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Robbie Simpson and Alex Cisak!

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Been told tonight that Charlton are gonna sign Cisak in the summer ahead of their season in The Championship.


Before anyone asks my 'source' : whilst not disclosing names, it is a midfielder who currently plays for Charlton and used to play for us!


Another thing : how pissed off must Simmo be here? As many of you know, I was far from impressed when we signed him back in September, but he made me look a right mug by being our best player for three months whilst playing behind the front man. So, when he signs permanently, why does PD play him out wide where, to be frank, he is :censored:. He's not a winger. He's not even a wide midfielder. Get him back where he belongs!

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Been told tonight that Charlton are gonna sign Cisak in the summer ahead of their season in The Championship.


Before anyone asks my 'source' : whilst not disclosing names, it is a midfielder who currently plays for Charlton and used to play for us!


Another thing : how pissed off must Simmo be here? As many of you know, I was far from impressed when we signed him back in September, but he made me look a right mug by being our best player for three months whilst playing behind the front man. So, when he signs permanently, why does PD play him out wide where, to be frank, he is :censored:. He's not a winger. He's not even a wide midfielder. Get him back where he belongs!

Been told tonight that Charlton are gonna sign Cisak in the summer ahead of their season in The Championship.


Before anyone asks my 'source' : whilst not disclosing names, it is a midfielder who currently plays for Charlton and used to play for us!


Another thing : how pissed off must Simmo be here? As many of you know, I was far from impressed when we signed him back in September, but he made me look a right mug by being our best player for three months whilst playing behind the front man. So, when he signs permanently, why does PD play him out wide where, to be frank, he is :censored:. He's not a winger. He's not even a wide midfielder. Get him back where he belongs!



Can we get a fee for Cisak?

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Been told tonight that Charlton are gonna sign Cisak in the summer ahead of their season in The Championship.


Before anyone asks my 'source' : whilst not disclosing names, it is a midfielder who currently plays for Charlton and used to play for us!


Another thing : how pissed off must Simmo be here? As many of you know, I was far from impressed when we signed him back in September, but he made me look a right mug by being our best player for three months whilst playing behind the front man. So, when he signs permanently, why does PD play him out wide where, to be frank, he is :censored:. He's not a winger. He's not even a wide midfielder. Get him back where he belongs!


Simpson has done enough to get a move back into the Championship in the Summer, he probably has a club lined up. I did hear a rumour that he was off over to South Yorkshire.

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Can we get a fee for Cisak?

Yes, he's under contract for another season. And given that we paid a fee for him ourselves I would expect to hold out for a fair whack - if he does go for a decent fee, then it's a good bit of business for the club. Perhaps learning from the mistakes we made in not letting Taylor leave when we had the chance to take the money and run (that is, if he leaves on a free as expected). I think Bouzanis is a decent keeper for this level whom we can work with, as such that will allow us to put the money into other parts of the squad. Will be sad to see Cisak go, but could be good business.


As for Simpson, quite correct - he should be playing up front. If we keep Simpson, I'd be more than happy to see Kuqi leave.

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I'd be sad to see Cisak go, but Bouzanis is a decent replacement (if not yet quite as good). But we need even more to strengthen the defence if Cisak goes.


I'd actually like to see us return Bunn and Tounkara and get a bit experimental for the remaining games. Put Simpson in his preferred position (get on his good side), and go a bit crazy with the team.

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Keeping Simpson is crucial for next season. He knows the team, the set up and is influential when the club plays well.


Him along with Furman and Wes will give us the consistency in the middle, pulling the strings and moving us onwards and upwards. We can easily replace the striking options we have fire someone more prolific (it won't be hard) but failing to keep these three will set us back having to rebuild the midfield.

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Keeping Simpson is crucial for next season. He knows the team, the set up and is influential when the club plays well.


Him along with Furman and Wes will give us the consistency in the middle, pulling the strings and moving us onwards and upwards. We can easily replace the striking options we have fire someone more prolific (it won't be hard) but failing to keep these three will set us back having to rebuild the midfield.

I agree, although I would argue this - If we do keep Simpson, I think we can all agree that it is essential he plays in his best position, behind the front man. But if this team is likely to be built around him, does his lack of effectiveness in other - perhaps more conventional - positions not limit our options? Does it not ensure that we must stick to a system with a player off the front man which, in honesty hasn't worked wonderfully with Kuqi up top. It does look as though Kuqi will be staying too, according to the local papers. I think if Simpson is to stay we need (at whatever cost) a striker that will also fit the system perfectly - complimenting Simpson and not running about like a headless chicken for 70 minutes. I think for that to happen Kuqi needs to leave. Who that striker may be, within our grasp? I don't know.

