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Loyalty System

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I think tickets should go to ST holders first, then to people like me. Or just me in fact. Actually I might not be able to go to this one so I might buy a ticket and sell it on eBay.



This will go on and on!


How about any one of these?


I know where BP is

I went to Liverpool last season

I hate Dave Penney (not sure who he is though)

I've always backed PD

I promise to go again (sometime in the next 5 years, or when we have another big game)

I always watch out for Oldham's results ( whilst watching sky sports Saturday, and after Citeh and Ush1ted)


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This isn't a swipe at anyone in particular


but.................. can we all enjoy the draw for the time being, without doing the whole I deserve a ticket more than everyone else thing.


Evereyone who wanted a ticket badly enough for Liverpool last season got one.


There were a few on here who said they wouldn't queue for tickets and therefore didn't get one, but most held their hands up and said it was their own fault.


We struggle to get 3,000 at the moment and there will be around 7,000 to 8,000 available.


Again it's not a dig at anyone, enjoy the moment and as long as you are prepared to queue you will be fine.


I wish I could vote that post up more than once!!!

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I broke my back volunteering at BP last summer (and have club certificate to prove it), does that give me priority tickets? :OASISscarf:


well if you have a broken back you wont want to sit in the very uncomfortable seats for 90 mins


I dislocated my knee playing football and didnt get a certificate....very jealous :cry:

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we can get a big crowd for the brentford game if there's an incentive for the cup. I think the 2,800 deserve priority as well for the atmosphere yesterday, so ST holders and any of the away support at the City Ground get first pick.


Maybe the club could use the success of the bonfire to put a screen on the car park as well as the game to get more people to get the atmosphere and make a bit of money?


I remember in the past some people buying a ticket just for the voucher...going straight home not staying to watch the game.

Edited by BP1960
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I remember in the past some people buying a ticket just for the voucher...going straight home not staying to watch the game.


Nowt wrong in that if that's their choice. Waste of money like but if that's what it takes. Always remember my mates going to OT ressie matches (when no first team games at the same time) going in and out the ground buying teamsheets that had a token attached. 70's/80's granted.

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Hopefully someone at the club will have some common sense this year.


Season ticket holders should ALWAYS get priority, but ffs don't let them snap up all the tickets ;) I would say 1 per season ticket is fair as the season ticket is yours and shouldnt give others priority.


Then surely they can use this to pull people into the next home league games by giving priority to those who attend and retain a ticket stub. Is it Brentford on Saturday?


Then general sale for the rest?


No one could complain at this could they? Plus the club is likely to get a bumper crowd for a league game!

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As much as I want to go, Season ticket holders come first.


I've only been to a couple of games this season so don't really deserve to go as those who go home and away do and also those who hardly miss a game.


Maybe I'm being stupid but that's just how I feel.

Edited by AnthonyOAFC
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As much as I want to go, Season ticket holders come first.


I've only been to a couple of games this year so don't really deserve to go as those who go home and away do and also those who hardly miss a game.


Maybe I'm being stupid but that's just how I feel.

Don't worry, you will get a ticket even if it's 2 per ST holder it would leave 2 or 3k as long as you turn up early enough.
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I can spell Orpheo Keizerweerd, and I can name all three of those triallists from St Kitts & Nevis, and I have a copy of the Match Of The Day from the day of the Great Escape on VHS, can I have a discount?


If not, boo, clipboards out. Or something.


I'm excited for this cup tie.

Edited by Crusoe
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We can get a big crowd for the Brentford game if there's an incentive for the cup. I think the 2,800 deserve priority as well for the atmosphere yesterday, so ST holders and any of the away support at the City Ground get first pick.



A voucher given to all non ST holders at the Brentford game would help boost the crowd for that game. I'd then give them second priority after ST holders for cup tickets.


I'd also restrict ST holders initial allocation to 1 ticket per ST holder. Why should a mate of a ST holder get priority over a non ST holder who went to the Forest game for example?

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how about this? dont know how the logistics would work, but first come are current season ticket holders, followed by lapsed season ticket holders, followed by open sale. at least this way you know you are prioritizing those who at somepoint in recent history have shown a keen interest in latics, rather than just any old randomer who buys a voucher off a mate in the pub for priority and is unlikely to return until the next glamour tie


surely the club has a record of names or summat to make this possible? like i said i dont know how realistic an idea this is in practice, but makes sense in theory

Edited by philliggi
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Again, why should lapsed season ticket holders get priority over someone who pays on the gate 23/20/15/10 times a season?


There is absolutely no "fair" way of prioritising ticket allowances other than current ST holders > everyone else.

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Again, why should lapsed season ticket holders get priority over someone who pays on the gate 23/20/15/10 times a season?


There is absolutely no "fair" way of prioritising ticket allowances other than current ST holders > everyone else.


They've committed themselves, for which they are rewarded to reflect that they are the most important fans.


Everyone should know by now that season ticket holders are always given priority when it comes to cup games. It's a perk of being an ST holder and an incentive for fans to commit themselves rather than pay every week or cherry pick their games.


It's as fair as fair gets.

Edited by PlayItLivo
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realistically, how likely is it that someone who pays on the gate has never had a season ticket?


this is why the membership scheme should never have been scrapped

Any scenario you come up with, someone will give you a counter. You want to give priority to someone who hasn't been for 5 years over someone who has moved to the area in the last couple of years and takes his kids to see real football rather than watch on the TV, but is finding times hard and can only afford one game in 4? BOOOOOOOOOO.
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They've committed themselves, for which they are rewarded to reflect that they are the most important fans.


Everyone should know by now that season ticket holders are always given priority when it comes to cup games. It's a perk of being an ST holder and an incentive for fans to commit themselves rather than pay every week or cherry pick their games.


It's as fair as fair gets.


Thanks for agreeing with me. :chubb:

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