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Goodbye Paul

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Finally getting somewhere. Yes the 1st half was atrocious and we could have been 3/4 down before Derbyshire popped up with a poachers finish. Dickov out?! as a few have said ... are you having a laugh - who will replace him, we have invested in signings recently and are looking a good side going forward at last - give the new lads a few more games to bed in together and we have a top-half side w/o any doubt whatsoever.


Negative, pessimistic moaning idiots need to reign it in and support the lads and manager. He went for a bold teamsheet today and yes Smith didnt work but he changed it for the last 30mins and created more fast paced, fluid football than we have since Dickov's first 6 months. 6 games in, played some tough opponents and we are not in the relegation zone, looking more dangerous and unbeaten in 3.



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first time in ages we've come out a stronger side in the second half than the first


first time in ages we've got a strong bench and options


first time in ages he's brought players in when he's seen a problem (wabara to put byrne in CB/Derbyshire and Baxter to create chances - both bringing the best out of croft)


in a bit paul, of course!

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Sack Dickov? Are you having a laugh?


He's been allowed to bring in three extra players last week; all of which have added to the team. We're improving slowly but surely and unbeaten in three.


It's early days, we're sitting outside relegation and 2 wins from a Play-Off position.


Dickov will be given at least until Christmas and only then will he been on thin ice of we go on a losing run.


Trust me; these players will very shortly gel and we'll soon be climbing the table.


We'll be above 10th position come November 14th. Mark this post and prove me wrong if we're not!

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Sack Dickov? Are you having a laugh?


He's been allowed to bring in three extra players last week; all of which have added to the team. We're improving slowly but surely and unbeaten in three.


It's early days, we're sitting outside relegation and 2 wins from a Play-Off position.


Dickov will be given at least until Christmas and only then will he been on thin ice of we go on a losing run.


Trust me; these players will very shortly gel and we'll soon be climbing the table.


We'll be above 10th position come November 14th. Mark this post and prove me wrong if we're not!


I would go as far as say earlier than that end of October IMO, but this is a top half side, especially if Forest let us have Derbyshire untill January (they can't shift him till then anyway).


More positives than anytime in the last 6months and still the posts (prior to the above) are so damn pessimstic, it's so depressing to read.

Edited by eyres_28
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Personally, I'm very excited about getting Baxter, Derbyshire, Croft, Montano, Furman and Wes together. With the first 4 of that list being in form or looking dangerous in the past few matches it gives me a little bit of optimism.


Them 4 must be able to get goals together.

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Sacking a manager 6 games in, after a draw? Some of our fans need a serious reality check. He's brought some very decent players int the team who are beginning to gel, and we seem to be improving a bit. We're a league 2 club pushing above our weight now, tonight's attendance confirms this. Sacking the manager at this point is going to solve absolutely nothing. In reality, which manager in his right mind is seriously going to want to manage Oldham Athletic and replace Paul? If in 6 or 7 games results haven't improved, maybe then we can begin to ask some serious questions. But 6 games in? Do me a favour.


Happy clapper etc etc etc

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Oh FFS, really?


That was good tonight, no complaints from me on formation, shape, selection and subs.


He's showed he IS learining.


He changed his favoured 4-4-1-1 to a definate 4-4-2. He dropped Simpson and Cisak, he brought in Smith. He have Croft and Montano more license to roam.......and we need to sack him?




He's learning, and IMO it will click sooner rather than later. Plenty of positivs to take away tonight, so can we focus on them eh?

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This is what I posted on another thread:


I can only comment on what I read on here and the OS as I've only been able to get to one game this season (which we won!)


But it appears that the funny thing is, all the complaints once centred around what PD's half time team talk must have been because after a decent first half, the second half was crap. Now, apparently, after we've had two rubbish first halves, his team talk must be doing some good, because the second half improvement is pretty much agreed.


Just need to stick the two together and we might be going somewhere.


Roll on Brentford.


PD is getting it together by the sound of things and I reckon he will soon stick those two bits into one. Starting on Saturday with any luck, because I haven't seen them lose this season yet!

