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OWTB Reputation System

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I think I accidentally downboated you trying to see who had already downboated you.


I hope you can cope with the inevitable feeling of sadness this careless act will bring.


I'm not sure, I find this all terribly personal.

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After a bit of fannying around, I'm happy to announce the upboat/downboat rep system has returned to the forum. It's quite easy to spot...


Down with self-upboaters.


Is it possible on mobile? I cant see how you'd do it?

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After a bit of fannying around, I'm happy to announce the upboat/downboat rep system has returned to the forum. It's quite easy to spot...


Down with self-upboaters.

Aw - I quite liked the "Like it" option..............it was like a nice internet forum hug whenever you recieved a 'like', & you got to see who from - it just won't be the same....




I'll get over it mind


oop - there we go - over it.

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On my mobile so can't see how it's done.. You mean people 'liking' their own posts??


Offenders should be named and shamed


Who? Like Bob?


EDITZ - Boner. I'm catching some heat in this thread.

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New you ahve sorted the REp system Rummy, and good on you for that, can you sort the cookies, so that we can block third party ie google!

It was bad enough with Asian , girls, sunk really low with Man Utd season tickets, but now Bastard Rovers season tickets.

REally, that is too far now! I am on a company laptop and PC you know!!!!

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