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Can Dickov learn his lessons?

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Not fussed about going out tonight although it did shed some light on some issues that need to be fixed (some which have been highlighted before in the other 5 games this season) most of them are at Dickov's disposal.


Quick positives: it's good to know that we can rely on both our 'keepers and here's hoping that Smith's goal persuades Dickov to build our attacks around him in the short term. Sounded as though Hughes did pretty well too and Croft and Montano seem to be getting better game on game.


But we have a fair few issues: going off the commentary it seemed as though Winchester and (to a lesser extent) Mellor aren't ready to fill in for Furman, Wes or M'Changama yet. Not an urgent issue but if Furman and Wes are both unavailable for an extended period, which isn't a completely unrealistic scenario, we need to be able to reinforce with a central midfielder who's immediately ready for action.


Up front we still need to find a solution. Smith is a good option to be going along with for now as you know you'll get some sort of impact from him but it's difficult to know who will be better alongside him out of Simpson and Slew, or if either will actually work! The 3 deserve the chance to show that they can make it work but I get the feeling a new loan striker may be the difference between success and failure for Dickov.


The biggest sign of Dickov's tactical nous will be shown by what happens with the defence. If he perseveres with Byrne at right back and Tarky in the middle while Brown is suspended it is likely to lead to more sloppy goals being given away due to naivety through the centre. The prospect of Tarky Vs Hughes in 11 days really worries me. If it ain't broke don't fix it is usually too simplistic but in this case there's simply no need for Dickov to be messing about. Winchester might not be playing particularly well in the middle but even if he's only half as good as Brown the rest of the team will be much more balanced with him at full back.


The final thing is what he says to the team at half time. Whatever he says, way too often it leads to a negative outcome! He needs to try something different.


At the end of the day this may all be pre-emptive, but I currently don't believe that Dickov will recognise these things. In 6 games time (4 home and 2 away, all matches we can realistically get something from) I think Dickov will have had enough time to show that he can change things for the better and show us that the path he is leading the team on is a positive one. I hope he can but doubt that he will.

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No doubt , lots of positive talk to follow ......we have just lost to a bottom division side who had such a poor start to the season that they have changed management .


There is only 1 team in the financial mess Portsmouth are in , we won't find many easier fixtures than last Saturday .


There is something badly wrong with the current setup , we have more than enough decent players , but we have started as a shambles.

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Dead man walking.


But I don't think we'll be any better off after he's gone.


Agreed wholeheartedly.


What is grinding with me, and I never went tonight so only going off the report. But why do we more or less giftwrap the opposition a goal every match? It's becoming a massive concern now in terms of players keeping their concentration for a full 90 minutes.

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Dead man walking.


But I don't think we'll be any better off after he's gone.


If we could get Dowie or someone similar then fair enough but if it's another cheap option or another rookie then I would prefer to stick with Dickov. I like the guy, he shows passion for the club and he's endearing to the fans but unfortunately the lessons are not being learnt, have we really made any progress in his time here.....the answer has to be definitely not!

I think in time he could get it (so could I if given long enough lol) but are the board or more importantly the fans prepared to wait?

We are less than a month into the season, are already out of 2 cup competitions and have won only 1 game from 6. The squad is nowhere near good enough to compete in league one and if we don't make a couple of experienced signings on loan I think we are fooked!!!

Edited by oafc1955
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Poor result against County on 15th and there will be a few shouts for Dickov to go..


Looks like saying judge him after 10 games was bad thing to say..

1 win in 6, and out of the next 4 games think Scunthorpe is our best chance of picking some points up!

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No doubt , lots of positive talk to follow ......we have just lost to a bottom division side who had such a poor start to the season that they have changed management .


There is only 1 team in the financial mess Portsmouth are in , we won't find many easier fixtures than last Saturday .


There is something badly wrong with the current setup , we have more than enough decent players , but we have started as a shambles.


I agree, totally...something is wrong. I honestly believe that the players we have are much better than the results would suggest. We do need to strengthen the depth of the squad, but what the fu*k does Dickov do at half-time that warrants consistently abysmal second half performances?


It's a complete mystery and we, the fans, will never be none the wiser...we just see the effects of whatever it is that he does or says. I really hate to say this, but the time for Dickov to move on is rapidly approaching.

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Issue is what would / could another manager do with the crop of players that they'd inherit?


If Dickov goes and someone else is brought in then it would be unfair on Dickov should that new manager get funds to strengthen.


The only alternative I can see if Dowie because he has the passion and ability to motivate. All others mentioned wouldn't bring anything to the table unless they had funds to strengthen, which we ain't got.

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Bouzanis was outstanding, but had some nervous moments. Montano spent the game offside. It was also the first time I've been very disappointed with M'Changama.


Dickov is working with what he has. He saw a embarrassing second half display, went to change it, and saw what he had on the bench. Nothing. These young lads are not good enough for League One football. Call it harsh, but it is the truth. We were outplayed in the second half and I can't understand why. It was appalling.


M'Voto excellent again. Smith, too.


Simpson needs dropping to the bench. He is a disgrace to his team mates at the moment.

