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New Stand Proposal

New Stand Proposal  

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Let me put it on record, I'll look forward to the stands opening and it will be the most impressive stand we've ever had, I'd just like to have it built fully and right first time off. To later add corners would cost over double the cost now and very unlikely ever to happen.


Adding corners as part of this job, or as part of a separate job in 2018 (year picked at random) wouldn't have a significant difference in costs. If you decided you wanted to build up, that would be a different call.


I would like to ask if the main stand was unsuitable for purpose and a massive burden on costs years ago, why is it not the case now?


Now that's a valid question. It would be nice if Corney answered it.

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Am I reading this right? We are going to build a bobbins standard gym a few hundred yards from a high standard one? So even if the players fancy a swim, they will be driving a few hundred yards to spend money in someone elses gym?

[insert face palm photo here]


They'd be fitter if they walked over ...

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Perhaps the £1.5m more I estimate TTA are putting in to this new stand out of their own pockets?


Quite possible, I just think they have probably made money on the Failsworth fiasco rather than lost it.


I was sat in the Maine stand last week and tried to imagine the new stand from my view point. Conclusion I thought it would look amazing considering what's there now.


I personally think success on the pitch is more important to me. I have always gone to watch the team! I have gone when we were great I have gone when we were dire and when we have been very average. However I have never gone to watch a stand!

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I'm fairly sure the stand they wanted to build per-Credit Crunch was around 6,000 capacity and included shifting all the main stand essentials in to it. Changing rooms, ticketing and the like. Cost around £7m rings a bell.


This development will cost around £3m at a guess. Half that money coming from the council and Football Foundation. The rest, presumably, out of the pockets of TTA or new investors.


So somebody is spending £1.5m of their own money on this. If they reverted to the plans I mentioned above, they'd be spending £5.5m. Yet the returns on investment would be the same.


Can you really justify it?


Now, pinch-me again happens, Latics get popular and need to expand rapidly. You can build up the corners and add 2,000 to capacity together with changing rooms and other facilities. You could probably then get 5,000 in to a new improved main stand. Plus more in to the corners on that side of Boundary Park. A 20,000 capacity is possible on the current site.


But spending silly money now doesn't make sense. Well it wouldn't to me if it was my money.


What's on the table is less than I expected. It's less than I wanted. But it is extraordinarily sensible and gives us a chance, at last, to grow sustainably.

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Good post, bang on. Just make the gym bigger. As someone else said, why bother building a gym of there's a better one over the road? If your going to do it, make it better than the other and steal all their customers. Dig down. Underground. Sure there's nothing to stop them? Apart from costs of course.

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We need to get a local construction firm on board, ask them to do the foundations and the diggy down bit for free and we'll name the stand after them for 10 years?


As a rule of thumb groundwork's are one the most expensive and time consuming element of any new build project

Edited by Keepingthe Faith
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Let me put it on record, I'll look forward to the stands opening and it will be the most impressive stand we've ever had, I'd just like to have it built fully and right first time off. To later add corners would cost over double the cost now and very unlikely ever to happen.


I would like to ask if the main stand was unsuitable for purpose and a massive burden on costs years ago, why is it not the case now?


I would guess that SC still thinks its both unsuitable and a burden, but hey ho, plan A and B failed so plan C is what we've got now because we don't have the money to build anything better.

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The foundations shouldn't be as expensive as people think as there is a difference in levels between car park and the higher pitch level. So long as the ground floor is suspended above car park and steps up and ramps are installed then there shouldn't be too much intrusion into the ground apart from steel bases and ground beams. The expensive part of the substructure is cart off site of excavated material if contaminated and I was told a few years that under BP is some serious :censored: (not a technical term I might add).

Edited by mikejh45
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It often costs more to get the building to ground level than what you see above it. No big local construction firms left really of such standing since Dews went bump in 2004. The likes of Carillion get all the big schools etc. incidently to put in context I am aware of a new build school being built built under the new system has to allow £11,000 for classroom clocks how mad is that. Puts latics costs in perspective.


I never saw a clock at my school in the olden days, when the bell rang it was move at the double or else.

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I'm past caring.


The stand is alright, I'll probably move there just to get out of the RRE and watch the match from the side again. I'm concerned the sun will get in mine and the eyes of the people in the corporate boxes which could affect their value/ resales as I'm sure the sun used to be in my eyes in the Lookers so I started wearing a cap. Plus, the reflection from all that glass could cause issues for the players but greater minds than I will have thought of that.


Best we can hope for is getting into the 2nd tier of English football, the top tiers gone, well gone. It would take a Jack Walker to come in, even that might not be enough. If it did happen I still can't see the fans flocking down to BP, not with those other clubs 10 miles away, we can't ever hope to compete with those and I don't see the point sticking in seats that we might, possibly, hopefully, maybe need at some as yet unspecified point in the future.


At the moment there is nothing on that side of the ground, a bus stop facing the pitch would be an improvement.


But, due to the sorry state the beautiful game is in today, the most important thing is the off-field income we can generate, if this stand can generate as much as this as possible then good luck to whoever owns it and I hope they put it into making the team the best it can be. At the peak of our most recent period of success we didn't need a ground that held more than 20,000, we built the RRE with the ability to put another tier on (as if we would get planning for that with the nimbys) I hope that didn't put one shiny penny on the cost of building that stand, that was all the Barrett money, and possibly more.


Get it built, start making some money at the stie of BP, we sure as hell aren't making any of it on every other Saturday.


As for the willy waving, I don't think I've ever had a conversation with a rival fan where it came down to "Our stand is better than yours." Strikers, history, cups, wingers, keepers definitely but never inanimate buildings.

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