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Good solid midfielder with an engine, not pretty to watch but effective and breaks play up.


Were did he come from?


Agree - he played one or two sublime passes yesterday and is definitely one to keep for next season. Not sure where he came from - was he unattached?

Edited by TheBigDog
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Agree - he played one or two sublime passes yesterday and is definitely one to keep for next season. Not sure where he came form - was he unattached?


One tackle he made was worth the 20 quid to watch the game.


Shows there are plenty of players out there who are gonna be scratching for a club. Its about time clubs had more power than the players, one year deals all the way,

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Echoes my other message. We have some quality in the middle; retaining them is crucial as is getting them playing consistently and avoiding injuries. We then have the core to then bolt on the strikers, full backs etc


My ideal midfield would be Wes and N'Changama sitting in front of the back four, breaking up

opposition play, holding the ball and the bringing the ball into the opposition half to play short and effective passes to the bank of attacking midfielders and strikers.


In front of Wes and M'Changama, I would have Furman, Simpson and then ANOther - be it a newbie, Marsh-Brown, Morais or even Taylor.


Stuff this long ball! We have the players NOW to keep it on the floor, build up the play, bring others into key areas BUT need a pacey striker to get us pens, freekicks or even - dare I say it - convert the chances! The other striker is a goal hanger who doesn't come out the six-yard box apart from playing onside. With that midfield and style of play, they'll be chances aplenty - anchor someone in the box to direct the ball goalward and I don't care if it goes in off the left, right, head or even arse!

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....before anyone questions I meant two different strikers to adjust our play dependent upon the opposition. We can play the two together upfront if we then drop a midfielder but I think we'd play better with my five-man midfield and Simpson supporting the striker.


We don't need width unless we bring our fullbacks into play.


What I'm saying is that we ALREADY have the players but the method of play just isn't right.


We're not Barcelona obviously but our formation and play could mirror their approach and be effective at this level.

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Thing is Crusoe we can secure on loan or wheel and deal. PD just needs to follow his plan and focus on key areas.


Lee at RB we have. LB is a concern but I'd try and get Sheehan back if Notts County mess up on play offs.

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I have to say that, in a similar vein to the thread phillllliggggiiii has started about Lee going into midfielder and playing a narrow 3 across the middle......even at our level; we'd get torn a new one more often than not.

All an opposition scout would need to say to their employers would be to play 4 across midfield, and push the fullbacks more advanced. They would have a man over on each side by doing that. If 2 of our 3 in the middle go with the fullbacks, it leaves us 2 on 1 in the middle of the pitch. We'd be butt-fecked right to the bottom of the division in no time.


Leicester, Norwich and now Charlton have shown how to get out of this league. 4-4-2, with solid units of decent players; playing to solid tactics where every player knows there job. Add in striker who stays in the box (Fryatt, Holt & BWP) and there you go.


Some sort of fluid 4-2-3-1 or a 3-5-1-1 or however you flower it up works for Barcelona as they have the highest quality of players. We don't & won't.

We'd be taken apart.

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He created the chance Simpson wasted in the first half.


He made the run that would have led to a goal had Kuqi managed to get the pass away.


He mixed it in the middle with a very physical Preston team.


Very impressed. Only Morais played as well yesterday.

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He has so much promise and a very raw ability, he's made some excellent passes and creating quite a few chances in his short stint here but I'd still like him to take another touch and have some more composure on the ball. His wayward pass yesterday into empty space is a perfect example of a "if only he took a touch and lifted his head" moment. Over the summer it should be ingrained into him that he has time, obviously not to the level of being complacent, but when he starts to lift his head up he has plenty of ability and will be a great assest for next season. Hope he stays.

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He has so much promise and a very raw ability, he's made some excellent passes and creating quite a few chances in his short stint here but I'd still like him to take another touch and have some more composure on the ball. His wayward pass yesterday into empty space is a perfect example of a "if only he took a touch and lifted his head" moment. Over the summer it should be ingrained into him that he has time, obviously not to the level of being complacent, but when he starts to lift his head up he has plenty of ability and will be a great assest for next season. Hope he stays.

One of his wayward passes, he shouldn't of needed to look up. It went to around where the left winger should be, but instead the left winger was running across into a block of players nearer the right wing instead of being out wide in the acres of space that was there.

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