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Deal fell through

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Glad we stayed away if we was offered him................



Makes me look like Mo Farah




If we were to be offered him on a short deal from City where they were to pay his wages then I would take him.


Probably got more talent than the whole of our team (other than Baxter) in his left foot.


He'll never be the slim kid that he once was but turn him into the Lee Croft sort of physique (if you can call it that) and he'd storm this league.


Unfortunately, it looks like he's ready to eat out the rest of his contract and then retire. Such the stark opposite to the lad that a friend's Dad taught at school, said that Johnson wouldn't play for the school team in worry of being injured, was really conscious of what food he would eat, was introverted and lived for football.

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He grew up in Urmston which isn't too far from me. I used to knock about with one of his mates, who I still see now and again. He is trouble. He's just been done for drink driving, not once, but twice in as many months, and could apparently start a fight in an empty room. On top of that he's a fat sod. He's the last thing we need at BP. Stay well clear.

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He's been released by Man City according to the Guardian. What a waste of skill.




He never needs to work again now


£240,000 pay off from City.


How many pie & pint deals in Weatherspoon's is that?



What a complete and utter waste. From 'the next big thing' to just a big fat thing.

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He's nothing compared to this..


2. Robin Friday

The former Reading and Cardiff midfielder was, quite simply, a deranged party animal, anti-authority loon and drug addict. He came from the toughest of backgrounds (including a spell in Borstal) before rising through the ranks of non-league football and shining for Reading, but was offloaded by the club for drug abuse and joined Cardiff.

His stint with the Bluebirds did not start well: he was caught travelling on a train without a ticket on his first day as Cardiff player, and had to be bailed out by his new manager.

Though he did well on the pitch he continued to hit the headlines for the wrong reasons off it, including (there's no nice way of saying this) pooing in Mark Lawrenson's kit bag. Memorably, he also tried to destroy a hotel snooker room in the early hours of the morning by flinging balls around the room while standing on the table dressed only in his underpants.

His woes continued after he left the game, and he served a spell in prison for impersonating a police officer in order to confiscate other people's drugs.

Tragically, Friday died aged 38 of a massive heart-attack allegedly after a heroin overdose. He was later immortalised on the cover of a hit single released by indie band Super Furry Animals called "The man don't give a f***".

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Still, who was the mystery man???? Will this question never be answered??


Also, we judge fat-piss head jonno,but that's his free choice. Let's face it, he's not alone in enjoying a pint, a pie and a good night out. Let he who is without sin on this site cast the first stone.

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Perhaps the best thing is that City have now got rid, when you are getting money every week for doing nowt it is easy to do nothing about it. With no money coming in he might think about getting his fitness back and losing some weight. At the end of the day he was a talent, knuckle down, take a drop in standard of football, get the desire to play back, start smiling, I know it aint the same but sound familiar. He could prove all his doubters wrong but then so many have wasted their talent down the Nags head.

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