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Finance in football

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So we have sheffield at home in the capital cup. great, a chance to pit witts with higher league opposition.a decent crowd and a good atmosphere hopefully, along with the chance of an upset. a welcome return of an ex latic to boot. is this what we are talking about? no. we are talking about how much money the game will generate us, and how lucky we are financially to get such a big game.


since when did football become so money orientated? everyone does it, us and opposing teams, but its a sad state of affairs. somehow cant see my grandad sat around a table in a pub in the 40's and 50's discussing Latics bank balance. its wrong.


we wouldnt log onto forums to discuss our own bank balances, yet we find latics' so interesting. sooner football gets back to a bygone age the better.


not a dig at anyone in particular, just a rant. rant over!

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I see where you are coming from phil


As a gooner it pisses me off that as the board tell us as fans finishing 4th is an acheivement fans and the media have started to belive it when in reality its a massive disappointment and underacheivement


Unfortunatley however this is what it has become and wont ever change now, as one of the fans who mentioned the money im as guilty as the next but without cash their is no club, football went mad for so long and now is feeling it lower down the chain and being hit hard for spending ridicouls money on players wages more than any of the average earner in the world which is why top class footballers have fell out of reality and touch with real life


Would i change football however... Not really!

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money talks im afraid , it would be great to be able to just get a cup tie and not worry about the income but it isnt possible in the current climate.Every penny counts at the moment and a game against a newly promoted team who get 30,000 each game just 50 miles away is a big thing for a club in our position

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So we have sheffield at home in the capital cup. great, a chance to pit witts with higher league opposition.a decent crowd and a good atmosphere hopefully, along with the chance of an upset. a welcome return of an ex latic to boot. is this what we are talking about? no. we are talking about how much money the game will generate us, and how lucky we are financially to get such a big game.


since when did football become so money orientated? everyone does it, us and opposing teams, but its a sad state of affairs. somehow cant see my grandad sat around a table in a pub in the 40's and 50's discussing Latics bank balance. its wrong.


we wouldnt log onto forums to discuss our own bank balances, yet we find latics' so interesting. sooner football gets back to a bygone age the better.


not a dig at anyone in particular, just a rant. rant over!


That's the problem with the game nowdays - money , or at our level the lack of.

Back in the old days as you say the money in football was far more spread around.

Gate money was split ,sensible wages paid , transfer fees negotiated for players as they moved from lower league to higher, in the not too distant past players like Lee and Taylor would have generated between 1/2 - £1 Mill for Latics . Now we get nowt.


It all started years ago when Man U pushed through a motion that home clubs keep their gate receipts. All one way traffic from then which has esculated the finance gap since the arrival of the premier league and the events of the Bosman ruling.


Only last week i was reading that Michael Owen said he would rather retire than drop down a league. In the past all these older players dropped down to lower league to finish their careers. They were a great atraction at our level and added 000s to the gates.

I remember Fulham coming to BP with players like , Best , Marsh and Bobby Moore. World class players in their day yet today even extremely average players wont drop down. They are too rich and have no love for the game unfortunately.


Thats why i fear for lower league clubs future , how can Latics survive without the arab rich oil baron riding over the horizon or me winning the Euro lottery ?????????????

Edited by losesome
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all reflected in the attitudes towards the two cups. The FA cup final used to be a great day/climax to the season. It waswell worth winning, as wasthe League Cup. Now they take a back seat to the Premier League. This year's cup final wasagain psuhed to a 5 o clock kick off after League one and two games and before the end of th season. All very flat. Why? Premier League, finishing top four, takes priority. Why? Money. Finishing fourth (third this time) is more important than cup glory. Sad and ridiculous. Getting into the Europa Cup is seen asa hindrance. Getting into the Champions League is more important than winning a cup because of the money. Not the glory, the money. Football was the opium of the people. now football finances are the obssession of the fans.


and that's why i prefer supporting Oldham.


another rant over.

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We can sit there and go all misty eyed about the past all we want but its not coming back we have to move with the times which is something that our club and Oldham as a town have failed to do.


This is the world we live in we have to deal with it.

