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Beneficial to train in HEAT?

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It's been claimed that training in the Portuguese heat will benefit the players when they return.


Can't see it myself. Looking at it from a layman's point of view it seems to me that they will do less muscular activity before they get knackered than they would in a cooler Oldham, so their muscles will not get stronger, unless of course they have an air-conditioned gym to work out in. All they are doing is becoming more able to cope with exerting themselves in a hot climate which is useless.


Wouldn't a week away at a UK training facility would have been much more beneficial.

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I have wondered this myself actually. I don't think it's really about muscle strength as such.. more muscle endurance. I.e. continuing through fatigue which sets in quicker in the heat. When back home, fatigue wont set in as quickly and when it does they should be more adept at playing through it.


I don't know though, best to ask a physio/sports scientist I guess!

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Although it's beneficial to push the body in different circumstances to focus on particular weaknesses against the conditions. I guess the reason they do hot weather at this time though is to reduce the chance of strains and pulls from slightly under-trained muscles in the cold and wet, and a fair chance of doing some ball work on a decent surface

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And the ability to do some team bonding away from prying eyes / temptation. It's a few days - how much the climate is similar to here is probably irrelevant.


They could probably have gone away for bonding and training somewhere in the UK but I would guess that Portugal was a cheaper option.

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Depends on the level of heat really. I know the GB Hockey teams trained in a heated chamber prior to a big tourney in Argentina (where temperatures were similar to what they were in Portugal over the last week), but that was an acclimatisation issue.

Essentially training in the warm ought to limit the number of muscle strains and tears, but conversely it will increase the risk of cramp (which is less serious).

Having done a quick google search there is some benefit, training at 50% intensity in hot conditions is more beneficial than training at 50% intensity in cold conditions. The mental health benefits of training in the warm compared to the cold and wet would probably be noticeable.

There's the banter element which seems to have had some positive effect.

However, training in hot conditions as a significant risk of serious health problems (like collapse and death) but these can be planned for and can be reduced with proper hydration.

In hindsight given the weather the Oldham area has had over the last week going to Portugal for a week ought to have been worth the money, I wouldn't have been so sure if we had a week of good weather.


Having said that if it could be guaranteed nice weather then training at altitude will have a much greater benefit than training somewhere 10 degrees Celsius warmer, but training at altitude is much harder to guarantee good weather.

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off topic.....is it beneficial when tryin to strengthen the team in terms of new players?

I think it is well recognised that the middle of July is not genereally when players sign in great numbers

Once they don;t get paid in July they tend to sign after that!

There have ben only 19 signings in total since they went away average about 5 per day.

And of course, they have not gone to the moon and can still telephone and email, and text.

In fact, with SC there too, they may get more done, relatively undisturbed.

And Orient have sign most of those!

Preston of the south!

Bit of oanic buying going on there I think

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