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Bouzanis was outstanding, but had some nervous moments. Montano spent the game offside. It was also the first time I've been very disappointed with M'Changama.


Dickov is working with what he has. He saw a embarrassing second half display, went to change it, and saw what he had on the bench. Nothing. These young lads are not good enough for League One football. Call it harsh, but it is the truth. We were outplayed in the second half and I can't understand why. It was appalling.


M'Voto excellent again. Smith, too.


Simpson needs dropping to the bench. He is a disgrace to his team mates at the moment.


But who do we replace Simpson with, exactly?

He doesn't need dropping, he needs not to be played as a striker...because he isn't one...and he needs a managerial kick up the arse!

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Simpson needs dropping to the bench. He is a disgrace to his team mates at the moment.


And that's the problem. Dickov spent most of the budget on securing three crucial players - Croft, Wes and Simpson. One's improving game by game, one's injury prone and come back to haunt us, one is regarded as the catalyst to our offensive play and if Simpson's off the boil then so is our attacking play.


Worrying times but if that's our budget then is Corney expecting League 2 football for us ??

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Well, if Dickov genuinely believes some of these young lads are good enough he has to show some imagination and bring of them in. I agree he's not a striker, but he played behind Smith today, apparently his strongest position.


It's not he's playing poorly. It's his attitude to the game at present. He's too soft and whines far too much. His first touch tonight was atrocious. I'm really disappointed with how he's began the season. I think he's a very good player, he has something different about him, but he's not showing it.


If these lads are hungry and want to play football they have to show it. But Simpson is bringing very little to the side. If we have to look at players who weren't at the races on Saturday he's my first pick. The fact we won and defended so well hid his poor performance.


Dickov believes these players are good enough. Time for him to show us how he sees their role on the field. Managerial kick up the arse? Removing him from the set-up might help. Toughen up or get out. The same applies to Winchester. Harsh, as I say, but we shouldn't pretend this is just a cup exit. It's how I see us performing should more injuries strike the midfield.

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Issue is what would / could another manager do with the crop of players that they'd inherit?


If Dickov goes and someone else is brought in then it would be unfair on Dickov should that new manager get funds to strengthen.


The only alternative I can see if Dowie because he has the passion and ability to motivate. All others mentioned wouldn't bring anything to the table unless they had funds to strengthen, which we ain't got.


When I bumped into Iain Dowie on Sunday and had a short conversation with him (see "My brush with fame today" thread) he told me that he still lived in the area (Bolton) and wouldn't mind getting back into the cut and thrust of management one day. Worth a punt? I'd have him back in a heart beat...

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When I bumped into Iain Dowie on Sunday and had a short conversation with him (see "My brush with fame today" thread) he told me that he still lived in the area (Bolton) and wouldn't mind getting back into the cut and thrust of management one day. Worth a punt? I'd have him back in a heart beat...


Did you ask him if he would come back? You must have done!

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Did you ask him if he would come back? You must have done!


Ha ha, yes I did. He said he still looks out for our scores so knew we were struggling. I told him I didn't think Dickov was up to it and that i'd have him back in a second and his exact reply was "that would be nice."


He could have just been humouring me though. I did have him cornered in the frozen food aisle :grin:

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give dickovhis ten games.. he's likeable and he's got the players to turn it around


i am a fan of him, and think he should be given the chance to turn his mess around, but...


- the poor run from last season has just carried on

- good enough players, not so good enough performances

- we're out of a cup and we've given at least 4 points away so far from individual errors so far, needs to change

- second halves are becoming a problem

- corney seems to be getting annoyed, and im sure the thought of getting rid is in the back of his mind

- it's his squad and money has been spent on it, it's up to him to get them to perform

- if they continue playing as they are, then fans will not bother.. i've got a season ticket and already am starting to question that. i'll still go, but if i didnt have the ST, would i bother in three or so games time if things didnt pick up


not having a game on sat could help. get them in daily, try new things, tighten things up, and come out fully prepared for the notts county game... we need to get consistent.

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If these lads are hungry and want to play football they have to show it. But Simpson is bringing very little to the side. If we have to look at players who weren't at the races on Saturday he's my first pick. The fact we won and defended so well hid his poor performance.



Agree with most of what you say about Simpson but I thought he did fairly well in the 1st 20 minutes on Saturday, most of our attacking play went through him but he needs the player up top to be on the same wavelength as him. Unfortunately Slew wasn't. After Slew went off most of our attacks went through Smith or through the flanks so Simpson was marginalised, which certainly wasn't the wrong thing to do as we looked our most dangerous when playing that way.


That might sound like I'm defending him but I agree that we should seriously think about dropping him. As last season proved at times, when Simpson is playing well in that role the whole team can play some very good football. But the role that he plays is a specialist one and has to fit in with the players around him. Going long to Smith a lot may not be easy on the eye but there are a lot of ways that the rest of the team can play around him, especially if they are fairly average players. Simpson needs to be busting a gut to prove that the team needs him and his style of play, currently I don't think he's showing that enough.

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I think he needs time to try to get the side to gel, to get one of our most important players back fit (Wes) and to start to show he is learning from his mistakes.....


