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A few thoughts for the rest of the season

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I’m surprised that Corney decided to sack the coaching staff and not Dickov. Not convinced that it will work out, but happy that something has been done as a very disappointing 2012 needs to be rectified at the start of this year to keep us in this league.


Whoever is part of the rest of the coaching staff is largely irrelevant imo, but the assistant has to be wily and experienced. If we aren’t in one already we are heading towards a relegation battle, so I hope our attitude is to embrace it and see ourselves as having a 6 point headstart on the chasing pack. Becoming a very difficult team to beat and a nuisance for the opposition is the 1st step. Some posters have mentioned Brian Horton as a potential assistant/advisor and he’s certainly one choice that would fit the bill.


To do this I’d recommend using Matt Smith to the fullest extent. If nothing else he is a nuisance to opposition defences and a constant target in the air. The team’s that are best equipped for relegation battles are the one’s that have a clear target, identity and strategy and Smith certainly helps us in that area. The 2 goals today were very satisfying as they showed that we are playing to Smith's strengths. This definitely is not a long term strategy but it’s our best chance to ensure our safety in the short term and enables us to decide where we go in the longer term at the end of the season.


The news that Baxter is likely to stay is great but I’d like us to be able to find a way to play with Baxter, Smith and an experience goalscorer (Derbyshire would be great). It would make us very difficult to handle and would be very likely to get us more goals. Possibly a 4-3-1-2 with Croft in the midfield 3 adding a bit of width and Derbyshire working the channels would help our balance.


Our motivation in the next 2 months should be to look at how Tranmere and Yeovil managed to get out of trouble last year. Both went from being in a relegation battle at the end of February to being comfortably safe by early April. If we get started with a siege mentality now we could be away from relegation trouble by March and be able to build for next season, with or without Dickov and/or the new coaching staff.


Rant over. :)

Edited by the_mighty_bosh
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If we're pinning our hopes of league one survival on Matt Smith then I'm seriously worried.



Always tries hard, winning headers now, but IMHO will score no more than 10 even if starting every week

How many times have his headers 'just' gone wide, he's someone for a goal poacher to play off.

Like Hayter , cureton, Derbyshire , Dagnall, ALF, even Ashley grimes from Dale, or take a punt on Connor Jennings, ex Stalybridge, now on loan at Stockport from Scunny , I think

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Always tries hard, winning headers now, but IMHO will score no more than 10 even if starting every week

How many times have his headers 'just' gone wide, he's someone for a goal poacher to play off.

Like Hayter , cureton, Derbyshire , Dagnall, ALF, even Ashley grimes from Dale, or take a punt on Connor Jennings, ex Stalybridge, now on loan at Stockport from Scunny , I think

These last few games and even when coming off he bench smith has been excellent in my opinion. That sitter a side of course. He wins everything on the air and is also putting them into he righ areas. The guy can do no right on here. Mighty bosh is right, let's utilise him. Play ugly, get it up to him quickly and play from there. I also think he would get himself into double figures given an extended run in the side.

Edited by welshgaz
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As I've posted elsewhere, he really played to his strengths yesterday and I imagine that their centre-halves will be feeling as rough as anything this morning. Was holding up the ball well and and many of his flick-ons were crying out for someone to make a run forward. Baxter clearly plays deeper but we really should be looking to make the most of Smith by getting crosses in and playing someone, anyone closer to him.

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Could the answer to someone playing alongside Smith be Montano?


We already have seen that Grounds could play on the left and Brown at left back and that also would make us more solid than Montano backing out of challenges on that side of the pitch?


Not with this injury now - looks a serious one, could be months rather than weeks.


I'd play 3-4-1-2 with Smith/Taylor up top and Baxter sitting just behind in a more creative role - this leaves the midfield to be more defensive as they have been all season, but covers your attacking side of the game with the extra forward.


Alternatively - a 4-4-2 Diamond could be used if you wanted to retain the 4 man defence.


Or even 4-3-1-2 with Furman/Wes missing out so again we could retain the 4 man defence.


Theres plenty of options there, but Dickov won't use them.

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Said this so many times before. Smith is not a lone striker. Why Dickov persists in using him in that way baffles me.


He is a knockdown, flick-on striker with low stamina and slow pace. It's automatically assumed that all big strikers are good at holding ball up - his poor control makes that difficult for him - so we need somebody, preferably a poacher or channel runner to support him up front and will be alert and fast because Smith will get rid of the ball as soon as he gets it.


Byrne's goal yesterday showed how we must use him but in the future from open play situations as well as dead ball plays. Knock the ball onto his head and have somebody around him who can benefit from his high percentage of headers won. Shockingly, the only player who capitalised from that was Byrne.


I think that there is a big misunderstanding when it comes to discussing Smith. He has the potential to create so many chances if we utilise him correctly and tailor the tactics around him. He's not a good quality footballer but he could make a quality striker.


WE NEED A 2ND STRIKER. (Hopefully, that can be Dan Taylor) and it will all start to piece together.

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or take a punt on Connor Jennings, ex Stalybridge, now on loan at Stockport from Scunny , I think


That can't make sense can it? A striker who a side below us don't see as up to L1 standard for now - and apparently fair enough given he's played 14 times for them and hasn't scored? He's only proven at the same level as Smith.

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That can't make sense can it? A striker who a side below us don't see as up to L1 standard for now - and apparently fair enough given he's played 14 times for them and hasn't scored?


Well he did knock in a hat-trick on his debut for Stockport.


But they've gone :censored:e since he joined them!


I do think we should work on our own "sub-talent" before drafting in somebody else who's below par at this level.

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I'm with Stevie on this unfortunately - if we're basing our survival in L1 on Matt Smith; we're in major trouble then.


I was vocal on here (not at games mind, I'm not like that!) in terms of criticising Smith; namely the fact he didn't use his size and frame nearly enough, to physically impose himself on games.


I've come on and posted that he has improved in that area this season. He now does at least let defenders know he's there, and I actually like him picking up the odd bookings, it means he's getting nasty and toughening up as far as I'm concerned.


I understand people's point of view in terms of using him correctly. And I agree. If you're going to play Smith, you need to play to his strengths; as it's pointless expecting him to be something he's clearly not.


I just feel that even with his improved presence this season, he's just not actually that good. If we're going to set up and play our entire game plan towards a big target man up front, then IMO; we'd need to go and get one on a free transfer or a loan; as our 'in-house' one isn't up to it IMO.


If Smith continues to lead our line for the remainder of the season, I can only see us in a big relegation battle.

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Playing an attacking line up with Smith and another up front with Baxter behind would not simply be relying on him. When he is there on his own we are relying on him. With Dan Taylor or a loan signing like Derbyshire beside him we can win both ways. The long ball becomes an option that works as well as passing the ball from the back.


The problem has been doing one thing or the other rather than a mixed plan of attack.


We have to use the players we have and given the improvement in Smith because Dickov has been forced to play him that for me is the way to go.


Baxter is neither a target man nor a Derbyshire style striker - he is a creative midfield player who not only scores from dead ball situations but also from open play - let him run the show with license to go wherever he wants and if he is here for the rest of the season build the team round him with two up front.


We are set up to defend and that is no longer working so lets go for it and win 3 2 like the good old days.

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