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1. Punish players for bad performances, instill some discipline. If Montano plays badly one match then put a willing youngster in his place. Same applies to all players. They must learn to be responsible if their display doesn't suffice.


2. Find a striking partnership or player that can score goals. If that means putting a youngster into the team i.e. Dan Taylor, then so be it.


3. Break the hallowed couple in CM. They are not playing well enough and need replacing, too much complacency and haven't done their jobs well for a while consistently.


4. Get us to score goals. Have an attacking mindset, 'we'll score more than you' rather than 'we'll concede less than you'. It's driving fans away.


5. Rid the players of the idea that every loss was unlucky. I'm sure they work hard in training but if you have the correct mentality then you're halfway there and if the players see poor performances as acceptable just we didn't get the rub of the green then that isn't healthy, change it. That includes playing well for just a 20 minute period rather than playing well for a whole match being seen as satisfactory. You're fooling nobody but yourselves.


6. Inspire leadership by all players, especially the seniors.


7. Sign Baxter! (Probably the most difficult thing there!)


8. We are not in this league to avoid relegation, we are in this league to win every match and get promotion. Even though we might not win every match, the belief that we can't do that should be quashed.


9. Win the second ball.


Feel free to add to the list. There are quite a lot of problems at the moment..

Edited by NewBlue
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A good example is Peterborough United, won 5-4 today, and 2-1 at Cardiff last week, having 15 attempts at goal. I know they are rock bottom of the Championship and don't have anything to lose, but that's the mindset we need to adopt! Sometimes it will work, sometimes it won't, but we can't be any more inconsistent having a go every week than we are now!

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Get the players to show passion. We were promised that pre-season would see us signing who players who would run through brick walls. I've not seen any of the ones brought in even looking like they could break through a crete-paper wall; let alone a brick one.

The Swindon game was shocking. It would be more palatable to accept a defeat if the players went down trying, showing some spirit, showing some passion. As a fan, i want to see that. I've not all season really.


Fight. Battle. Show some spirit. Show some passion. Show some professional pride and actually 'give a :censored:'.


Its weird PD & GT have assembled a team packed full of shrinking violets, quiet as a mouse hiders and bottlers. Considering what they were like as players, and how PD in particular is on the touchline, it just baffles me that they let our side behave as they do during games. It speaks volumes that our captain is one of the worst for not actually leading / being vocal, in a team packed full of dont say a peep players.


That is one of the first things i'd look to change.

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Get the players to show passion. We were promised that pre-season would see us signing who players who would run through brick walls. I've not seen any of the ones brought in even looking like they could break through a crete-paper wall; let alone a brick one.

The Swindon game was shocking. It would be more palatable to accept a defeat if the players went down trying, showing some spirit, showing some passion. As a fan, i want to see that. I've not all season really.


Fight. Battle. Show some spirit. Show some passion. Show some professional pride and actually 'give a :censored:'.


Its weird PD & GT have assembled a team packed full of shrinking violets, quiet as a mouse hiders and bottlers. Considering what they were like as players, and how PD in particular is on the touchline, it just baffles me that they let our side behave as they do during games. It speaks volumes that our captain is one of the worst for not actually leading / being vocal, in a team packed full of dont say a peep players.


That is one of the first things i'd look to change.


Maybe running through brick walls explains why they wander about the pitch in a daze.

Edited by BP1960
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It looks to me like some are playing with long term injuries, for example Montano had his thigh strapped up months ago and now we hear he went off on Saturday with a thigh strain. Simpson was also reported to be struggling through matches.

If you are suffering throughout a game in pain you cannot give your best, which why I am always wary of anyone passing a late fitness test (which might explain the poor performances of Montano and Croft against Swindon). Byrne looks like the walking wounded too.

Edited by BP1960
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