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Sack PD? Nonsense, we were very unlucky not to win tonight and would have if not for the disallowed goal (really need to see it again to judge whether it was a foul but it looked to me like the keeper never had both hands on it).


Got to give credit to Scunthorpe, they looked a very good side in the first half - a cut above the likes of Stevenage and Wallsall.

Edited by bossrocks
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Sacking a manager 6 games in, after a draw? Some of our fans need a serious reality check. He's brought some very decent players int the team who are beginning to gel, and we seem to be improving a bit. We're a league 2 club pushing above our weight now, tonight's attendance confirms this. Sacking the manager at this point is going to solve absolutely nothing. In reality, which manager in his right mind is seriously going to want to manage Oldham Athletic and replace Paul? If in 6 or 7 games results haven't improved, maybe then we can begin to ask some serious questions. But 6 games in? Do me a favour.


Happy clapper etc etc etc


Have an up vote for that.



I honestly don't know what some fans expect.


There have been plenty of posts saying he doesn't learn from his mistakes - well IMO he is. Tonight massively shows that.


Plenty of positives to take from tonight:


Bouzy in for Cisak looked nice & solid.

Wes was cracking for 60mins

Montano is getting better & better with games, 2nd half he was immense.

Croft is also getting better and better too.

Smith did well. Credit where it's due, i've been a big critic; and he still has a lot to do to win me over; but tonight's a start - I thought he really put himself about (which has been one of big issues with him; not doing that) and we actually used him correctly too.

Derbyshire is a different gravy to other loan strikers we've had - his movement is top draw; and 2 in 2 games.

Baxter looks a real player.

It was more like the old Robbie Simpson when he came on.

Byrne & JYM were pretty solid, again.



But yeah - lets sack Dickov when it's showing signs of turning around shall we? Jeeez, some of the fans on this board (and at games too) make me want to scream...

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Oh FFS, really?


That was good tonight, no complaints from me on formation, shape, selection and subs.


He's showed he IS learining.


He changed his favoured 4-4-1-1 to a definate 4-4-2. He dropped Simpson and Cisak, he brought in Smith. He have Croft and Montano more license to roam.......and we need to sack him?




He's learning, and IMO it will click sooner rather than later. Plenty of positivs to take away tonight, so can we focus on them eh?


exactly, and a perfect example is Montano - he was average and ineffective first few games but he's improved immensely in what? 4 games?


i don't mind drawing two games at home the way we have done vs Notts/Scunny because we've played well and shown we can make chances. if we'd repeated the performances from Walsall/Stevenage then yeah call for Dickov's head, but after two promising home games?

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"2nd half immense". What? Seriously - Ok I get some who want PD sacked can go a little overboard but "immense" is a little too far the other way.


If those two chances had not been created in the last minute a lot of tunes would be different.


I'm behind Dickov. I don't know why, but I am. He's been given a new lease of life because of the trio that have arrived. But a very good side on paper were chasing shadows for 45mins.


Is ignorance bliss or will some only look at the DECENT last 20mins? If Scunny had hit the target and Bouzanis had not made two fine saves it would have been a mauling.


I thought we were terrific against Notts County. I thought we were frankly average tonight. Shockingly bad in the first half, average in the second.


I won't defend Dickov on his inability to motivate a squad to contest a football match for its duration, not bits of it.

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My first game of the season tonight and from that I'll be back for more. Really really encouraging. We didn't turn up for the first twenty minutes but barring a couple of Scunny chances later in the half there was one side in it.


I thought Montano was fantastic. Derbyshire was good. Smith did what he was supposed to. Croft has a touch of excellence about him and Grounds, although a touch shaky tonight at the back was effective going forward.


Dickov got it spot on with his changes, he can't do anything more than get the players on and and playing in a formation where they'll get their chances. It's up to them to take them (or the ref to do what he's paid to).


I really enjoyed tonight. It was good to be back.

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Thanks for your hype, pack yer bags along with the rest,..


I await the next new manager..........................


We sack Dickov, we could unearth a gem by appointing a rookie manager who knows how to get results, or we could appoint an old head who'll do the same...


