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Today's team - no start for Taylor

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Grounds isn't perfect.


But Mellor must not play left back unless we have a genuine crisis!

Totally agree, seen enough from Grounds this season to suggest he has the makings of a decent player, along with Brown could be good for a few years at full back, no need for square pegs round holes there.

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Gutted Taylor didn't start today.


Their defence was poor and we were crying out for 2 strikers. Needing a poacher.


Yet again, Smith won loads of headers in the box, most were on target but were weak and could have been knocked down or passed if there was a supporting striker.


Byrne's goal was from a Smith knockdown and we were in need of that type of play from crosses and open play etc.


When Baxter got forward, in that position between defenders and midfielders, putting his head down and running towards goal, he was lost for options and had to spread the ball to the wings almost every time which broke the momentum we had. If we had a player who ran the channels it would have been perfect for Baxter.


Really think today was a waste really when we could have done so much better with better tactics. Needed that poacher, desperately, or at least a channel runner. Another Derbyshire like player.

Edited by NewBlue
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Genuine answer , mellor or Hughes for montano, changy for furman, tarky for mvoto, and at at a push taylor for smith , my point being how :censored: do the untouchables have to play before being dropped?


To be fair if we made all those changes and had this as our line up:




Brown - Byrne - Tarky - Grounds


Croft - Changy - Wes - Hughes


Taylor - Baxter


We'd probably get completely rogered.

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He is more likely to be a saviour than Matt Smith.


Saw this on the Scunny board:



Matt Smith..Future Big And Nasty ?

I remember him coming on for the final few minutes last season and scoring against us, looping header but of cause he wasn`t on for long.


I must admit he looks an absoloute nightmare to play against, strong, holds the ball, tough as old boots and a beast in the air..certainly got the presence.


I would go for him, if we get some dosh from player sales of Hobson and get Hawley or another striker off him, he causes all sorts of problems.


Even just as another option off bench or just play him away from home..


Torpey-esque,but,more effective...opposition defences will know they have been in a battle going toe to toe with him.


Must admit I'd like to see how a front 3 of Smith, Baxter and Derbyshire/A.N.Other would work, just not sure how the rest of the team would fit in around it.

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Did I imagine it or were all and sundry calling for Smith to get a run in the team a few weeks ago?

Now he's getting a run, seemingly improving but all of a sudden a total waste of space according to some.

Who would be surprised if the sudden favourite Taylor suffered a similar change of favour when he gets his chance?

Smith was never going to be our saviour immediately, he's still very much learning his trade at this level. He makes mistakes but surely that is how he will learn, for heaven's sake people don't destroy another young player before he can fulfill his promise!

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Did I imagine it or were all and sundry calling for Smith to get a run in the team a few weeks ago?

Now he's getting a run, seemingly improving but all of a sudden a total waste of space according to some.

Who would be surprised if the sudden favourite Taylor suffered a similar change of favour when he gets his chance?

Smith was never going to be our saviour immediately, he's still very much learning his trade at this level. He makes mistakes but surely that is how he will learn, for heaven's sake people don't destroy another young player before he can fulfill his promise!


Partly due to that miss, and the fact that we'll never get the best out of Smith if we play him as a lone striker. Not his game playing as a lone striker, needs someone upfront with him to run onto his flick on's etc

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Partly due to that miss, and the fact that we'll never get the best out of Smith if we play him as a lone striker. Not his game playing as a lone striker, needs someone upfront with him to run onto his flick on's etc


In a previous life, I spent my time getting on a bus for 10p and going to any football match taking place on the bus route. Living near Manchester Airport the old 400 route took me to Stockport, Oldham, Rochdale, Bury and Bolton while the bigger Manchester clubs also got a look in. I have some good friends at County and have continued to see them play several times a season.


Kevin Francis, 6 foot 7, had the piss taken out of him mercilessly by Saint and Greavsie who used to show County's Friday night goals on their Saturday morning show.


Francis formed an exceptional partnership with Andy Preece and scored a goal every 1.6 games, Preece wasn't far behind either. Francis had a better ratio than any other striker in the four divisions.


It was all about the partnership though and playing to Francis' strengths. He had a bit more pace than Matt Smith but shared the slowness of thought when controlling the ball. But because the team knew it and were coached with it they were always on hand for the lay off. He was rarely isolated. Above all, County kept it on the deck, pushed the midfield up and won free kicks and corners where Francis got a lot of his goals from.


Over 100 goals later County sold him, built the Cheadle End stand with the proceeds, crowds increased and a new team was built that got to the semi finals of the League Cup (beating four Premiership sides on the way) and won promotion to The Championship. Where they got within a couple of wins of the play-offs.


I'm not saying Matt Smith is a world beater. But if he's on the pitch and the side play to his strengths and support him well there is the potential to get a lot of goals out of him.

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Did I imagine it or were all and sundry calling for Smith to get a run in the team a few weeks ago?

Now he's getting a run, seemingly improving but all of a sudden a total waste of space according to some.

Who would be surprised if the sudden favourite Taylor suffered a similar change of favour when he gets his chance?

Smith was never going to be our saviour immediately, he's still very much learning his trade at this level. He makes mistakes but surely that is how he will learn, for heaven's sake people don't destroy another young player before he can fulfill his promise!


'according to some' - that is the point - there are a few who have a different opinion but that is all it is and surely that is what this board is about? For me I have seen enough from Smith to believe that we should persevere.

He had a decent game against Crewe and yesterday was involved in both our goals. Different players mature at different rates and I can see a definite improvement in the lad. Now that he is having a run in the team he is getting better imho.


As for the Taylor argument, I would say the same thing - give him time but also give him time on the pitch - I have no doubt that, if the game had not panned out as it did yesterday, he would have been brought on towards the end.

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