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"Derbyshire wants to stay till January

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I just think Latics fans need to make sure he stays.


1. Turn up for home matches - with mates.

2. Buy half time draw tickets.

3. Use the official car park.

4. Buy stuff in the Club shop.

5. Buy a match programme.

6. Join PlayerShare.

7. Use PlayerShare WebShop.

8. Increase your PlayerShare contribution.

9. Make a one - off donation to PlayerShare.

10. Use official club transport to away games.

11. Join the lottery thing.


I've done five of them!

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If we cant keep Derbyshire, Baxter and Wabara then in my opinion..... We're screwed!


what a lovely upbeat post.


yes they have been important in our revival, but the form of Wes+Furman and also Montano getting better each week is equally as important imo.

the squad will still be strong enough to stay up if we lose even all of them (hopefully wont be a reality tho) and I fully expect to be challenging for a playoff spot if they stay

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The rarely-wrong Chron says the result of Derbyshire’s X-ray has not been made public, and states that Dickov believes his loan period can be renewed, beyond his final game tomorrow, for which he is in the squad. BTW the OS says his fitness will be checked tomorrow.


However, the Chron goes on to paint a black scenario for its Latics-fan readers. It says if Derbyshire’s ribs are only bruised, he’ll probably struggle to play at Crawley, and not feature until 6th November if at all, if his loan period is not extended, because Forest will probably not want him cup-tied at Kidderminster. If his ribs are broken he’ll be out for three weeks.


All this may turn out to be true in due course, but it also may be speculation wide of the various marks. We had similar scaremongering speculation last season that loanees would not be allowed to play at Liverpool.



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If he was out surely we would say say he is out


The fact he has travelled and not confirmed tells me hes playing or at least has a very good chance


At worst he will be on the bench.......if he was still in discomfort with bruising / fractures there's no way he would even be on the coach.


If I was a betting man I would back him to start tomorrow.

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Interesting that we're maximising the gap between league games by not playing him vs Kidderminster to make full use of the 93 days.


Surprised that's allowable though its good news (and no doubt Forrest don't want him cup tied).

They haven't said Forest don't want him cup-tied, but Latics hoping that will make him eligible for an extra League game at best.........or, at worst, the replay against Kidderminster if necessary.

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They haven't said Forest don't want him cup-tied, but Latics hoping that will make him eligible for an extra League game at best.........or, at worst, the replay against Kidderminster if necessary.


There's no way Forest would want him cup-tied. If they don't want to play him themselves (which is pretty much the case) then why would they make him harder to move on in January?


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They haven't said Forest don't want him cup-tied, but Latics hoping that will make him eligible for an extra League game at best.........or, at worst, the replay against Kidderminster if necessary.

His missus, on twitter, said she was due to have her Cesarian on the Wednesday of the week of the replay. Derbyshire may not fully have his mind on the job for any replay.


Incidentally, the loan period is for a number of days so even if he played in the replay it would still mean an extra league game (or more) if he has a break in his loan, if allowed to. Looking roughly, any break is likely to result in him being available for the Yeovil and Donny games at Xmas.

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They haven't said Forest don't want him cup-tied, but Latics hoping that will make him eligible for an extra League game at best.........or, at worst, the replay against Kidderminster if necessary.


I don't think he could play in the replay as in previous years rules were that only players who were eligible to play in the first tie (suspensions aside) may play in the replay.

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Don't think so....I thought it was a maximum of 93 days.

Emergency loans are a maximum of 93 days. There is no rule stopping an emergency loan becoming a standard one (ie until the end of the season), in a transfer window. January is the next transfer window, it's similar to what we did before Huddersfield cancelled his contract for Simmo.

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The rarely-wrong Chron says the result of Derbyshire’s X-ray has not been made public, and states that Dickov believes his loan period can be renewed, beyond his final game tomorrow, for which he is in the squad. BTW the OS says his fitness will be checked tomorrow.


However, the Chron goes on to paint a black scenario for its Latics-fan readers. It says if Derbyshire’s ribs are only bruised, he’ll probably struggle to play at Crawley, and not feature until 6th November if at all, if his loan period is not extended, because Forest will probably not want him cup-tied at Kidderminster. If his ribs are broken he’ll be out for three weeks.


All this may turn out to be true in due course, but it also may be speculation wide of the various marks. We had similar scaremongering speculation last season that loanees would not be allowed to play at Liverpool.




The Chron was wrong with its black scenario on this rare occasion.


Edited by Diego_Sideburns
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