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Dowie and Philliskirk

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shall we bring back palmer up front? nicky henry in midfield...


i grew up with all the joys that those seasons brought - i was 7 when we got promoted....and i remember them fondly, but it rarely pays to to go back.


I think we had the right idea with a fresh face when we installed dickov - i just feel we picked somebody who had the gift of the gab but not really anything to back it up with. I'd like us to go down the same route again if there is a suitable candidate only this time we HAVE to ensure they get an experianced assistant.

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shall we bring back palmer up front? nicky henry in midfield...


i grew up with all the joys that those seasons brought - i was 7 when we got promoted....and i remember them fondly, but it rarely pays to to go back.


I think we had the right idea with a fresh face when we installed dickov - i just feel we picked somebody who had the gift of the gab but not really anything to back it up with. I'd like us to go down the same route again if there is a suitable candidate only this time we HAVE to ensure they get an experianced assistant.


I dont think inviting big Joe onto the board is a backward step, he cares about the club. Lets face it, we have :censored: all personality currently on the board and we are scratching around for investors. Purely a business move, would be a plus and adds a presence to the club.


Oh and your point about bringing in Palmer and Henry , I think if Dowie and Philliskirk showed up the majority of the OWTB would be more glass half full than empty.

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Philliskirk wont want it I'm sure but think he'll be in place on Tuesday should SC do the right thing.


Long-term I'd have to see a list of suitable candidates but Ritchie would bring some fans back. Dowie I'm not so sure he had a lot of money that first season though suppose he looked after the kids the following term. He's not a yes man but can bring baggage.


All I know for certain is this has to be PD's last week at the helm. Woeful management today!

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dowie did a decent job with a budget that probably should have got us promoted.....it ended badly with the chairman, i think there are wounds there that can't be healed. Philliskirk is proven at working with the youths.....and i think we'd be wrong to take him away from that. The lifeblood of the club even existing is the youth setup.....


Ok, the palmer and henry think was sarcasm.....and i accept your opinions and who knows, maybe they would work, but i wouldn't be entirely happy with the pairing.


Whenever dickov goes, what is for is for certain, is that there won't be a shortage of applicants from all sorts of backgrounds....

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It's just bonkers. I was a big supporter of Dowie and because I had a fair inside knowledge of what went on at the time I never blamed him for leaving Latics at the time he did.


However, since then he has fallen out with most boards that have employed him and the fact that he has been out of management for as long as he has, despite some impressive achievements in management, suggest thtat the word has gone round.

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Dickov's not even officially gone and this has already become boring.


A few weeks ago I posted the phrase "Dead man walking" in relation to Dickov.


What I was trying to convey was that although I felt he should be given more time I didn't think he had it in him to turn it round.


As the weeks have moved on the performances have been more or less unchanged. A decent half here, a good ten minutes there. But overall dull, uninspired and on a par with anything Dave Penney served up. Indeed, measure Dickov's most recent games against the same number of matches that Penney was in charge and I think the run is worse. Penney got fired off for better form. And the crowds may have been higher too.


Anyway, getting ack to "Dead man walking". It's a case of when not if. It might be this afternoon that Dickov leaves. It might be the end of October. But Corney will almost certainly have had the feelers out to identify available replacements, be they on an interim basis or otherwise.


While you might find discussing the list of possible candidates boring I think there is merit in it. Others may get enjoyment out of speculating on the future rather than dwelling on the 70 minutes of utter garbage our team served up yesterday.


Either way, Dickov will leave. There will be a replacement. I can't think of a better place for Latics fans to discuss it.

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It's just bonkers. I was a big supporter of Dowie and because I had a fair inside knowledge of what went on at the time I never blamed him for leaving Latics at the time he did.


However, since then he has fallen out with most boards that have employed him and the fact that he has been out of management for as long as he has, despite some impressive achievements in management, suggest thtat the word has gone round.


Based on your knowledge Dave, what was his relationship with Corney?


When recently interviewed I understand Dowie made reference to how much he loved being here and his tenure at Oldham is up there as his favourite time in management.


Having re-read the Jordan autobiography on Dowie, he did lie to get out of managing Palace when things went sour. Things didn't click between Jordan and Dowie but I'm guessing because Jordan was so out-spoken and got involved in football matters whereas Dowie believed this was the managers area with no interference from the boardroom. Also he was quick to moan when funds werent available to strengthen and whose solution to a negative blip was to bring in fresh faces.


Could it work here a second time for him under the circumstances were in?


He'll inherit a strong starting 11, small number of promising player waiting on the bench but nothing else. Also would he get the squad firing if Harbin wasn't around?


Hmmmmm. I'm back to square one on who's best to replace Dickov....but it's academic as the incumbent is still on the throne.

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Could it work here a second time for him under the circumstances were in?


He'll inherit a strong starting 11, small number of promising player waiting on the bench but nothing else. Also would he get the squad firing if Harbin wasn't around?


We'd have to make the circumstances abundantly clear to him before he accepted, so he wouldn't have any right to moan about it once he takes the job on.


Anyone we appoint would be a gamble. We're either going to get someone with no experience or someone with a bit of baggage. I think we'd have a better idea of what we're getting with Dowie, with or without Harbin. Worth a punt as much as the next man, I reckon, on a 12 month rolling contract.


Not that there's any vacancy to fill at the moment.....

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We'd have to make the circumstances abundantly clear to him before he accepted, so he wouldn't have any right to moan about it once he takes the job on.


Anyone we appoint would be a gamble. We're either going to get someone with no experience or someone with a bit of baggage. I think we'd have a better idea of what we're getting with Dowie, with or without Harbin. Worth a punt as much as the next man, I reckon, on a 12 month rolling contract.


Not that there's any vacancy to fill at the moment.....


From wiki , where is John harbin now?


In 2009 Harbin returned to Australia where he coaches Yeppoon Seagulls in the Queensland Rugby League Central Division.[11][12]


Harbin is the manager of the Dreamtime Lodge in Rockhampton.[12]

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Rochdale appointed Keith Hill who was their youth coach and he got them to 2 play offs and then automatic and a top half finish in league 1.. would it seriously harm us to appoint philliskirk as mgr and would it be worth the risk?


He's said plenty of times he doesn't want the job.


Anyway, as mentioned above, we have a manager.

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Rochdale appointed Keith Hill who was their youth coach and he got them to 2 play offs and then automatic and a top half finish in league 1.. would it seriously harm us to appoint philliskirk as mgr and would it be worth the risk?


Nevermind not even wanting the job, but d*wie had to litterally force him to be his assistant manager. As soon as d*wie jumped ship, TP expressed his delight at returning to work with the youth squads.

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