....but, knowing our luck, what's more likely to happen is we appoint a rookie manager, who is hounded out while he's learning his trade, or we get another Dave Penney.


The fairest request we can ask of Dickov is we see progress. I was worried after the first couple of games this season, as a the pattern of play was all too familiar and the squad seriously lacked depth. While it's a shame we didn't hit the ground running this season, I think in the last couple of games, we've seen signs that the squad is in fact taking shape and a variety of tactics have been experimented with.


Now isn't the right time to be getting rid.

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We sack Dickov, we could unearth a gem by appointing a rookie manager who knows how to get results, or we could appoint an old head who'll do the same...


....but, knowing our luck, what's more likely to happen is we appoint a rookie manager, who is hounded out while he's learning his trade, or we get another Dave Penney.


The fairest request we can ask of Dickov is we see progress. I was worried after the first couple of games this season, as a the pattern of play was all too familiar and the squad seriously lacked depth. While it's a shame we didn't hit the ground running this season, I think in the last couple of games, we've seen signs that the squad is in fact taking shape and a variety of tactics have been experimented with.


Now isn't the right time to be getting rid.

Well said.

I'd be interested in seeing what our wage bill is now compared to what it was in Apr.

Wabara, overall, is at least as good as Lee.

Byrne ditto for Diamond (probably not Brown at CB, but definately at RB)

Grounds is better than Black

Croft is better than Morais (although its close to the Apr Morais but he is definately better than the RM we had between August and Feb last season including Scapuzzi)

Montano is better than Taylor (on Apr form, not currently on the form Taylor has showed on other occasions)

Simpson tonight was better than Simpson in Apr (ditto for Baxter, but not as good as the Simpson from November - mid January)

Derbyshire was better than the Kuqi from Jan onwards (I'd take the pre-Jan Kuqi though)


The problem we are going to have this season is keeping our current short-term loans or replacing them. Last season we struggled with the Simpson we got from Feb combined with the Kuqi we got from Jan. Not to mention Bunn and Bubba. Taylor often played like a man who wanted away no matter what. Wes and Furman were both injured a lot.

The key for Dickov this season, if he gets that far, (which on tonight's showing he should but from what I read he shouldn't on the showing in the first few games) is learning from his mistakes last season and the season before. I can see a few players not quite producing the expected quality towards the second half of the season as they are aware of interest from other clubs and our inability to match any offers. I fear for the performances of Furman, Mvoto, Croft, Simpson, as well as Baxter, Wabara and Derbyshire (if still here, if not then I can see issues with the replacements).


The one advantage Dickov has is he does have some replacements who have proven quality available. Hence why the GK probably won't be an issue, despite both of them being out of contract come June. Smith and Youseff arent realistically going to get better offers than they already have so it is in their interests to play as well as possible. If we have both Baxter and Simpson, then the competition between the two might work in a similar way to the GK competition.


If he makes the same sort of mistakes as he has done in previous seasons by over-playing those out of form and those with increasing incentives to not be 100% committed. Then unless we are knocking on the door of the play-offs I can see Corney having a very difficult decision to make regarding Dickov's future. If, until then, on average, we play like we have in the last 2 games, then Dickov shouldn't be gotten rid of.

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I dislike seeing PD stand with his arms folded and then move into action only to moan at the 4th official. The 442 did not work and changes should have been made at half time. Smith put himself about up front but only once found a team mate. Smith was however dominant when we defended set plays - if he had a bit more pace he might make a decent centre back. Scunthorpe were man for man stronger than us and quicker to the ball. The game changer for me was Montano who gradually worked his way into the game and had a great 2nd half. Our goal came when two under performers strung two passes and Derbyshire scored - Grounds just didn't seem that interested or committed and Furman was trying to play beyond his skills (I'm a great fan of his when he just sticks to what he does best). There is always a reason why a game is lost or drawn and we can go through the rest of the season unbeaten but still get relegated. Notts County would have beaten us but for the rule that had a player sent off and Scunthorpe had the better chances tonight.

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