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same old mistakes

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Dickov made a massive mistake playing our new winger today, shattered after 15 mins with hands on his hips and hiding. All the problems coming down that side as grounds had no support. Yet he keeps him on for over an hour.

What is it with Dickov he doesn't seem to spot the obvious.

Never looked like we were going to get anything from the game after the first which was another unmarked header from a corner.

Mk was always going to be tough but even harder when our manager and players make the same old errors

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Dickov made a massive mistake playing our new winger today, shattered after 15 mins with hands on his hips and hiding. All the problems coming down that side as grounds had no support. Yet he keeps him on for over an hour.


What other option did he have exactly?

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Dickov made a massive mistake playing our new winger today, shattered after 15 mins with hands on his hips and hiding. All the problems coming down that side as grounds had no support. Yet he keeps him on for over an hour.

What is it with Dickov he doesn't seem to spot the obvious.

Never looked like we were going to get anything from the game after the first which was another unmarked header from a corner.

Mk was always going to be tough but even harder when our manager and players make the same old errors



I do have concerns about how much Dickov has developed as a manager over the last couple of years. His tactics have become so predictable and, as the you say, the same old mistakes are being made. You've got to wonder when Dickov is going to move us into the next gear.


We were defeated before we even kicked off today. Corney has set a target for top twelve but how can we possibly achieve that with an inferior squad to the one that narrowly avoided relegation last year? We could blame lack of resources, but if the ambition is to build on last season, why wasn't there scope to bring players in over the summer? I assume it's either because Dickov has reached a load of dead ends in the transfer markets (which kind of contradicts him saying he "has contacts in high places", which helped him get the job in the first place) or it's because players simply didn't want to come to Boundary Park.


With the combination of lack of players coming in and old, unimaginative tactics from the management, you have to wonder where the idea we're going to improve on last season has come from.

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What other option did he have exactly?


someone fit. Hughes or slew out wide taylor up top. Even mellor. Or keep mChanga out wide like pre season and put winchester in the middle.

All options better than a player who by his own twittering has been un three countries in the past few days and was no where near fit

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Do you though? Do you have to wonder?


Or can you just wait and see what we're like when not playing a team from the Championship, or a team that will be there this time next year?


So you think we have the tactical nous to avoid abysmal home defeats to crappy outfits like Orient, Yeovil and Scunthorpe again?

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What does Hughes have to do to get a run in the side?


He created chances in the short time he was on the pitch Monday, unfortunately only for Smith to be on the end of them and he created the "goal" today and generally looked very good.


The only downside to his game that I can see is that he always seems to be involved in bizzarely disallowed goals.

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what are Byrne, Croft, Grounds, Montano, Taylor & Slew - scotch mist?


Replacements for players that have left. We've got no depth, need a starter at centre back and a striker of the Clarke/Hughes mould.

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The sky is falling, the sky is falling!! We lost two games on the trot, to two sides better than us whilst playing some great football for the first half i the first game (ignored so far), I'm gussing that means we're doomed for the drop. Sucks to be QPR they're going to finish with like two points, how can we complain about a lack of progress two games in?

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The sky is falling, the sky is falling!! We lost two games on the trot, to two sides better than us whilst playing some great football for the first half i the first game (ignored so far), I'm gussing that means we're doomed for the drop. Sucks to be QPR they're going to finish with like two points, how can we complain about a lack of progress two games in?


It's not just this season we're counting, though. "Playing some great football" and losing is the storyline from too many games from the last two seasons, as is taking the lead and throwing it away. New season, new hope and all that but when Dickov put Smith on against Sheffield Wednesday when nothing else was working and then he missed his usual header from the six-yard box, something screamed out that last season had never really ended.


This is a big season for us. We're battling against the odds, as always, but the £10 season-ticket offer is going to attract a lot of new fans. If they end up watching the same rubbish that season-ticket holders were "treated" to for the majority of last season, they'll never darken the door of Boundary Park again.


I like Dickov and backed him all the way to the end of last season, but the bar seems to have been set a little higher by Corney this year and Dickov and the team need to step up. If the squad's inferior to last season and the tactics are just the same every game, we're going to be in for another uninspiring term.


