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Today's team - no start for Taylor

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Come on Pete, no-one has said that, PD said he wasnt ready but he scored (a well taken goal)on his debut.


He's paid to score, he did... move on.


My point is that it's ridicu;lous to put so much expectation on him. I think it's others that should move on or rather move away from that position.

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More of a surprise is m'changama exclusion. Well not a surprise under this management but he should not have been left out


Think it'll be because of his knee. Injured against Doncaster and was bandaged up against Crewe, and we need him to be fit enough to play in CM when Furman goes to ACON

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Dear, oh dear!! 2-0 down after 20 minutes, Montaño off injured, M'Changama booked and maybe Byrne is lending ailing Scunthorpe a crafty hand.

This lot have only won one match at home all season, how nice of Latics to go along and put yet another unwanted record to rights.


...and Byrne volleys home to keep the alive the myth that ex-players always score against their old teams.

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M'Changama is a nice alternative to the defensive CM's of Furman & Wes.


Taylor looked a decent prospect in his goal-scoring cameo, and TBH, it doesn't take much to be a better bet than the out-of-his-depth Matt Smith


IMO, Paul Black would still be a better bet than Grounds; bt he's not here - Mellor; at LB - i'm not sure. Connor Brown actually looked OK at LB.


Mellor for me is a very decent prospect, and deserves a run in the side too; but in his preered role in midfield.


Montano has been gash, and annoys the heck out of me with his constant :censored:ting out of challenges, and from what I've seen, Connor Hughes would be worth a run on the left.


M'Voto has been very hit & miss; and were it not for the fact he's well liked in the fanbase, he'd have been pillorised for the howlers he's made.I rate Tarky, and I think he's due a run in the side too; at the expense of JYM.


We need a shake up. There's been one in the backroom. We now need one in terms of the playing side too IMO.

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My point is that it's ridicu;lous to put so much expectation on him. I think it's others that should move on or rather move away from that position.


I havent seen anyone stating he's gonna bag us 25 goals. He was given a chance, he took it in a team who are struggling to score.


I'm pleased for him, thats about it, I dont think we are stupid enough to think he's a saviour.

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