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Safe standing campaign

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I don't see the debate involved. It's a no-brainer.


A large % of fans want to stand at matches, this is meant to be entertainment, which we often forget.


"The customer is always right". WE are the customers at football stadiums, when will clubs and footballers and some fans, in fact, not understand this. WE are what keeps it alive so WE should have the choice to stand or sit, especially as it is such a simple process.


This summarises it all for me:

"Half the reason there is so much misbehaviour at football matches, is that fans are treated like criminals before the game even starts. Herded around by police who think they're celebrities, told where you can and cannot go for food or a drink, made to sit down like a 4 year old when inside the ground. People are looking at addressing the outcomes not the root problem."


If you want to sit; be it you're old and can't stand for 90 minutes, you don't like the atmosphere or whatever else it may be then do it. But to ruin it for those who want to stand and have some fun is selfish.


The FA and some fans makes my blood boil sometimes.

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This debate only really belongs in the top two levels in England imo. The only ground I've been to in League One or Two this year (as well as Kiddy in the cup) and have not been able to stand for 90 minutes was at Pompey and even then I stood for the majority of it.


I find that if you want to stand there's usually quite a lot of opportunities to do so at the back of the stand. I find that I generally get the best view of the game from there too.

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This debate only really belongs in the top two levels in England imo. The only ground I've been to in League One or Two this year (as well as Kiddy in the cup) and have not been able to stand for 90 minutes was at Pompey and even then I stood for the majority of it.


I find that if you want to stand there's usually quite a lot of opportunities to do so at the back of the stand. I find that I generally get the best view of the game from there too.


Problem is - at least I find at BP, is that without proper standing and seating areas you are always likely to offend someone by standing up in an all seater stadium. I am not a complete :censored: so I dont want to stand in someones way, so these days I have just given up trying to get involved in making an atmosphere (which for me is much easier when stood up) and take the easy option of sitting on my arse and being quiet for 90 minutes to avoid any grief.

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Problem is - at least I find at BP, is that without proper standing and seating areas you are always likely to offend someone by standing up in an all seater stadium. I am not a complete :censored: so I dont want to stand in someones way, so these days I have just given up trying to get involved in making an atmosphere (which for me is much easier when stood up) and take the easy option of sitting on my arse and being quiet for 90 minutes to avoid any grief.


When those kids stood up v Tranmere. During a proper rivalry we were crammed into the Chaddy and then when people tried to make some noise, which was initially successful, the stewards sat everybody down and everybody shut up because it's not the same singing whilst sat down.


I'm considerate so I won't stand when somebody else is sitting behind me hence the reason standing areas are perfect.


I'm sure the Chaddy could be restored as the standing area and I have no doubt that it would bring crowds back to BP. I'm certain of it.


Praying that the 12 trialing clubs do well and then the FA can consider, with evidence, whether standing should be allowed. And if it was then Simon Corney would be in favour of that I'd imagine, anything to get fans back.

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why can teams in the the top divisions of both codes of rugby build shinney new stadiums with standing areas yet in football we cant thats what shoots the whole seating is safer arguement down for me its either safe or its not ?

would rugby crowds not panic should heaven forbid some form of incident happen causing them to have to evacuate and dont come the theyre better behaved bollocks ive seen supporters of both codes acting in a discusting manner at times especialy when they have been drinking all day if people are panicking they change to the devil take the hind most and dont care who they trample on to get away from danger nice civilised nigels or not .

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From what I understand, safe standing consists of facilities that can be swapped between seating and standing with ease and at any time.

So even if they don't allow safe standing in the prem/championship, surely they can make a law that allows teams such as oldham to install this facility allowing us to have standing again, then if we ever reached the prem/championship we could simply revert back to an all seater at no extra cost and keeping the FA/premiership big wigs happy at the same time.

Edited by RoytonLatics
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I don't see the debate involved. It's a no-brainer.


A large % of fans want to stand at matches, this is meant to be entertainment, which we often forget.


"The customer is always right". WE are the customers at football stadiums, when will clubs and footballers and some fans, in fact, not understand this. WE are what keeps it alive so WE should have the choice to stand or sit, especially as it is such a simple process.


This summarises it all for me:

"Half the reason there is so much misbehaviour at football matches, is that fans are treated like criminals before the game even starts. Herded around by police who think they're celebrities, told where you can and cannot go for food or a drink, made to sit down like a 4 year old when inside the ground. People are looking at addressing the outcomes not the root problem."


If you want to sit; be it you're old and can't stand for 90 minutes, you don't like the atmosphere or whatever else it may be then do it. But to ruin it for those who want to stand and have some fun is selfish.


The FA and some fans makes my blood boil sometimes.


The customer is always right - you obviously have never worked in a customer service environment!

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Such is the emphasis on health and safety in this country now (and rightly so) it is pretty much improbable that a Hillsborough type disaster would ever occur again. Indeed, the lessons learnt from that disaster would ensure nothing like that happens again.


What seems to be forgotten is that immediately following the Hillsborough disaster, and pending Lord Justice Taylor's Inquiry, the capacity of terraces in football stadia was reduced by 15%, which removed the pressure at a stroke.

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What seems to be forgotten is that immediately following the Hillsborough disaster, and pending Lord Justice Taylor's Inquiry, the capacity of terraces in football stadia was reduced by 15%, which removed the pressure at a stroke.


I remember reading in an old book that the capacity of BP was 30,000 before the Bradford Fire

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