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Everybody except Dickov out

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Guest Scratch2000uk

Dickov may just have accepted that the backroom staff haven't delivered, I'm pretty sure if he was totally against it, he would have walked too.

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One of those here.


I've never agreed with Butlers methods, ever since I got to the ground way earlier than I normally do, and saw the shambles he was making of the pre-match warm up. The fact we ship so many late goals cannot be overlooked either; that for me is directly linked to fitness levels. The amount of players who are shattered after 65-70mins into the game is shocking for a professional football club - no 18 year old players should have to be taking liquid energy shots every game to get through it.


His CV never stacked up either - for him to have done all he listed, and been at the all the clubs he listed, meant he was at each one for no longer than 4/5 months each max.


In this day & age, I would never take glee in anyone losing their job. But, that said; I'm happy Butler in particular is out of our club.


BUT - to me; this smacks of Corney wanting Dickov to resign. Like others have said, I can see whoever is now brought in; to be a however you phrase it - director of footballl or 1st team coach or assistant manager; being our new manager in the not to distant future once Dickov resigns or is sacked also.


Something needed doing however. A full clean out would have been my ideal; but this is a start.


In the olden days I remember a player downing a few liquid energy shots before a game and went on to play a blinder - I don't think whisky is allowed now though.

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In the olden days I remember a player downing a few liquid energy shots before a game and went on to play a blinder - I don't think whisky is allowed now though.

If i recall rightly i don't think the player in question was 18,but what would you give to have this player in our team now

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So SC steps in and sacks PDs chosen team. What does that tell PD?

'Oh, it's not your fault for picking these people and it's not your fault we're crap and going down the crapper faster than a dogdy curry, no not your fault.'

OR, 'this is crap, i can't afford to sack you so i'll put pressure on you by stepping in and sacking your mate and team and, hopefully, you'll get message and do the right thing....'

Of course, SC might be so thick that he doesn't blame PD, but i doubt it. SoD and Hilly are suddenly in the picture. Coincidence? Barnsley being linked to SoD, so that migh not be an option, unless we get there now.

PD could be really thick and not get the message, but i doubt it.

Will he do the right thing? I'd wait for the pay-off.

Either way, taxi for Dickov....


Can't be arsed trawling through 7 pages on this, so apologies if somebody has made this point already, but who says PD wasn't involved in the decision to get rid of the back room team?

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Joe Royle - Director of Football

Roger Palmer - Assistant Manager

Rick Holden - Physio

Mike Milligan - Kit Man

Earl Barrett - Clipboard Guy


Danny Boshell - Waterboy


Let's make it happen! We're guaranteed to get promoted if all our club legends work for the club again.

Edited by LeylandLatic
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Joe Royle - Director of Football

Roger Palmer - Assistant Manager

Rick Holden - Physio

Mike Milligan - Kit Man

Earl Barrett - Clipboard Guy


Danny Boshell - Waterboy


Let's make it happen! We're guaranteed to get promoted if we all our club legends work for the club again.


Add David McNiven as chief scout, he's found players who have changed Hyde around in a short space of time.

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Seems very strange, I'm sure if dickov has an ounce of integrity he will walk with them

Don't think you should question his integrity, if he can see where its going wrong, give him a little time it may work out ok, seems to me that this is a joint decision between him and SC, it takes a man to admit you've made mistakes, all hope is not yet lost.

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If Dickov has bought into the decision, obviously it sullies his friendship with Taggart but who cares that's football - plenty of times it happens the other way round where a manager gets sacked and his mate/assistant takes over. So if Corney is genuine and wasn't doing it to get Dickov to walk, then no harm done.


If Taggart was still there and an older/wiser coach is brought in then obviously that undermines the whole situation.


But I don't understand how an experienced coach coming in to assist, especially someone known to him like Reid/Horton, would be undermining if everyone is clear as to their role. Horton has already been an assistant in recent times after being the front man. Maybe veterans like this want to get on with the football and leave all the media crap to someone else at that stage in their careers. Maybe they want to pass on all their knowledge and teach someone younger. Same situation with Lawrence/Freedman at Bolton. It's not the same as something like Evans/Houllier at Liverpool where it was obvious what would happen.


Hopefully this is the situation and we will see a positive move in the next couple of days... hopefully.

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Don't think you should question his integrity, if he can see where its going wrong, give him a little time it may work out ok, seems to me that this is a joint decision between him and SC, it takes a man to admit you've made mistakes, all hope is not yet lost.


does sacking all his backroom staff make you feel that he has admitted all his mistakes? pure desperation imo

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I'm just glad they've had the balls to do something about it. I was getting quite angry at the constant crap performances, shat results and nothing really been done about it.


