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If Dickov were to go. . .

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Championship clubs knew he was available in the summer and none of them snapped him up - don't think there will be quite the clamour for his services as some have suggested and I'd be pretty disappointed if he left us to go to an MK Dons or a Preston.

Doubt he will go to the Dons he seems a true Scouser at heart and his Dad still drives him to and from training everyday.


The issue could be somewhere like Bolton where Dougie Freeman, who had a look at him in the summer at Palace, is the manager. Tranmere could also be a problem, but if their budget is as bad as they claim they ought not to be able to out-bid us.

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This won't happen. I hear Jose has options in the Championship although i'd be made up if he remained. Yet more PR from PD.


My guess is with Derbyshire and Baxter and possibly Wabara gone, then if PD survives he will have to make do with the current squad as with attendances plummeting there will be no more money for signings. Better start giving them games now Paul


Attendances aren't great but it would be very unwise not to give Dickov money to spend if those 3 don't return in Jan. I doubt that the squad would be good enough to survive whoever is manager and Dickov has proved already this season that he can bring in players to make a difference (even though it's his fault the initial squad wasn't good enough!) Punishing Dickov like that will only make things worse for us. If we aren't going to back him then we should sack him.

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Phil Brown (Don't laugh, I reckon he'd do a good job at this level)


Iain Dowie (Would love to have him [and John Harbin] back, but it won't happen. They say Never go back, but this would be an exception)


Roberto Di Matteo (We can all dream)


Jim Magilton (Mad as a box of frogs, but he'd do fine)


Nick Barmby (Didn't do a bad job as caretaker at Hull. Maybe unfortunate to lose out)


Sean O'Driscoll (Would do very well)


Billy Davies (Not sure, but worth a stab. Been out of the game quite some time)


Steve Cotterill (Not convinced, but a possible. Like BD, not been involved for a while)


Paul Jewell (Knows the lower leagues well, out of his depth at premier level, but OK for us, despite a rough time at Ipswich)


Peter Reid (Had an almost impossible job at Plymuff, so he'd do for me)

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Phil Brown (Don't laugh, I reckon he'd do a good job at this level)


Iain Dowie (Would love to have him [and John Harbin] back, but it won't happen. They say Never go back, but this would be an exception)


Roberto Di Matteo (We can all dream)


Jim Magilton (Mad as a box of frogs, but he'd do fine)


Nick Barmby (Didn't do a bad job as caretaker at Hull. Maybe unfortunate to lose out)


Sean O'Driscoll (Would do very well)


Billy Davies (Not sure, but worth a stab. Been out of the game quite some time)


Steve Cotterill (Not convinced, but a possible. Like BD, not been involved for a while)


Paul Jewell (Knows the lower leagues well, out of his depth at premier level, but OK for us, despite a rough time at Ipswich)


Peter Reid (Had an almost impossible job at Plymuff, so he'd do for me)

I agree with all of those Bristol and thought the world of Dowie and his passion.


BUT, he had a top 3 budget in League 1 and couldn't get us past a play off semi final.


Having said that I do think if he had stayed a second season and that vile :censored: M***e hadn't pulled all the money out, he would have won us the league.


Question is, nobody knows what Dowie can do with no dosh.

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I agree with all of those Bristol and thought the world of Dowie and his passion.


BUT, he had a top 3 budget in League 1 and couldn't get us past a play off semi final.


Having said that I do think if he had stayed a second season and that vile :censored: M***e hadn't pulled all the money out, he would have won us the league.


Question is, nobody knows what Dowie can do with no dosh.


I think David Miskelly cost us that as much as anyone. Pogs did better on one leg in the game at QPR than Miskelly had done on two.

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Don't think he'd be sacked before Forest even if we lost the next two.

However, with speculation mounting I really think Corney needs to make some sort of statement.

We haven't had the dreaded vote of confidence yet!!


13th November: "I still have faith in Paul".



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13th November: "I still have with in Paul".




You're right, I'd forgotten about that and the key comments would be...........



"There comes a point when you need to look closely at what's happening," Corney told the club's official website. "We are being dragged into a relegation battle. It is a concern to me and I don't want to get into a situation where it's too late.



Maybe he will go if we lose our next two!



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Damn - just been reading posts from '04 regarding 'Merc-gate' where Dowie tried suing us for £80k!


Forgot all about that and no doubt makes chances of his return even more slim.


He did however speak quite affectionately about the club on GMR a few weeks ago but I'd imagine SC would be the issue in light of above!

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