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Football Hooliganism

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Wel looks to me like the bolshevik broadcasting coperation (BBC) blew things way out of proportion.

Politics dear friends politics.And li

ke the suckers they are (inc Sol campbell) the btitish public thought there would be dead bodies in poland.In truth,as expected,there has been very little trouble at all and most fans who have travelled have commented on the great hospitality afforded by the locals in Polans and ukraine.


So,EPIC fail from the BBC and all those complaining about poland ukraine hosting the comp.


Didn't they find a dead body of an Irish fan in a river?

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LOL dont mention that to the bolshevik broadcasting coperation that will not suit their agenda.

Only trouble for tournament was when redragtags attempted a show of strength in warsaw but they were disbursed sucsessfully. :)


You've made that hilarious joke already.


You may be missing the point of the documentaries and the message sent out afterwards - these things were evidently happening and many, including myself, were outraged that the Polish and Ukrainian FAs were given the honour of hosting the tournament when they can't get the issue under control. This was regardless of any possible incidents at the championships.

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Guest Scratch2000uk

Although i agree there were some valid reasoning behind the program, i also think it exaggerated, sensationalised and mislead the public into thinking that antisemitism/ racism in both counties were rife.

Of course Ukraine, and to a lesser extent Poland have their problems, But, it's not to just those countries. :mmm:

Looking ahead to the footballing showcase in 2018, Russia's racism problems and Qatar's human rights abuses, are quite well known, Yet, they will be co-hosting the world cup. :dntknw:


Cue another BBC panorama program. :naughty:

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200+ arrests and racist abuse from polish, croatian and italian fans.

Essentially, he's doing what he accuses the 'Bolshevik Broadcasting Company' (that's hilarious, by the way) of doing, but in reverse. Burying his head in the sand.


Although the Panorama episode maybe did exaggerate things a bit, I think it underlined the ridiculousness of UEFA's decision to give a major tournament to two countries that still have such major issues with racism and hooliganism in 2012. It sets no precedent for them to sort out their social problems whatsoever.

Edited by JonesyOAFC
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Guest Scratch2000uk

No they won't :tongue1:


Hahaha my research eh!!!.... Ok, not co-hosting but still both countries awarded the games 2018-2022

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