I'm not sure if Dickov is the right guy for us but lets hope this has some positive effect on the club and players.

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People saying it has undermined Dickov but if Corney wanted to stick by him so much, he wouldn't have let PD come in this morning to find 3 of his staff sacked. Corney obviously wants to stick by his manager in the long term, and we've all seen that on occasions he can get them to play some bloody good football, with an experienced no.2 in, we might be able to find some consistency. Dickov will have been involved with the decision so it's important hemakes the appointment now, Corney has done his part.


The best assistants are the ones that are constantly up and down whispering to the manager. Get the feeling Taggart just went along with whatever Dickov said so whenever PD was stuck, there was no second opinion. I've said before, this appointment will be as important as a new manager.

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I'm guessing the gardening leave is due to cash flow issues. Corney needs time to get the money together to pay the severance. Perfectly understandable, but perhaps revealing. Personally I no longer see Divkov's position as tenable. If, say, an old head comes in and we improve, it's due to the old head. If the old head comes in and we continue to struggle, it's the pair of them. His only saving grace is if we improve and the old head lets PD be the face of it as he doesn't want the hassle of the media etc. To me it seems far fetched and I can't see PD lasting long now. Let the roller coaster to May begin.

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I bought some salted butter once and my wife wanted unsalted, boy, was that a mistake! We all make mistakes, in my first job I sent a gas bill to a dead man which didn't go down too well.


What's all this focus on whether the backroom boys were mistakes and who's mistakes they were? What does it even matter? Football club/manager/chairman hired someone and it didn't lead to European cup glory so there are moved on. Professional football is a male dominated ego-centric industry with little room for sentiment, if that bunch of shirkers on the training ground club their single figure IQs together and come to some half assed conclusion that Dickov has been undermined then they're in the wrong game.


Turn up, try hard, do what the manager says, win games go on to have a successful career.

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You're obviously posting in jest Leyland; but Milligan has been involved with the Norwich coaching set-up for years. IIRC too; so has Neil Adams.


Redfern is very highly thought of over at Leeds - there were calls from the fans for him to be given the managers job before Warnock was appointed.


Frankie Bunn is a highly regarded coach.


There are actually plenty of our golden generation who are involved in the game.


But - i feel we have to look outside of the club for this next backroom appointment. Someone who has no pre-conseived ideas or opinions of the club.


Im just gutted that John Gorman has retired. He'd have been ideal for us to work with PD.

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This backroom move reflects what i and some fans have thought for a while this season , the players are not as fit as some teams in this league.


SC has obviously got faith in PD as a manager but not the backroom staff and this is the only way out.

When PD wakes up to it he will see that it's the right move.

IF he wants to make as a manager he will take it on the chin , take a deep breath and come back stronger .

It's down to him now and he certainly knows this is last chance saloon.


Furman going to SA will be a beneficial move IF PD puts an attacking midfielder in there with Wes as the holding one.


Come on PD , ball firmly in your court now , it's up to you to deliver once and for all or move on.

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i am fed up of people going on about getting Big Joe back in and some of the other players from back in the days, we have got to stop living in the late 80's early 90's. those days have gone never to return time to look forward.


the have been put on gardening leave as part of their notice to being made redundant/sacked. ever sine PD was appointed i have said that it will be good to have him at the club and i still do, but not so much for his managerial skills as he really doesnt have any, i always felt that he should be made a director football or similar role where he can use connection to bring in the players he has, but he needs someone with experience to get the best out of these players.


it might not be the complete overhaul that many are wanting, but at least they have started to act. On the whole the players arent that bad, but for whatever reason they are just not performing, and not really surprising that they have completely gone to pot now Derbyshire went back to forest


with the reserves not playing to well, and with no one looking like coming through looks like the first teamers may have been gtting a little lazy

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Getting an experience person in seems to work for Notts County - Keith Curle and Colin Lee are doing fine.


I think we'll be getting a Technical Director / Assistant Manager. Though I hope it is someone with experience.


I hope its not jobs for the boys again (apart from Dux - I do feel for him).


I like I've said before there's a lot out ex-managers out there, Little, Gregory, Kinnear, Horton, McIIroy, Worthington and Burley to name a few.


Whatever happens, the second half of the season will be interesting. Just hope we don't become like Blackburn.

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