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Temporary Stand Anyone?

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It would enhance the look of BP exponentially clearly from the pictures you've created but I'd love terracing to be put there. It may have been discussed before and I'm sure it would give a far better atmosphere, might drag some fans back (possibly clutching on straws) and as always cost comes into the equation; it would be a far cheaper alternative. Although almost anything filling that space would make BP look better.

Edited by NewBlue
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It would enhance the look of BP exponentially clearly from the pictures you've created but I'd love terracing to be put there. It may have been discussed before and I'm sure it would give a far better atmosphere, might drag some fans back (possibly clutching on straws) and as always cost comes into the equation; it would be a far cheaper alternative.


We're not allowed terracing though, football league rules about all-seaters not being allowed to go back to part-standing, unfortunately!

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It does feel as though BP is less intimidating these days and that home form isn't what it was when we had four stands. But I might be misty eyed about the atmosphere created and the helpful hints directed at opposition players nearest the stand. Perhaps some statto could compare home form for before and after stand pulled down.

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It does feel as though BP is less intimidating these days and that home form isn't what it was when we had four stands. But I might be misty eyed about the atmosphere created and the helpful hints directed at opposition players nearest the stand. Perhaps some statto could compare home form for before and after stand pulled down.


Not got the stats but:


Before ..... Okay, quite good at times


Since .... Really :censored:e

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It looks a lot better, and certainly would give more of a 'football ground' feel to BP again. Though I get the feeling were it to be done, that we would not recuperate the cost - and the 'temporary' stand would end up being in place for about 5 seasons whilst no other progress was being made! I agree though, we could do with hearing something soon just to give the place a bit of optimism!

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That sounds like borrowing some seats for one game. A bit like the temporary structures that appear for major golf events.


Slightly different to the Blackpool structure which could easily last a decade.

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