 10 (or Senior 4 in old money) will have to stay in school until they are 17.


Oh, and didn't the Boundary Blues rules used to be that you could have a ticket if you were 16 at the December date in the season?


My rule would be: If you are required to be in full time education during the season and are under 19, you can have the "kids" ticket.

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They have to draw a line somewhere. Someone will always be a day out.


To be honest I think the offer is aimed at those quite a bit younger than 16. By 16 your football allegiances are well drawn (usually). Get the kids in with their parents early with an offer like this and plant the seeds for the future...


Agree its aimed at those younger, more in the region of primary school kids in an attempt to get them coming regularly before they start properly supporting another team. But it's ridiculous saying that if your born on or before 31st Dec you can get in for £10 but if after then its an extra £173 or whatever it is, even though your in the same year. Should be if your in year 11 then its a tenner.

Then continue increasing the price gradually for those in college until reach an age (around 19?) where they'll be getting a job and be working enough hours to be able to afford a full price season ticket.

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I'm in almost the exact same situation and simply can't afford £183 for a season ticket. Regarding the £10 ST offer I just can't see the point in it if you're going to lose the majority of the fans that have benfitted from the offer when they have to pay 'proper' prices. Why not introduce a scheme where the price of your ST increases every year until you get to 19 and then you must pay adult prices as this is the age when a full-time job is more likely. Having this offer is brilliant in getting new fans but when they have to pay another £173 or 1830% extra or however you want to say it once they reach the cut off age most will not come back making the £10 ST offer pointless in an economic sense.

Well said
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I was a wee nipper when my dad took me to latics week in week out, for the first few years I couldn't care less about the footy, I played with the empty cups, fast on the wall listening to the fans singing etc. gradually my blood turned blue and I became a latics fan, have been since and always will be. Good knows how but I always managed to stump up for a season ticket regardless of the price, it was something we just had to do, no piss-up watching the latics on a Saturday just wasn't an option, all this because I got hooked when I was a nipper. This is a super initiative by the club, and must be supported 100% , when the time comes and you have to pay full price, get over it.

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Did any of you over 60's ever try to get in for over 65's home or away ....come on be honest !!

Some grounds it was over 60. Like how some grounds accept that a 16 yo working F/T can earn a lot more money than a 22+ yo F/T student and so charge accordingly. Unfortunately there is not an ideal situation for all OAP, under 21s, students nor is their consistency. It's a fact of life that it isn't fair, the same way it's a fact of life that if you run a business sometimes your customers try and cheat you out of money and often succeed if you arent vigilant.


Getting the fans supposed representative to act as the bringer of bad news on your own fee requiring video site acts like a major own goal though. Barry Owen is fast becoming the Nick Clegg to Simon Corney's David Cameron if he hasn't already done so.

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Consider for a second these things.


1) the £328 cost of an adult season ticket is needed to sustain professional football in Oldham.


2) the £10 (formerly £50) child season ticket price is a massive and generous discount on the going rate.


3) the admission price for a 12-15 year old is £10 a game. £230 if you pay on the day each game.


4) the intermediary price of £183 a season is LESS than the pay on the day price.


All those who are arguing that the step from child season ticket to intermediary season ticket is a big one are right. But by making their complaint their argument is that Latics should have been charging 12-15 year olds more in the first place.


Celebrate the discounts you've previously enjoyed. Don't bemoan moving into the real world and paying real prices.

Football costs money. The £10 season ticket offer needs to bring more adults into the ground to be a success in the short term. While I understand the suggestion that kids' prices could be extended to 16 and 17 year olds the line has to be drawn somewhere. You guys like to be treated as adults. The current pricing supports your step in to adulthood.

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Just one point, I think this should be done by school year rather than calender year meaning a cut off of something like 31st July 2013. You'd be pretty gutted if your mates from school all got in for a tenner for the season and you had to pay £180 just because you were born slightly earlier. In essence you're all in the same financial situation and surely that's how this should be viewed.

I agree with this. A lot of people that age will be going with their mates from school and you can't blame the ones paying intermediate price from being put off. Other than that I think it is a case of taking it on the chin, it's like ticket allocation for big games, there are a thousand and one arguments and counterarguments as to who deserves special treatment and no system will ever meet all of them. Things in life cost money. For every 17 year old whose dad or whoever buys them their ST and every affluent pensioner there will be people in their 30s or 40s having hard times paying the bills. The club can't do something for everyone and I'm very glad they are trying something for the next generation.

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