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Happy Anniversary

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Great times not least the crowd and the atmosphere. Will we ever see the like again at Boundary Park?


We live in hope......you have to have a dream that we can do it again in the future.

Just look at Blackpool for inspiration, OK they've had a few bob behind them but not a silly amount by any means.


It is possible.........just get a decent team together and keep them together( easier said than done ) and you have half a chance.


The season ticket sales have been a real surprise and we should at least match last year's total................only last week on here everything was doom and gloom.


It doesn't really matter how bad we were last season, tomorrow is another day. I can feel the excitement for next season building already ( Get the straight jacket out!!!!)

Edited by oafc1955
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Can hardly believe it was 21 years ago!


I was living and working in London at the time and managed to get a ticket for the match from OASIS. Stood in the roofless Chaddy End, and almost hugged a complete stranger after I fell off the step when the penalty went in. That's the only time I went on to the pitch at the end of a season as well. I'm sure I also floated up Sheepfoot Lane on the way home.


Halcyon days.



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