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Everybody except Dickov out

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Too many times this season Dickov has looked a bit bemused on the touch line and he has had nobody there to offer any advice/opinion/plan B/cuddle.

Ergo we either need a tactician or Katy Perry. And I'm damn sure who I'd like to see in a Latics shirt....


Seriously though, I think it's a good move. Get him a sidekick with a bit of nouse and experience and things could turn around. What better way to do it than back I back wins against Scunny and Forest. Bring it on.

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On a slightly different tack, what do we actually need? I can't see why we couldn't share a fitness coach with, say, Dale or Bury or both. The most important part of their job is presumably designing the programs, they don't have to watch ever shuttle run. A full time GK coach seems a luxury if he isn't also backup a la Gerrard before now and later era Temple. Maybe one of the local Prem clubs would take our keepers for a day or two a week for their specialist sessions?


Intrigued by the idea that Dickov should be the one going upstairs with a strong first team coach coming in. It seems to fit his best skills but I can't see it being appealing to him

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Agree with scratch. If this was news.to PD he.d have walked.

IIRC PD was very late for the presser on Sat and said then board backed him.

I don't believe this Blackburn stuff, they will go for a name and.are more likely go for Odriscoll.

And it is very unusual for the number of backroom staff to go before the manager. At the same time if all agreed, but after if the manager is poached.

Dickov would walk too if he were not involved, but clearly last chance to save his job.

PD could walk and not have money worries so that says a lot.

We know replace Derbyshire with some one scoring same goals and we will get clear of relegation.

Get the team more motivated, get Smith scoring to AMD thinks will be much brighter.

Am sure people are being lined up, but am sure no one cam replace them whilst they are on GL.

Are we unusual at this level that the Asst Manager does not tale charge of Ressies?

One way of saving money....


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I've managed to trawl through all eight pages and probably forgotten half, if not more, of the posts. There's a lot of speculation and opinion around how and why this all came about. Some think PD's position is untenable and he's been undermined. Others reckon it's a good move. I'll go with the latter. Maybe the weekend's conversation went something like this.


SC: Paul, it's going horribly wrong. You're struggling and I don't think you're getting the support you need.

PD: Aye, I know how I want to do things, but there's others who have different ideas. The players aren't sure which way we want them to play because of it.

SC: I want you to succeed, Paul, but I don't see how the three of you can carry on working together.

PD: So, either I have to go, or they do. Is that it?

SC: In a way but, if you go, who's to say that the next bloke can't work with them either.

PD: Be honest with me, Simon, do you want me here or not. The fans want me out.

SC: I want you to stay because I believe you can turn it round and you've suffered because of the other two. But it will only work with the right staff to work with you. And by the looks of it, Tags and Butler ain't the ones. I know Gerry's your mate, but it's not working out and I think he's the bigger problem. Butler is a big disappointment. Would you accept working with someone more experienced if we can bring an older and wiser head in?

PD: Of course I would. I want to learn and prove myself as a manager and, if it means breaking ties with GT, then that's life.

SC: OK, Paul, I want you to stay and I think it would be a big help in the long term. I have someone in mind that I can bring in.

PD: Would that be as assistant, or would I be assistant?

SC: I'm thinking more of joint managers. What do you think?

PD: If it's someone I know and can work with, let's do it.


As none of us were in the boardroom at the time, we can only speculate, so time will tell. I'd like the above scenario to be the one to succeed.

Edited by Bristolatic
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I've managed to trawl through all eight pages and probably forgotten half, if not more, of the posts. There's a lot of speculation and opinion around how and why this all came about. Some think PD's position is untenable and he's been undermined. Others reckon it's a good move. I'll go with the latter. Maybe the weekend's conversation went something like this.


SC: Paul, it's going horribly wrong. You're struggling and I don't think you're getting the support you need.

PD: Aye, I know how I want to do things, but there's others who have different ideas. The players aren't sure which way we want them to play because of it.

SC: I want you to succeed, Paul, but I don't see how the three of you can carry on working together.

PD: So, either I have to go, or they do. Is that it?

SC: In a way but, if you go, who's to say that the next bloke can't work with them either.

PD: Be honest with me, Simon, do you want me here or not. The fans want me out.

