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Time to question Corney?

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Ive had this feeling for a while now. Personally I believe the life is draining from the football club, not intentionally on anyones part, but as a result of certain agenda's from Corney himself.


When the 3 Amigo's too charge at Boundary Park, we were averaging 6,926 through the gate that year, a figure which, in 10 years has dropped to 4,432, a reduction of 2494, or 28%. This figure will be dramatically down again this year with the loss of key local derbies. compare this to a small increase in the overall league one figures over the same period and its worrying.


So what is the reason for these figures? there are many.

  • Decline of Boundary Park and successive failures in stadium development
  • Successive managers failing to deliver
  • lack of investment in club, both playing and commercial
  • more attractive options elsewhere i.e city/utd/sky sports
  • Rise in cost of matchday

People also offer personal reasons, such as family, work or social commitments, but i wish to focus on points the club can directly impact. this is because i believe if the club made itself an attractive proposition, many of these personal reasons would be overcome.


so of the list above, I believe every single one can be directly linked to the management of the club. by this I mean at board level, and not the team management.At each and every opportunity where we have had the chance to turn a corner, and take a step towards being successful, we have either made a poor decision, or actively tried to do the job for as cheap as possible.


When it comes to the decline of boundary park, I fully agree with the club it is folly to spend ££££'s maintaining a dying arena. This is why the club should have gone into the first development (Oldham Arena) with its eyes wide open. We were already more than aware that residents had problems with the development of the site, yet we attempt to build a major housing development on the site. Having spoken to people in the aftermath of planning permission being refused, it was quite clear from the off we would never get permission for the initial development. If the homework had been done thoroughly initially, the plan would have been drawn in a more realistic fashion, which was nigh on guarenteed persission.


The initial idea was lets get as many dwellings into one plot of land as possible. thats fine, but once it comes to light residents and councillors alike had concerns, they should have worked along side them in the planning stages, before going infront of the council committee (I know this will not be a popular topic, but regardless what you think of the residents, they had their concerns from the outset, and these were ignored right up until the stage the plans went before planning).


As a result of the plan failing, we have gone from a whole housing development, hotel and arena, to a small stand and car park. if thorough due diligence was used initially we would have had downgraded plans far in excess of what is currently on offer. this stinks of greed to me, put bluntly.


In respect of successive management failures, there has been a mixed bag. Talbot and Penney were met with luke warm receptions from the word go, they were bad appointment from the board and were never likely to succeed. lower league managers, who have done very little in league football. It is these 2 appointments that killed off the bulk of the 6926 average crowd we enjoyed a decade ago.


Ronnie Moore was unique in the fact that he was wanted at the time and was given a large budget to work with, and ulimately failed. I cannot knock the board with this one.


Sheridan and Dickov. for the most part I agree with these appointments, young hungry managers who want to make their way in the game. Again i agree with their appointments. what i dont agree with however is the budgets they are being given to work with. for the past 5 or 6 years, we have consistently seen the budget cut year on year. to an extent certain blame must be placed on them for not making correct tacical decisions etc, but if you cut the budget repeatedly you are only going to go one way. and thats backwards.


Ok, so we havent got the money to give the management a decent playing budget, thats fine. but if thats the case I would urge Corney to actively put the club up for sale. We continually hear we are open to offers, and the like, but realistically how likely is it we will get investors knocking on the front door without an invite? It is quite clear Corney does not have the funds to take this club forward.


My own personal view on the matter is this. When the 3 Amigos took ownership of the club they saw us as an average league 1 club with great potential to develop the surrounding land. we were in the middle of an economic boom and there were vast sums of money to be made developing the carpark. the planning permisson got refused and 2 Amigos decided with the economic climate, any potential in the club had been lost, and decided to cut their losses. Corney however doesnt want to cut his losses, and still wants to at least break even on investment, pushing ahead with the lancaster club and the latest plans. all the while putting as little as possible into the football side of the club. Once the stand is built he will look to sell the club on as a more attractive outfit, and take his money out.


