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Simon Corney

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Despite what Mr Corney will have us believe the club has made plenty of money over his tenure:-

Fees received no matter how nominal for


Spencer £200K

Philliskirk £150K

Eardley Undisclosed believed to be £175K

Abbott £90k

O'Grady £95k

Evina Nominal

Eaves £300k + + Add ons

Davies £90k

Stephens £375K

& probably others


The tv appearances


Port Vale






King's Lynn


Blackpool (H & A)



Leeds (FAC)


MK Dons


Sheff Wed

Sheff Wed


Reached the 4th round of the FA Cup twice in 04/05 and 07/08 equates to around £100k in Prize Money x 2


Reached 3rd Round 06/07 and 11/12, equates to about £45K in Prize money x 2


Big FA Cup and League Cup Ties


League Cup - Spurs (H) 8,548 all cash crowd



Man City (H) Full House,

Bolton (H) 12,000+,

Wolves (H) 9,628,

Everton (A) 33,086

Huddersfield (H) 12,749

Liverpool (A) 44,556



Two Northern Area LDV Finals


Play Offs


Blackpool (PO H) 12,154


Even being cautious, that little lot will equate to a very tidy sum…being on the very ultra cautious I reckon about £3.5m in unbudgeted income, probably more when merchandising and concessions are added to the home fixture income.


There may be a gap to plug, but the above is in addition to Football League TV payments, grants, sponsorship, match-day ticket sales, season tickets, commercial and marketing and matchday concession sales and programmes.

In the interests of fairness, could you also list the money spent in fees. I know your point was to show it was not all doomsday, but it will eve things out.

£50k for Joe Colbeck

£60k for Montano

Adn the undisclosed as well.


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Codeword: "CORNEY"???




"One who has been brainwashed into preforming actions (such as spreading conspiracy theories about owners of 3rd division football clubs) upon recieving a special code word or phrase. The candidate acts and behaves (and posts on OWTB) normally before recieving the trigger, with no knowledge of what he will do, or what he has done while under the influence of mind control."

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Interesting to read the attached article from Th' Advertiser, in December 2003. Danny Gazal said: "The attendances are key. We need to get to a position where 8 to 9,000 people are coming on a regular basis. We particularly believe in attracting the kids and want to go out to schools and encourage families along through new ideas."


See http://menmedia.co.u..._love_football_ for full article.


The following is part of an article by David Conn, which was published by The Independent in March 2004. (Can't find the link anymore).


"Blitz and Gazal had watched English clubs flopping into administration and decided they would like to buy one, looked at Hull first, then landed on Oldham. Corney said: "It's very expensive to get involved in American football, but it's a childhood dream to run an English club."

As Oldham are losing money and struggling for crowds in the lee of the Manchester clubs, there has to be an angle, and there is: 22 acres of land around Boundary Park. "The first day we went to Oldham, we were shown the land," Blitz said, "and we decided right then we would do the deal."

Their idea is that the club will usually need money to keep going, rather than make a profit, so they will develop the land for offices, a hotel, conferencing and banqueting, although their plans are not yet concrete. "We're researching it, visiting other clubs to see what they do, then we will decide," Blitz added.

He said that Oldham, a large enough town, has too few such facilities, or places even to hold a wedding, and loses business to Manchester. They want the development to make money for the club and, in the end, be worth something, which will make money for them."

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How the hell can Portsmouth attract the attention of a middle east consortium when £61 million in debt and we don't get any sniff when effectively debt free and up for sale at £6 million?


Granted they get gates six times but it would take years to clear that debt with very little else - no team, no saleable assets etc etc


It's frustrating that the owners have screwed up 10 years with no progress OFF the pitch let alone on the pitch and never secured a plan b, c or d when backers dropped out throughout that period. There just doesn't seem to be an urgency regarding development, actively looking for other investment - especially if the club is on open sale - and general lethargy when it comes to moving the club forward.

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How the hell can Portsmouth attract the attention of a middle east consortium when £61 million in debt and we don't get any sniff when effectively debt free and up for sale at £6 million?