Edited by GlossopLatic
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Its about time football league clubs stopped winging about the premiership having allot of money accepted their lot and tried to do work with what we've got. For example we could sit here winging about City's new found success all we want or we could look at it like this, it will now be harder and harder for young players particularly local ones to break through into their teams so we should be trying to pick them up this is the area where we have always had most success whether its the likes of Warhurst, Barrett, Palmer, Irwin, or in more recent times the likes of Kieran Lee, Furman, Jean Mvoto. Young hungry players who are wanting a second crack at making a career in football. If I was Paul Dickov this would be my is the first point of call go through the released lists of the big Northern clubs and try and find that diamond in the rough who is just itching for a second chance. We're like that small independent record company who takes on those cult bands who the big record companies don't touch.


On top of that we need to promote ourselves as the community club as an alternative, who's players are ordinary guys and not the out of touch multi-millionaire prima donnas that play for the premier league. Corney has said that he hopes to make some progress on the new stand lets hope this is good news soon we don't need a massive stadium just one with good facilities which makes money more than once every other Saturday is the hub of the local community and importantly for us fans feels like home.


Lets look at the battles we can win use our resources wisely and not sit their crying about the premier league because they've got more money than us and its not fair.

Edited by GlossopLatic
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The problem is fans no longer see their strength. In days gone by a club - any club of any sort - had a committee (our club officials, for example) and if something happened the fans - those a part of the club - acted.


We fans love to moan about this, moan about that, but when the real time to act occurs, such as Latics being bought by a foreign owner with absolutely no interest in football, but money-making buisness, would you act? Would you denounce the money and turn your backs? I'd wager less than 1% would. There are countless examples.


The Gooner/Latics at the top of this thread (which is an issue in itself) - did you see the Arsenal fans celebrating at West Brom? For finishing third. The Champions League has ripped the heart out of football. But I bet we all tune in every Tuesday and Wednesday night.


Until the fans turn the back on the structure of football it will never change. A few may say that the fans are worth little these days, but there are only 4 or 5 clubs that would survive without its local support. We can see them through the glass ceiling above us.

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I don't because I'm lazy.


If Oldham were to go on a ridiculous run of form and establish themselves as a comfortable Premier League side in the next 5 years, how many people would desert the club as a matter of principle?


Answer: None. Nil. Zero. Zilch. Zip.

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I don't because I'm lazy.


If Oldham were to go on a ridiculous run of form and establish themselves as a comfortable Premier League side in the next 5 years, how many people would desert the club as a matter of principle?


Answer: None. Nil. Zero. Zilch. Zip.


Of course, there are ways and means. Blackpool, a year after being relegated from the EPL, turned an extraordinary profit in the region of £25m. Burnley, however, lost money.


The role of a well-structured wage cap cannot be overstated. Hasn't Corney put in place something that resembles a wage cap?

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The Champions League has ripped the heart out of football. But I bet we all tune in every Tuesday and Wednesday night


you mean people actualy watch it ?


trying to remember the last champions league game i actualy bothered to watch possibley was the dirty leeds - rangers replay

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Wait, what? Why?


I'm not passing judgement on a football supporter on a forum because I don't know the person's circumstances, but the reason why there is so much money at the very top of the EPL (and in UEFA's CL) is because it is popular.


It's like seeing a Chelsea fan in the Tesco in Westwood. There are Manchester United fans in every pocket of every town all over the country, funding the club.


I just don't agree with following two clubs, particularly ones which haven't a clue what their supporters are about. Arsenal have a positive image, rightly so in some respects, but they sell their tickets at a scandalous rate. The majority of clubs do, but Arsenal are at the very top of the pile.

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I'm not passing judgement on a football supporter on a forum because I don't know the person's circumstances, but the reason why there is so much money at the very top of the EPL (and in UEFA's CL) is because it is popular.


It's like seeing a Chelsea fan in the Tesco in Westwood. There are Manchester United fans in every pocket of every town all over the country, funding the club.


I just don't agree with following two clubs, particularly ones which haven't a clue what their supporters are about. Arsenal have a positive image, rightly so in some respects, but they sell their tickets at a scandalous rate. The majority of clubs do, but Arsenal are at the very top of the pile.

I think the fan in question is a gooner first and Latics fan second - I'm quite happy he spends some of his money at the club.

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