But he signed his own death sentence when he said 'judge me after 10 games' - 6 in and it's not looking good for him in that respect.


The tide is starting to change and build, he effectively gave his doubters the ammo with his misguided quote. I can see him going soon. I don't want that myself, but i can see it happening.


Also - Dowie is pipe dream stuff IMO - Corney hates him after the leaving for Palace / company car thing; so unless we change owner, I just can't see it (plus why would he lose his cushy sky sports news pundit wage for a bag of crips and a mars bar we'd be offering him?)

Edited by slystallone
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That might sound like I'm defending him but I agree that we should seriously think about dropping him. As last season proved at times, when Simpson is playing well in that role the whole team can play some very good football. But the role that he plays is a specialist one and has to fit in with the players around him. Going long to Smith a lot may not be easy on the eye but there are a lot of ways that the rest of the team can play around him, especially if they are fairly average players. Simpson needs to be busting a gut to prove that the team needs him and his style of play, currently I don't think he's showing that enough.

He should have been having a party with Croft and Montano to pass with!

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Not fussed about going out tonight although it did shed some light on some issues that need to be fixed (some which have been highlighted before in the other 5 games this season) most of them are at Dickov's disposal.


Quick positives: it's good to know that we can rely on both our 'keepers and here's hoping that Smith's goal persuades Dickov to build our attacks around him in the short term. Sounded as though Hughes did pretty well too and Croft and Montano seem to be getting better game on game.


But we have a fair few issues: going off the commentary it seemed as though Winchester and (to a lesser extent) Mellor aren't ready to fill in for Furman, Wes or M'Changama yet. Not an urgent issue but if Furman and Wes are both unavailable for an extended period, which isn't a completely unrealistic scenario, we need to be able to reinforce with a central midfielder who's immediately ready for action.


Up front we still need to find a solution. Smith is a good option to be going along with for now as you know you'll get some sort of impact from him but it's difficult to know who will be better alongside him out of Simpson and Slew, or if either will actually work! The 3 deserve the chance to show that they can make it work but I get the feeling a new loan striker may be the difference between success and failure for Dickov.


The biggest sign of Dickov's tactical nous will be shown by what happens with the defence. If he perseveres with Byrne at right back and Tarky in the middle while Brown is suspended it is likely to lead to more sloppy goals being given away due to naivety through the centre. The prospect of Tarky Vs Hughes in 11 days really worries me. If it ain't broke don't fix it is usually too simplistic but in this case there's simply no need for Dickov to be messing about. Winchester might not be playing particularly well in the middle but even if he's only half as good as Brown the rest of the team will be much more balanced with him at full back.


The final thing is what he says to the team at half time. Whatever he says, way too often it leads to a negative outcome! He needs to try something different.


At the end of the day this may all be pre-emptive, but I currently don't believe that Dickov will recognise these things. In 6 games time (4 home and 2 away, all matches we can realistically get something from) I think Dickov will have had enough time to show that he can change things for the better and show us that the path he is leading the team on is a positive one. I hope he can but doubt that he will.

"The final thing is what he says to the team at half time. Whatever he says, way too often it leads to a negative outcome! He needs to try something different".


Perhaps it would be a good idea to say nowt!

Edited by oafc1955
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No doubt , lots of positive talk to follow ......we have just lost to a bottom division side who had such a poor start to the season that they have changed management .


There is only 1 team in the financial mess Portsmouth are in , we won't find many easier fixtures than last Saturday .


There is something badly wrong with the current setup , we have more than enough decent players , but we have started as a shambles.

On the other hand Yeovil have started like a train, they won again tonight 3 v 0 at Bristol Rovers had a man sent off and scored two goals with only 10 men!! They have scored a shed load of goals away from home already and it just goes to show if your team plays to it's strengths, with the right application and good coaching, you can still have success even without much money!

I didn't go tonight but as soon as Chesterfield scored we seemed to fall apart. It's not just the defence that has problems going off the commentary we could and should have been 2 or 3 goals in front by HT but whilst we are letting in silly goals at our end at the business end we are still missing chances, it's a recipe for disaster but it's been happening for far too long now!!!

Edited by oafc1955
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Simpson is a huge test of Dickov managerial capabilites he has to put his arm around him show him love imo and get the best out of someone who is arguably one of our best 3 players on his day


Big worry is the squad has no depth, that is something that dickov went for last season quality not quantity and it hurt us after xmas and it will do again its already hurting us by start of sep and remember you have to have 2 more on the bench in league games as well now


We desperatley need 3 players imo as we need a little competition for places as players like simmo know they will never be dropped so he is riding it out easy


we need another df, cm who would help if could play out wide as well and a cf


Next game he has to play Byrne CB imo looked so much more solid with him there, one massive worry is that with JYM preformances and last year of his deal we could lose are best player this season so far for penny's that needs addressing


I dont give a :censored: what is said there are players who we can get on our budget on loan and if slew has gone back we are saving a fee there not to mention at the moment if we payt or forward goal bonuses its costing us nothing and defenders clean sheet bonuses as we rarely do either lol

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