Granted they get gates six times but it would take years to clear that debt with very little else - no team, no saleable assets etc etc


It's frustrating that the owners have screwed up 10 years with no progress OFF the pitch let alone on the pitch and never secured a plan b, c or d when backers dropped out throughout that period. There just doesn't seem to be an urgency regarding development, actively looking for other investment - especially if the club is on open sale - and general lethargy when it comes to moving the club forward.

I hae to say I cannot agree with one aspect of that Mids.

WE have had set back after set back and most sane people would have bailed out

It takes an age to get planning for anything, much less on this scale, yet the club have done consultations, whilst retaining a not insignificant support of affected residents, Plans have been drawn up. Losing the CEO and another board member sidelines by illness, are garnering support to fill t he stadium on non match days-no mean feat, gained a "gift" from a Director who has left and further changes afoot.

All this in the middle of the toughest recession in history.

Whilst all is not rosy by any means, we are in a much better postion than many.

As you say, Pompey is madness, I am sure they would kill for our position.

Edited by singe
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I hae to say I cannot agree with one aspect of that Mids.

WE have had set back after set back and most sane people would have bailed out

It takes an age to get planning for anything, much less on this scale, yet the club have done consultations, whilst retaining a not insignificant support of affected residents, Plans have been drawn up. Losing the CEO and another board member sidelines by illness, are garnering support to fill t he stadium on non match days-no mean feat, gained a "gift" from a Director who has left and further changes afoot.

All this in the middle of the toughest recession in history.

Whilst all is not rosy by any means, we are in a much better postion than many.

As you say, Pompey is madness, I am sure they would kill for our position.


Sorry chap as I didn't mean just the stadium but development off the pitch in terms of boosting attendances and gaining interest into the club from financial backers. This £10 ST appeared just this season but marketing has been stagnant for many seasons now. It should be en mass through local schools, links with national companies, exposure in the media from whatever angle possible - tv documentary, X-Factor type auditions for players via local tv, Sky etc, pushing the club profile via the likes of Talksport by calling in representing the club etc etc. We should be pimping ourselves to City, United as a feeder club too.

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Portsmouth have got more potential. Fewer local rivals, bigger exclusive catchment area for fans. They can attract investment because whoever comes in is either stupidly wealthy enough to write initial funds off, or is pinning their plans on knocking down the amount payable in debts.

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What accounts are these? Nothing has been published into the public domain for the last couple of years and, even then, only a balance sheet is available, not information relating to turnover or profit/ loss. Unless anyone has taken up Corney's offer to view the accounts with him, any figures floating around are pure speculation and guesswork - normally by the friend of a bloke in the pub.


We know more about M'Changama's diet than we do of the details of our finances but until I see something published or something formal from the club, I wouldn't believe a word of what's seen on here.


I agree, lots of guesswork on here.


Last set of abbreviated accounts published last year for year ending 31 December 2010. Yes doesn't show a P&L but does state the losses the club makes of.... £784,815k, which increased from about £414k in 2008.

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In the interests of fairness, could you also list the money spent in fees. I know your point was to show it was not all doomsday, but it will eve things out.

£50k for Joe Colbeck

£60k for Montano

Adn the undisclosed as well.


Montano and Colbeck were undisclosed too. The figures above were just from local rags guessing.

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Sorry chap as I didn't mean just the stadium but development off the pitch in terms of boosting attendances and gaining interest into the club from financial backers. This £10 ST appeared just this season but marketing has been stagnant for many seasons now. It should be en mass through local schools, links with national companies, exposure in the media from whatever angle possible - tv documentary, X-Factor type auditions for players via local tv, Sky etc, pushing the club profile via the likes of Talksport by calling in representing the club etc etc. We should be pimping ourselves to City, United as a feeder club too.


Makes me think back to the Big Ron Manager documentary at Posh. Short term it looked like a great example of a badly ran club but instead of damaging their reputation in the long term it managed to catch the attention of Darragh McAnthony, which helped catapult them from League 2 to the Championship with some very good attacking players signed along the way.

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