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Anyone on here travelling to Ukraine?

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If so, word of warning, just watched a sky sports news special report on the ukrainian hooligans, they are absolutely nuts and they can't wait to have a go at the english. The Shaktar Donesk hooligans focussed on are neo-nazi and one was secretly filmed doing a nazi salute. Sky sports filmed a fight between donesk and dinamo kiev, some of it was to violent to show at 10 at night! If anyone on here is going, these hooligans are targeting every England fan, and also this proves how racist they are, tbey advised any black or asian england fans to 'stay at home'

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Whilst I am in no doubt that anyone looking for trouble will find it in Eastern Europe, it was typical tabloid television. The 'group' featured was only of 6 or 7 lads, who all got twatted by a bigger firm in the middle of nowhere.


They were a bunch of 19/20 year old kids, born in a country that is still 30 years behind Western Europe in its ideologies. The Ukraine's interpretation of open and free elections remains interesting to say the least, after the Yushchenko debacle mid last decade we now have a prominent female opposition member locked up and brutalised. The infrastructure is going to be found wanting during these Championships and profiteering whilst not uncommon during a major sporting event has put many supporters off from travelling. Roads and railways are still being constructed less than a month away from kick off.


The main issue for me is the knuckle dragging racism that is prevalent in Eastern Europe, the foreign office are advising black and asian fans to think twice about travelling. The towns and cities should be ok but take a wrong turn and there could be fun and games. MY biggest worry is the Ukrainians are in denial about their own hooligans and preparing for an invasion of English knuckle draggers, it simply is not going to happen. The lads travelling out there are going for the football and the culture, nothing else. They'd be stupid to provoke the locals.


The whole tournament could be a massive embarrassment for UEFA, they will be hoping in a way that the English do kick off so they can deflect blame and criticism for a Euro Finals that imho will not be a memorable one, on or off the field.

Edited by oafcprozac
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I'm not going unless we go all the why but I know plenty that are.


I'd take last night's "special report" with a pinch of salt or two.


There are scaremongering programmes like this before every tournament. The guys on the programme knew they were talking to English press and knew what story they were looking for. I would guess that they did alright out of it and gave them what they were looking for.


I went out to Dnipro a couple of years back when we played Ukraine in the qualifies for SA. It wasn't the friendliest place I've ever been but it wasn't the most intimidating either.


If you are going out there have a great time. Yes, watch yourself and don't take the piss but if you are sensible I'm sure it'll be a fantastic experience.

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Been all over europe watching england and seen some very disturbing scenes, the tabloids love a story n thats all that was.....pathetic attempt at trying to make some news before the event because wen it all starts the media circus surrounding england football fans will begin.....btw the england hardcore will not worry bout the kids on that documentry

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I wouldn't think it would be much different from a lot of world travelling, there are always people looking to have one over on you, and certainly there they will include the police if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most problems can be avoided by not seeking to draw attention to yourself, avoiding groups that look like they will be in bother (deserved or not makes no difference) and being cautious about the places you wind up in :censored:faced. The taxi drivers will still find a way to rob you anyway.

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If so, word of warning, just watched a sky sports news special report on the ukrainian hooligans, they are absolutely nuts and they can't wait to have a go at the english. The Shaktar Donesk hooligans focussed on are neo-nazi and one was secretly filmed doing a nazi salute. Sky sports filmed a fight between donesk and dinamo kiev, some of it was to violent to show at 10 at night! If anyone on here is going, these hooligans are targeting every England fan, and also this proves how racist they are, tbey advised any black or asian england fans to 'stay at home'

It's scare-mongering of the highest order.

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It's scare-mongering of the highest order.


Its not just whats being reported its who's reporting it


You have to remember Sky don't have coverage to the tournament so in there eyes it be a poor tournament and they will be trying to knock it as much as they can. Just in the same way that they have had a lot of reports in the last few months saying how much the London Olympics is costing the British tax payer, and that football didn't exist before 1992 and what football did exist was in fact sh!t. Its also why they are now have a dedicated F1 channel where as 12 months ago their reporting consisted of a 20 second slot saying that Jenson Hamilton won a race somewhere.

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The only people that travel to fight at International games are England fans.


The locals might throw their weight around a little but it is purely sensationalised nonsense.


If you sat with a group of 20 year old lads in the pub in Oldham you would get the same footage.


Those lads were talking about a result in a game against Fulham!


Don't be scared.


What you think about you bring about.

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