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"Fans back Latics boss"

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200 votes representative of over 4000 fans (on a good day ) ?


I'd say yes.


General election opinion polls are typically based on a sample size of 1,000ish against an electorate of 50m.


That said, online polls like this are open to all sorts of oddities. Votes added since Monday morning give Dickov a near 100% popularity rating. I find that odd in the current climate.

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Ditto though the perhaps skewing of the poll in being posted directly after the defeat. I'd imagine it could also be argued that a lot of people come on here to have a rant and maybe more PD outers would have come on in the aftermath of Saturday to get things off their chest.


In conclusion, I would estimate 99% of the fanbase want to keep the manager :wink:

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Guest Scratch2000uk

I'd say yes.


General election opinion polls are typically based on a sample size of 1,000ish against an electorate of 50m.


That said, online polls like this are open to all sorts of oddities. Votes added since Monday morning give Dickov a near 100% popularity rating. I find that odd in the current climate.


It was the "online" poll that i was refering to, i guessthe voting has something to do with calm after the storm, don't worry, they will probably whipped up again on saturday.

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Go on, find where someone has said it's ace. You need to wake up yourself, and actually read what people say. I see your 'Jesus', and raise you a 'good God'.


Ive already woken to the fact that if things stay as is we will be in the old 4th div next year...is that all you have??. come back again with a point at least

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Ive already woken to the fact that if things stay as is we will be in the old 4th div next year...is that all you have??. come back again with a point at least

My point is that you haven't read people's explanations of why they'd keep PD. I thought it was quite clear.

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Ive already woken to the fact that if things stay as is we will be in the old 4th div next year...is that all you have??. come back again with a point at least

Because the point you've raised is perfectly cromulent isn't it? Yep, anyone who doesn't think we should sack Dickov for the time being thinks 7 wins this year is 'ace'.

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I think most are during matches

I would agree Harry, most are........................ however it only takes 1 pass to go astray before some wise cracking knob always shouts ":censored:ing sort it out Dickov" (or something along those lines) and the recent booing is increasing if we haven't impressed by half time!


Dont get me wrong, people are entitled to their opinion but the players and manager are playing under extra pressure at the moment by every single fan who chooses not to get behind us.


I will be accused of "happy clapping" here but I can assure you, I am as unhappy about our start as every fan but Corney is not ready to change so we need to continue to back the manager and team!

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Dont get me wrong, people are entitled to their opinion but the players and manager are playing under extra pressure at the moment by every single fan who chooses not to get behind us.


I will be accused of "happy clapping" here but I can assure you, I am as unhappy about our start as every fan but Corney is not ready to change so we need to continue to back the manager and team!


So we're entitled to an opinion but we have to back the manager?


In other words we're only entitled to an opinion if it's supportive of the status quo.


I won't boo during or at the end of games. I'll even chant Dickov's name in positive adulation during games if others do. But if I feel the manager should go I'll express that view on here and to the bloke next to me at Boundary Park.


If a few dissident voices on an internet forum are enough to give him a kick up the arse and improve what we see on Saturdays that's great. If they're enough to undermine him and the team then they're not fit to be professional sportsmen.


80% of Latics managers have a better record than Paul Dickov. 2 wins in 18 (a dead rubber and an own goal). Worse points per game record than Dave Penney. Why isn't Corney ready to change that?

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