Edited by Microcuts
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If Kuqi stayed in the 6 yard box, held the ball up and brought others into play then he could be on the end of chances. Thay way then he conserves his energy, would probably surpass the 20 league goals and be an even greater asset to the team.


However playing in midfield, defence, trying to set up chances whilst being on the end of them too has led to us struggling. You have to commend him trying to do everything but he ain't Rooney nor got the legs or engine to do this.


He shouldn't leave the 18 yard box let alone their half and hold up the ball and bring others into play in and around the penalty area.


If he could stick to that next season then superb and I'd emphasise this instruction by paying him a very basic basic and a hefty goal bonus.

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Why hasn't Dickov emphasised to Kuqi the importance of him staying in the box. Why hasn't he told him that if he doesn't spend enough time in the box then he will not start him in the next game.

Having Kuqi in a predatory role is the best way to utilise Simpson. Threading the passes between defenders and defenders being drawn away from Simpson by being occupied with Kuqi as he's a unit allowing Simpson to have time on the ball and use his ability to the maximum.

If Kuqi leaves next season then it's crucial for Dickov to sign a poacher/box dweller so that Simpson can fulfill his potential and be a player to base an attacking line up around.

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Why hasn't Dickov emphasised to Kuqi the importance of him staying in the box. Why hasn't he told him that if he doesn't spend enough time in the box then he will not start him in the next game.

Having Kuqi in a predatory role is the best way to utilise Simpson. Threading the passes between defenders and defenders being drawn away from Simpson by being occupied with Kuqi as he's a unit allowing Simpson to have time on the ball and use his ability to the maximum.

If Kuqi leaves next season then it's crucial for Dickov to sign a poacher/box dweller so that Simpson can fulfill his potential and be a player to base an attacking line up around.

Exactly this, Kuqi's goals all came from being in the box for crosses, through balls and rebounds. Playing as a striker, we have missed that dearly.

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Don't Charlton have that Ben Hamer who is highly rated by them, I would want a fair wack seeing as they can afford it. I think we should be looking for about £250,000-£500,000, if they feel he is good for the Championship we should charge Championship prices.

Cisak's a quality keeper for his age. He's a reliable keeper who could within a couple of seasons, be at a high championship club/low prem club. If he is to leave, then the club should definitely be looking to sell at a figure closer to £500,000 thaan £250,000.

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Charlton's keeper, Hamer has just been named in the League 1 side of the year.


In terms of Cisak's value, I'd be surprised if we were able to get anything towards £100k for him. More likely around £70k


I rate him and think he's the best we've had in a long time but that doesn't say a lot. He's also only got 12 months on his contract. Clubs know that he'll be on a free in 12 months which strengthens their negotiating position somewhat.

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Charlton's keeper, Hamer has just been named in the League 1 side of the year.


In terms of Cisak's value, I'd be surprised if we were able to get anything towards £100k for him. More likely around £70k


I rate him and think he's the best we've had in a long time but that doesn't say a lot. He's also only got 12 months on his contract. Clubs know that he'll be on a free in 12 months which strengthens their negotiating position somewhat.

He's better than most of the keepers I've seen in this league.

Also I wouldn't be surprised if we have an option of an extra 12 months on his contract, since we've put alot of this into contracts in recent seasons.

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got some reservations.supported latics actively for 52 yrs.been round the block and got the t-shirt.simpson will be offered a contract.however he and other players with contract offers should be given a deadline.if not signed at that deadline,take the decision from them and move on.if players want to play the field at latics expense let them get on with it.i would love simpson to stay but i dont worry about it.history will look after itself.

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That's the mistake we made last summer, we were waiting to hear from players and started the season with an inadequate squad with no midfield. I don't think we can afford to do that next season. What's the point of pre-season if you are not signing players (Lund, Kuqi, Wes, Adeyemi, Simpson) up til and including the first week in September? Pre-season goes out of the window as you're having to accommodate several players into your line-up. It can also knock players' noses out of joint that have done well in pre-season.

Edited by oafcprozac
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Cisak's a quality keeper for his age. He's a reliable keeper who could within a couple of seasons, be at a high championship club/low prem club. If he is to leave, then the club should definitely be looking to sell at a figure closer to £500,000 thaan £250,000.


I wish Charlton would :censored: off!






I reckon Donny will be sniffing round a few, and that's where Taylor will end up I reckon….

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I wish Charlton would :censored: off!






I reckon Donny will be sniffing round a few, and that's where Taylor will end up I reckon….


Could be influenced by whether Donny still have the arrangement in place whereby they are a shop window for "stars" on short term contracts.

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