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Simon Corney

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Met Simon last night in Manchester - thoroughly decent, lovely bloke.


Had a chat and it was obvious that the guy loves Latics , he would bleed blue if he could and is desperate for the club to do well. All this talk about it being 'for the land' is quite frankly bollocks, in my opinion.


No gossip, and to be honest, I didn't pry - but he's here for the long haul.

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Met Simon last night in Manchester - thoroughly decent, lovely bloke.


Had a chat and it was obvious that the guy loves Latics , he would bleed blue if he could and is desperate for the club to do well. All this talk about it being 'for the land' is quite frankly bollocks, in my opinion.


No gossip, and to be honest, I didn't pry - but he's here for the long haul.


Anyone who has seen him around the club will agree with you, although no need to he's attended youth and reserve matches and is a genuine fan in all aspects.

Edited by BP1960
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Met Simon last night in Manchester - thoroughly decent, lovely bloke.


Had a chat and it was obvious that the guy loves Latics , he would bleed blue if he could and is desperate for the club to do well. All this talk about it being 'for the land' is quite frankly bollocks, in my opinion.


No gossip, and to be honest, I didn't pry - but he's here for the long haul.


Hi Simon.

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Met Simon last night in Manchester - thoroughly decent, lovely bloke.


Had a chat and it was obvious that the guy loves Latics , he would bleed blue if he could and is desperate for the club to do well. All this talk about it being 'for the land' is quite frankly bollocks, in my opinion.


No gossip, and to be honest, I didn't pry - but he's here for the long haul.


I have meet him before and what you say is 100% correct.

These people that slag him off are mindless numpties that don't have a clue.

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They came to make money out of the land.


They didn't come to harm the football club.


Corney is babysitting the land "investment" that hasn't really paid off. Yet.


I believe him when he says he wants what's best for the football club. I believe that he's become a true fan.


But the football is not his primary reason for being in Oldham.


We can discuss extremes from "they're only here for the land" to "they're only here for the football". Shades of grey somewhere between the two. But they came for the land. Don't ever think it isn't very important to them.


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They came to make money out of the land.


They didn't come to harm the football club.


Corney is babysitting the land "investment" that hasn't really paid off. Yet.


I believe him when he says he wants what's best for the football club. I believe that he's become a true fan.


But the football is not his primary reason for being in Oldham.


We can discuss extremes from "they're only here for the land" to "they're only here for the football". Shades of grey somewhere between the two. But they came for the land. Don't ever think it isn't very important to them.


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They came to make money out of the land.


They didn't come to harm the football club.


Corney is babysitting the land "investment" that hasn't really paid off. Yet.


I believe him when he says he wants what's best for the football club. I believe that he's become a true fan.


But the football is not his primary reason for being in Oldham.


We can discuss extremes from "they're only here for the land" to "they're only here for the football". Shades of grey somewhere between the two. But they came for the land. Don't ever think it isn't very important to them.

I don't think they did. They wanted to buy a football club, which they thought had potential to be in the Championship (they tried to buy Hull the previous season). I think they saw Oldham as a town with a population of over 200,000 and thought that they would be able to attract at least 10,000 to watch the team on a regular basis. They put millions in, but unfortunately they didn't understand the pathetic Oldham public. I don't think they saw us as a way to make a fortune, but to use as a hobby and at the same time make a bit of money when they eventually sold the club on.

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I don't think they did. They wanted to buy a football club, which they thought had potential to be in the Championship (they tried to buy Hull the previous season).

Didn't the Boothferry Park site offer a rather good land deal?


I think they saw Oldham as a town with a population of over 200,000 and thought that they would be able to attract at least 10,000 to watch the team on a regular basis. They put millions in, but unfortunately they didn't understand the pathetic Oldham public.
They never invested to achieve it though. Yes, they covered losses, in lieu of potential land deal, but they never invested in the football club.


I don't think they saw us as a way to make a fortune, but to use as a hobby and at the same time make a bit of money when they eventually sold the club on.

They have always been quite clear that they don't expect to be he forever. Guardians of the club or some such phrase. That's not the talk of a footballing love affair. That's saying "we're off when the money's in the bank".


I don't object to them, or him, at all. I hope they eventually make lots of money out of it. But the blue, red, white, tangerine etc. is not their primary cause.

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Was Uncle Ronald not given the money to build a promotion team then? Or Shez?


I'll let others discuss that.


Not totally convinced they were. But they had more than Penney or Dickov.


Please don't interpret my words as an attack on TTA or Corney. They're not. We can debate the definition of "investment" and that's fine.


I have no problem with Corney or the other two. But they never came here because of their love of football or their love of Oldham. Corney remains to keep the ship stable until such time as TTA can maximise whatever remains of the value in their overall "investment".


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Met Simon last night in Manchester - thoroughly decent, lovely bloke.


Had a chat and it was obvious that the guy loves Latics , he would bleed blue if he could and is desperate for the club to do well. All this talk about it being 'for the land' is quite frankly bollocks, in my opinion.


No gossip, and to be honest, I didn't pry - but he's here for the long haul.


Don't took utter rubbish, anyone who hasn't met him will tell you that they heard off a mate (who haven't met him also) that they know 110% (because 100% is not enough), a rumour, that he's in it for the money and will probably be in it for the money for some considerable time to.

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Don't took utter rubbish, anyone who hasn't met him will tell you that they heard off a mate (who haven't met him also) that they know 110% (because 100% is not enough), a rumour, that he's in it for the money and will probably be in it for the money for some considerable time to.


FACT :grin:

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All I was saying is that he cares very deeply about the football side of things and it comes across. Sure, the land is the sweetener, but he's a businessman after all, And, to those of you who thinks 'he's an arse,' having met him a few a few times, I can say he is most definitely not - wonder if it's how he's approached? ;)

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Despite what Mr Corney will have us believe the club has made plenty of money over his tenure:-

Fees received no matter how nominal for


Spencer £200K

Philliskirk £150K

Eardley Undisclosed believed to be £175K

Abbott £90k

O'Grady £95k

Evina Nominal

Eaves £300k + + Add ons

Davies £90k

Stephens £375K

& probably others


The tv appearances


Port Vale






King's Lynn


Blackpool (H & A)



Leeds (FAC)


MK Dons


Sheff Wed

Sheff Wed


Reached the 4th round of the FA Cup twice in 04/05 and 07/08 equates to around £100k in Prize Money x 2


Reached 3rd Round 06/07 and 11/12, equates to about £45K in Prize money x 2


Big FA Cup and League Cup Ties


League Cup - Spurs (H) 8,548 all cash crowd



Man City (H) Full House,

Bolton (H) 12,000+,

Wolves (H) 9,628,

Everton (A) 33,086

Huddersfield (H) 12,749

Liverpool (A) 44,556



Two Northern Area LDV Finals


Play Offs


Blackpool (PO H) 12,154


Even being cautious, that little lot will equate to a very tidy sum…being on the very ultra cautious I reckon about £3.5m in unbudgeted income, probably more when merchandising and concessions are added to the home fixture income.


There may be a gap to plug, but the above is in addition to Football League TV payments, grants, sponsorship, match-day ticket sales, season tickets, commercial and marketing and matchday concession sales and programmes.

Edited by oafcprozac
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