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The promised ST perk

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Why should there be one?? ST holders get in for a vastly reduced sum per game and have a guaranteed seat. They also get first dibs on cup game tickets. That's the perk. That's the whole reason behind getting one.



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Why should there be one?? ST holders get in for a vastly reduced sum per game and have a guaranteed seat. They also get first dibs on cup game tickets. That's the perk. That's the whole reason behind getting one.




I didn't say we deserved one. It's what was promised that's all. Even though I miss more games per season thus making it silly really financially to keep renewing, I do. So it's not a money bashing thread...... can you go with that flow?

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I didn't say we deserved one. It's what was promised that's all. Even though I miss more games per season thus making it silly really financially to keep renewing, I do. So it's not a money bashing thread...... can you go with that flow?

I wasn't accusing you of doing. It just seemed an appropriate thread for me vent over the constant whining a lot of ST holders come out with.


I'm totally down with that flow.....

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I hope there isn't anything else offered (I presumed the discounted Dale & Bury tickets were the trade-off from the Golden Tickets). If there was, I'd feel that the club had misinterpreted the reason why I choose to buy season tickets, subscribe to club draws, etc namely to support the clubs efforts to keep providing local football by putting in a bit of cash in return for an occasional half decent Saturday afternoon.

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When it arrives, what do the members reckon it will be?


EDIT: The one promised to kinda even up the discounts offered.


Craig, with a ST, you get discount in the club shop, opportunity to bring a mate on a cheap ticket, the chance to take in another local game next season and first dibs on any tickets for big games that we may have.


What more do you want?


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Craig, with a ST, you get discount in the club shop, opportunity to bring a mate on a cheap ticket, the chance to take in another local game next season and first dibs on any tickets for big games that we may have.


What more do you want?

If you look up you'll see why he made the thread.


I was in fact offered some money back off SC. I didn't accept.

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Craig, with a ST, you get discount in the club shop, opportunity to bring a mate on a cheap ticket, the chance to take in another local game next season and first dibs on any tickets for big games that we may have.


What more do you want?


A winning team and promotion would be nice

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From the ST thread:


if you start this thread thinking that ST means sanitary towel then it makes an amusing read (though a little disturbing in placees).



just saying......

Even funnier on this thread....can you go with that flow?

Edited by rosa
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