I understand he is a business man and must conduct his business as he sees best, but if that is to the detriment of the club quite frankly I have seen enough.


I would ask Mr Corney to either invest significantly in the playing budget (i want to see us secure in this league, im not talking millions to push us up the leagues) or actively seek a replacement who can at least give us a stable platform to work from. The way we are currently operating is one on a downward spiral. if we see the same decline over the next ten years as we have seen in the last ten, we could quite feasably be playing non league football, or worse.


Time for a change, with or without corney

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I would ask Mr Corney to either invest significantly in the playing budget (i want to see us secure in this league, im not talking millions to push us up the leagues) or actively seek a replacement who can at least give us a stable platform to work from


I think he has been doing.


Potential replacements say it's a pile of poo.

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Make no mistake, the reason Corney is still here is on behalf of the money men, Blitz and Gazal, to try and recoup as much of their money as possible.


Anything else is secondary to that.


If that's true, why shouldn't they try & recoup as much of their money as possible?


And how does £50k + for Montano fit into that?

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If that's true, why shouldn't they try & recoup as much of their money as possible?


And how does £50k + for Montano fit into that?

I'm not concerned with whether they should or shouldn't but it's hardly going to equate to being the best thing for the club, is it?


As for the (unconfirmed) £50k for Montano (which I'm not convinced is accurate), they would only invest in a player who they thought there would be a return on and, looking at the squad as a whole, I'd guess that lump sum was taken straight from the playing budget.

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you have to ask some questions here:

  • how much is the club worth
  • how much would corney be willing to sell for
  • how much would someone be willing t buy for.

i suspect the third question is answered by a sum a whole lot smaller than the second, hence why there has been no buyers.


in respect of is he actively selling, i would say no.. by active i dont just mean willing to listen to offers, i mean advertising it, like the club did when corney and co were brought in

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I'm not concerned with whether they should or shouldn't but it's hardly going to equate to being the best thing for the club, is it?


As for the (unconfirmed) £50k for Montano (which I'm not convinced is accurate), they would only invest in a player who they thought there would be a return on and, looking at the squad as a whole, I'd guess that lump sum was taken straight from the playing budget.


is the playing budget money money they wouldn't be able to recoup?

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you have to ask some questions here:

  • how much is the club worth
  • how much would corney be willing to sell for
  • how much would someone be willing t buy for.

i suspect the third question is answered by a sum a whole lot smaller than the second, hence why there has been no buyers.


in respect of is he actively selling, i would say no.. by active i dont just mean willing to listen to offers, i mean advertising it, like the club did when corney and co were brought in


What are you suggesting, a full page add in The Times? A shiny leaflet sent to everyone on this year's Rich List? Quite frankly we don't know what he's doing, but as known to everyone the man is a businessman, he wants a return, the club is losing money and there's no way he's sat on his backside letting it bleed him dry without trying to shift it to someone who does have the capital to move the club forward.

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Ive had this feeling for a while now. Personally I believe the life is draining from the football club, not intentionally on anyones part, but as a result of certain agenda's from Corney himself.


I would ask Mr Corney to either invest significantly in the playing budget (i want to see us secure in this league, im not talking millions to push us up the leagues) or actively seek a replacement who can at least give us a stable platform to work from. The way we are currently operating is one on a downward spiral. if we see the same decline over the next ten years as we have seen in the last ten, we could quite feasably be playing non league football, or worse.


Time for a change, with or without corney






Now the Failsworth land deal has gone through, him and his mates have nearly doubled their money on that failed venture yet failed planning costs still appear on the club's balance sheet, as part of our 'significant' losses. It's obvious where the new stand cost is coming from...


Interested parties sat around the table in the Summer of 2011, they were quoted £8m lock stock and barrel. They laughed at him...


Fans have saved the club a fortune this summer in maintenance costs, has this adjustment been added to the playing budget?


Corney needs to realise, which is cheaper? A new striker and midfielder or paying Dickov off due to his (part) failure due to there being a lack of resources at his disposal and then still having to find money for a new manager and new additions????