I hope I'm wrong, but the early indications are that nothing's changed since last season. Yeah, the two teams we've played are supposedly better than us (although I don't believe we should every be satisfied with a defeat, especially against a team in the same division as us who didn't sound like anything speical...) but the pattern of the games have been just so familiar from lots of games from last year, including against teams we 'should' be beating.


With a bit of luck, Dickov will view the last two games in the same as many on here (as games we we're never going to win) and Tuesday and Saturday will see fantastic victories with a tactical style that is adapted to the game conditions, rather than the usual start well, maybe score, let the opposition back into it, stick Smith on if we're losing.

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Well no, we're two seasons and two games in with Dickov.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want him sacked, but I would like to see some signs of progress.


Very true. Those who have taken a position so soon are being ridiculed - yet the second half performance on Monday night was all so familar. Dickov failed toadd fire to the players, we lacked leadership, we conceded some dreadful goals, we lost our confidence, heads dropped, and our shape was lost.


Yesterday's goals were extremely poor. Tarkowski is a young lad learning to play at League One level, but his attempt at a clearance before they won the corner, which lead to the goal, was just woeful. It was. That's nothing to do with age. He's been heading the ball for a long time.


We bemoan the goals we concede, but Dickov and Taggart have failed to improve on these mistakes. If it was a new set-up it'd be a different story, but we, as fans, know Dickov and his style and for me he isn't tough enough. It is rubbish that just because we haven't got the money to challenge MK Dons - I don't criticise us losing to them, it's the manner in which we did - we can't have success. We see it every year and we'll no doubt see it again this year. Stevenage and Carlisle both challenged the top-six last year.


It's the attitude of both the manager and the players that frustrates me. I'm not worried at all, but because it is Dickov's third year with us I will very much take a position after next Saturday. If he continues to look clueless on the touchline - as he did on Monday - I will give him stick. I like Dickov and I feel for him whenever we lose, but what was the difference between him and Jones? Jones roused his side both on the touchline and in the changing rooms. Can Dickov do that? Can he really get the best and extra from his players? No. He's proved that already.


We can't expect a convincing win against MK Dons etc but I demand, and this is where Dickov is too soft, we match them man for man. They're better, so what? I didn't see Furman or Wesolowski want to upset the Wednesday players. We lack a snarl, we lack grit about us. We can't win many football matches when we perform poorly - and this has been the case for two seasons. Ultimately, I don't think the players are scared of Dickov.


As I say, I didn't expect a win yesterday but I'm not happy. If we've become one of those clubs that accepts a 2-0 loss no questions asked I worry. Dickov's comments after the match were so disappointing to hear. It was very much "ah well, what can you do?". It didn't sound like we made the Dons' players feel uncomfortable, scared or rattled - and if you lose that about your game you won't get very far.


I'm behind Dickov and the players, but I've grown weary of the soft attitude he and some of our fans show towards the club. As Joe has said, we've into our third year of Dickov and I couldn't care less if we "play good football". Bollocks to that - go to MK Dons, who seemingly were below par, show some fire, guts and grit and come off the pitch saying "we lost, but we couldn't do any more". I haven't seen us lose for a long time knowing that.


But there we are - it's only the first game of the season.

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Jones will probably make double, if not more, what Dickov makes. Robinson will make more than Dickov, Gorman will have been on a decent wage- he probably was earning more than Dickov.


We have only got peanuts and our manager is not a monkey. He isn't as tactically good as some in our league but he has his moments and his transfer record is pretty good. If Dickov was better tactically he probably wouldn't be managing us. What worries me about Dickov is he is repeating some of the mistakes he made in his first season, nevermind his second. He is also a bit too predictable and rigid in his thinking. Our back 4 are currently all over 6ft, at this level that usually means that they are either hopeless on the ball or slow. Dave Jones showed every manager in the league how to beat us and whilst we may have higher quality to beat some, those of a similar level of quality or better can beat us easily if they play to their best and our management team doesn't change their way of thinking.

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Jones/Robinson are on bigger wages, but neither rewrote the management book.


Jones made two like-for-like changes and rollocked his side. I think Jones has got standards and when his side fall well below he gets stuck into them.


Are Dickov's standards high enough? I do know one thing: I've never seen Dickov lose his rag on the touchline. Honestly never.


It is early days, but we can quickly recognise things quickly when the management is familiar. I'm talking more overall rather than the past week.