SC: I want you to stay because I believe you can turn it round and you've suffered because of the other two. But it will only work with the right staff to work with you. And by the looks of it, Tags and Butler ain't the ones. I know Gerry's your mate, but it's not working out and I think he's the bigger problem. Butler is a big disappointment. Would you accept working with someone more experienced if we can bring an older and wiser head in?

PD: Of course I would. I want to learn and prove myself as a manager and, if it means breaking ties with GT, then that's life.

SC: OK, Paul, I want you to stay and I think it would be a big help in the long term. I have someone in mind that I can bring in.

PD: Would that be as assistant, or would I be assistant?

SC: I'm thinking more of joint managers. What do you think?

PD: If it's someone I know and can work with, let's do it.


As none of us were in the boardroom at the time, we can only speculate, so time will tell. I'd like the above scenario to be the one to succeed.


I reckon you were sat having a poo whilst typing that. :)

Edited by Lukers1
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I reckon you were sat having a poo whilst typing that. :)


He probably was in the boardroom during said conversation, what he says is all very plausable .


However at this point like all the other comments it is only speculation no matter how believable. I just hope whatever desicions are made are the right ones and move us forward.

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I agree with 99% of what you have written except.2 parts.

No wlould PD have stay to be joint manager, and PD will have to have some input in who he appoints.

If SC backs him AMD.wants him to.stay, he won,t impose a whole backroom team.

Sorry about spelling. New phone.

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You're obviously posting in jest Leyland; but Milligan has been involved with the Norwich coaching set-up for years. IIRC too; so has Neil Adams.


Redfern is very highly thought of over at Leeds - there were calls from the fans for him to be given the managers job before Warnock was appointed.


Frankie Bunn is a highly regarded coach.


There are actually plenty of our golden generation who are involved in the game.


But - i feel we have to look outside of the club for this next backroom appointment. Someone who has no pre-conseived ideas or opinions of the club.


Im just gutted that John Gorman has retired. He'd have been ideal for us to work with PD.


I'd like someone who knows, understands and has a bit of affection for the club. Redfearn is being linked with the Barnsley job. He has developed his CV and might be worth a shout. His first professional job would add a little hunger.

Peter Reid is a total dinosaur. I wouldd totally hate having him around.


On another issue, i sometimes answer the phone and go to the :censored:ter. I feel bad........

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I was tempted to just skip to the last page of this thread. I'm glad I didn't, I would have been puzzled as to what the thread topic was....


Shocked but not surprised by this turn of events. Something had to give and plenty of people have been saying on here for ages that Dickov needs an experienced assistant to help him out tactically. Hard not to see it as undermining him, I really hope it was done with his agreement and that he's realised after 3 years working with Taggart that 'good mate/good bloke' is not the same as 'good assistant manager'. Obviously we don't see what happens in training/behind the scenes but it's hard to see what he contributes on a matchday. Thought Paul Butler's time was up when Corney had his rant a few months ago about 'we're paying good money for a fitness coach and the players aren't fit'. Every time I've heard the players mention him in interviews, it's always to call him 'the boss's pet/lapdog/bitch', so it's probably safe to say they didn't respect him. God knows whether this is going to work or not, but I can understand Corney's thinking.


Gutted for Lee Duxbury though. Seems strange to sack him after so long at the club because 'the chemistry's not right'. Best of luck to him in the future, especially if the rumours about his and his wife's health are true.

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A strange move but if Corney sees more than us and I think he must have done it with the approval of Dickov, there are options out there who could do a good job as assitant/advisor. Shame about Duxbury although I did sit behind him during the Bury game and he spent the whole chatting to a woman driectly behind, he didn't seem too interested in the game. If it was his wife and she's ill then fair enough, I think Paul Gerrard will be stay but his position will come under review depending on who is brought in.

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2 down to Scunthorpe within 20 mins. Lets have the club actively put up for sale and get some leadership in place who want to take this club forward and fast. Forget booting the backroom boys, lets get this club sorted top to bottom.

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How on earth can he survive this result , on the back of our other defeats ?


almost an hour left and there is not a cat in hells chance of this shower getting back in the game .


First managerial casualty of 2013 on it's way ........the players should swiftly follow.

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