No-one will convince me otherwise that Corney is simply Blitz's puppet...

Edited by oafcprozac
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What are you suggesting, a full page add in The Times? A shiny leaflet sent to everyone on this year's Rich List? Quite frankly we don't know what he's doing, but as known to everyone the man is a businessman, he wants a return, the club is losing money and there's no way he's sat on his backside letting it bleed him dry without trying to shift it to someone who does have the capital to move the club forward.


Chris Moore bought the club by answering a broadsheet advert….

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Chris Moore bought the club by answering a broadsheet advert….


Yes, but we had Sean Jarvis at the helm who has more PR/Marketing/Savvy/ contacts and professionalism in one finger than the hole bunch who consider themselves managers at this club.

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Yes, but we had Sean Jarvis at the helm who has more PR/Marketing/Savvy/ contacts and professionalism in one finger than the hole bunch who consider themselves managers at this club.


Absolutely spot on, the marketing strategy at the club seems to be stick in on Facebook, Twitter and The Official Site and it's job done….


Whether Jarvis looked after himself during the Summer of 2003 or not he was good for this club. Everyone since has been a poor substitute.

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And look what happened?


Are we still not supposedly at the mercy of 'one' man who can pull the plug at any time?


The board we have now has to be probably the most ineffective in the FL. We have Ian Hill whom no one has a clue what he does. Neil Joy who keeps his head down and Bazza who has been ill and rightly taken a step back at the moment.


Even Venky's look to be getting their act together….

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Are we still not supposedly at the mercy of 'one' man who can pull the plug at any time?


The board we have now has to be probably the most ineffective in the FL. We have Ian Hill whom no one has a clue what he does. Neil Joy who keeps his head down and Bazza who has been ill and rightly taken a step back at the moment.


Even Venky's look to be getting their act together….


Just because we don't know what Ian Hill does doesn't mean he does nothing. Neil Joy may 'keep his head down' - he evidently has a good head for numbers and no doubt that will serve a purpose. Plus we've no idea what he's like in the boardroom. When we do have board members that scream and shout (a la Newton) people complain (and rightly so).


Slightly off topic, it makes me laugh when people say 'the worst in the [insert body]'. How do we know? Do any of us have an in depth knowledge of the board composition at many of the league clubs? Ditto goes the other way, most recently 'KL is the best right back in League One' - as if many/any see more of any other right back than twice a season plus the very occasional third division game on the box.

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Where do people get their information on what's being requested to sell up and what's being invested (or otherwise)? There isn't any published balance sheet data since December 2010. All I see is a squad of League One players ( for whom average payments could be anything up to £1.5k to £2k a week if various news articles are to be believed), various staff and a ground facility supposedly supported by a trickle of gate receipts; some TV money a couple of times a year and whatever they charge me for a new coffee cup at Christmas.


Where is all this other information?


Edit to say...Neil Joy. When my lad was mascot recently, he took ten minutes to sit down and talk with him, asking him about who he played football for and about how his own kids play as well. Thoroughly decent bloke.

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you have to ask some questions here:

  • how much is the club worth
  • how much would corney be willing to sell for
  • how much would someone be willing t buy for.

i suspect the third question is answered by a sum a whole lot smaller than the second, hence why there has been no buyers.


in respect of is he actively selling, i would say no.. by active i dont just mean willing to listen to offers, i mean advertising it, like the club did when corney and co were brought in

i found a pound before. Could I use that ?

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Are we still not supposedly at the mercy of 'one' man who can pull the plug at any time?


The board we have now has to be probably the most ineffective in the FL. We have Ian Hill whom no one has a clue what he does. Neil Joy who keeps his head down and Bazza who has been ill and rightly taken a step back at the moment.


Even Venky's look to be getting their act together….


Any privately owned business would be under the same risk, though Moore pulled the plug after 3 seasons whislt SC has helped us to maintain a level of stability for 10 years and has yet to pull the plug.

What do you think Hill should be doing that we should know about?

Why are the Venky’s getting their act together exactly? Because they spent £4 - £6 million too much on Rhodes?

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