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Very true. Those who have taken a position so soon are being ridiculed - yet the second half performance on Monday night was all so familar. Dickov failed toadd fire to the players, we lacked leadership, we conceded some dreadful goals, we lost our confidence, heads dropped, and our shape was lost.


Yesterday's goals were extremely poor. Tarkowski is a young lad learning to play at League One level, but his attempt at a clearance before they won the corner, which lead to the goal, was just woeful. It was. That's nothing to do with age. He's been heading the ball for a long time.


We bemoan the goals we concede, but Dickov and Taggart have failed to improve on these mistakes. If it was a new set-up it'd be a different story, but we, as fans, know Dickov and his style and for me he isn't tough enough. It is rubbish that just because we haven't got the money to challenge MK Dons - I don't criticise us losing to them, it's the manner in which we did - we can't have success. We see it every year and we'll no doubt see it again this year. Stevenage and Carlisle both challenged the top-six last year.


It's the attitude of both the manager and the players that frustrates me. I'm not worried at all, but because it is Dickov's third year with us I will very much take a position after next Saturday. If he continues to look clueless on the touchline - as he did on Monday - I will give him stick. I like Dickov and I feel for him whenever we lose, but what was the difference between him and Jones? Jones roused his side both on the touchline and in the changing rooms. Can Dickov do that? Can he really get the best and extra from his players? No. He's proved that already.


We can't expect a convincing win against MK Dons etc but I demand, and this is where Dickov is too soft, we match them man for man. They're better, so what? I didn't see Furman or Wesolowski want to upset the Wednesday players. We lack a snarl, we lack grit about us. We can't win many football matches when we perform poorly - and this has been the case for two seasons. Ultimately, I don't think the players are scared of Dickov.


As I say, I didn't expect a win yesterday but I'm not happy. If we've become one of those clubs that accepts a 2-0 loss no questions asked I worry. Dickov's comments after the match were so disappointing to hear. It was very much "ah well, what can you do?". It didn't sound like we made the Dons' players feel uncomfortable, scared or rattled - and if you lose that about your game you won't get very far.


I'm behind Dickov and the players, but I've grown weary of the soft attitude he and some of our fans show towards the club. As Joe has said, we've into our third year of Dickov and I couldn't care less if we "play good football". Bollocks to that - go to MK Dons, who seemingly were below par, show some fire, guts and grit and come off the pitch saying "we lost, but we couldn't do any more". I haven't seen us lose for a long time knowing that.


But there we are - it's only the first game of the season.


This post, and also what joe said on the previous page are absolutley bang for me.


This is not a reaction post to losing two games against some good oppo, as others have said it's the manner. We are small 3rd division club, we will get beat quite a lot, I can accept that to certain degree. However there is much wider issue's. Dickov seems a geniunely nice bloke, he seems able to attract some decent players to the club, but does he get the best out of them? Tactically he is so one dimensional it's unture. That's ok though because he learning his trade, well he's had over two years to watch football never mind all the managers he played under; and two years in his one sub is stick the big man on. Predicatble. We must be one easiset teams to scout. How many leads have we given away under his tenture? So how is he motivating the players? Why can we only play at a good tempo for sixty mins, dickov said about ten days ago the players where breaking all their own fitness levels recorded from the previous pre-season. An then against sheff weds after an hour we're fooked. Again.


Im sick to the back teeth of we're skint, what do you expect. Well Corney keeps finding fees for playes; Ciask and Montano spring to mind.

Corney is very astute, he runs a tight ship but look back and every manager he's had, he's backed. This is the key for me, has dickov in his time at the club got the absloute best out of his squad and his COMPETITIVE BUDGET? Does he look like he has progressed as a manager? Has he impproved any of the players, in particular any of the kids?


People talk about giving managers time but are we honestly saying that two and a bit years isn't enough time to be seeing improvments, or the side and dickov to be learning from their mistakes. I don't expect us to go up, but there is no way with how he has been backed and the time he's had in the job, that we shoud be struggling as we have previously, an i suspect we will again this year.


I've said before when critcising players or the management i don't want them to fail. On the contrary i'd love to see dickov do well particularly as he seems a decent sort. This is his squad an you do need ten games to get a feel of where your season is going. I hope he proves me wrong and makes this post look silly with a top half finish. An above all i'd love it if we're not highlighting issues that we saw last season and the one before....


Sadly, I doubt it.

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