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Relieved to see that at least some are embarrassed at what may unfold:




[Warning Edit: Contains language that probably wouldn't be tolerated on here but probably backs up their strength of opinion on this one.]


[Further warning: Site also contains general thoughts of Yorkshiremen ;) ]



any one following the case knows he isnt the typical rapist anyway


:censored:ing hell. :petesake:

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If he has it overturned on appeal Sheff U will say they are justified.


Well they are not - as it stands he is a guilty man and out of respect for the girl in question this is a bad move. I personally see tere being nothing wrong with them saying "we will support you - pending the appeal".


Doing this though is bang out of order and in bad taste.

Edited by pukka
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For me I'm glad he went down, let's be honest five/ten years ago this would never have made it to court. He may not have followed her and attacked her, but he did rape her. I don't think he went out to rape her, but it is pretty scummy behaviour to have sex with a girl who clearly wasn't in a fit state. I can see his sentence being reduced and he does have a right to appeal, but this case has shown triblism at it's best/worst. Here is a guy who took advantage of a poor girl, while in a long term realtionship at the very least, yet some make out he was a normal guy who shagged a drunk girl.


Now some have jumped to his defence, which is fair enough if they had 100% of the evidene were they every day in court or had been there. Others act like he killed the girl, at the most he is rapist at the very least he is the kind of scum fathers warn their girls about. I'm not going to judge the sentencing has I only know a small amount, but I do feel football fans have acted shamlessly.

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I'm a bit baffled as to how MacDonald hasn't been sent down too? Surely there both as guilty?


She offered to go back to his hotel room, thus consenting. Evans joined later after McDonald had done the deed, it was also Evans who had a mate and his brother secreatly film the whole thing (also ilegal).

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We should never have signed Hughes. However to make light of the McCormick situation is sickening. The bastard shouldn't be allowed out of prison let alone allowed to play professional football again. I hope someone breaks both his arms and all his fingers before he's released so his life is ruined as much as the family whose children were killed as as direct result of his actions.

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She offered to go back to his hotel room, thus consenting. Evans joined later after McDonald had done the deed, it was also Evans who had a mate and his brother secretly film the whole thing (also illegal).


Well, at least he already knows how to slop out.

Edited by OldhamSheridan
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We should never have signed Hughes. However to make light of the McCormick situation is sickening. The bastard shouldn't be allowed out of prison let alone allowed to play professional football again. I hope someone breaks both his arms and all his fingers before he's released so his life is ruined as much as the family whose children were killed as as direct result of his actions.


This one really does hark back to the Lee Hughes situation. Except he is a bit better as he didn't leg it off afterwards.


Obviously, no one is in favour of what he did, I expect the least so himself. But there needs to become a point where the punishment fits the crime (not the victims). For me, a bunch of years for a largely involuntary act isn't out of order - and I wouldn't put him up there with the Ched Evans' of this world.

Edited by OldhamSheridan
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