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Out of 10 whats your latics rating?

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Probably say a 7 at the moment. Season ticket holder who's not adverse to missing a home game if there's a better offer. Probably half the aways. Haven't bought a shirt since the pony one with Slumberland across the front.


Swings and roundabouts, had a period for 2 or 3 seasons pre Sheridan where I did mainly aways and very few homes.


It's in my blood regardless.

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who knows a 4 perhaps ?


Going to every home game , no away games . Set off at 2-30 and back home at 5-15 the maximum I will give these days.


Regular since 1982 & of course spoilt by all years from 86-7 onwards through to 94 .....crikey it's been grim ever since.


I've accepted that I will never move back up north so can only imagine what it must be like to 'Set off at 2-30 and be back home at 5-15' - that must help get the latest bad result out of your system and get ready for the Saturday evening fun huh?


My journey home starts with getting into the car for 5 - first hour is sports report on 5 live - then it's onto the ipod for some tunes to ease me back home - arriving around 8 - having cleared the memories of the game from my head only to be faced with the inevitable questions from the missus - 'how did they go on?' (yes even she has stopped looking out for the result) - 'why don't you support Reading?' etc.


Would I have it any other way? Let me get back to you on that one...

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7 - season ticket holder, live in Surrey but miss most night home games


Will do some Southern away games but not all


The journey home has been painful this year(though after Saturday I drove to Scotland, still painful though and not as a direct result of the game!)

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Was an 8 a few years back. Majority of home games and a number of away games even though I was travelling 250 miles each match. That we even during the bleak days of Ritchie when I worshipped the manager but are squad was even more depressing that it is now.


Now it's a 3. Will never, ever give up on them. However even cancelled LW this season as I couldn't be bothered to listen to commentary as I was finding other things to do and avoid the frustration by just seeing the result via Sky or on the web. Same goes with Saturday as I now have kids and work all week so weekends are a luxury - if the players aren't bothered then why should I be?!


That said I do have local away matches pencilled in and will be taking my eldest to her first games.

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2001-2012 - i would say i was a 7 - never missed a home game and went to the occasional local away game, bought home/away shirts every season plus, dvd's and whatever else was on offer.


Now - erm, 3, i try to make it when i can, but with work it's difficult.. have bought a home shirt though which probably boosts my rating. Won't attend any away games (i think)

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