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Coventry move to Hinckley...

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Was looking forward to visiting the Ricoh too. :thumbsdown:


Moving to there would kill the club though. Look what happened to Kettering, on a smaller scale but the same principle.


I suppose there is no room for negotiation over the cost of rent for the Ricoh, they could put extra seating at Hinckley's ground like Crawley, anyway, it beats compensating those whose season tickets will be obsolete from a move.

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Be a queue for ST holders to get a ticket if this happens. Won't get more than 500 if this goes through.Know a fair few who've already booked train tickets...

We have train tickets! Where's Hinckley?!

Edited by maddog
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surely it'll just be Coventry proving a point to the stadium owners, because they just want the rent to go down. The stadium won't want them to move out and Coventry wouldn't want to move to Hinkley!

Exactly. They have no intention of sharing with Hinkley..They may as well hold talks with Solihull as well it's much nearer!!

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