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Loyalty System

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The only fair way of doing this is as follows...


Season ticket holders (Should be two per ST but that's up to the club)




All the rest...



There is no fair way to police the rest...you can have a voucher scheme at next home game but however you do it, there are winners and losers. What if you pay every week but then had to work during the brentford game....somebody whose not been all season but turns up once gets priority???? It's impossible to police and make everybody happy....if you want priority tickets the once in a blue moon we need them,...buy a ST. If not, doesn't matter how many games you've been to, where you've travelled or how many programmes you've got from 1962.


This who buy ST confirm our commitment to the club so they know what their guaranteed funds are. That's why we deserve priority....it's doesn't mean we are better in any way....but there has to be some perks to committing and allowing the club to budget.


Sorry to anybody whose offended but that's the way it is. This board was ruined pre Liverpool last year with moaners who pretty much all ended up with a ticket anyway....lets not put a cloud over a good result and a game to look forward to.

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there's a fair few season tickets holders on here, and a fair few who aren't and might not get a ticket. so if there's 2 tickets per ST, what about an OWTB pool of spare tickets where if there's no-one else for the ST-holder to buy for, offer it on here to someone who can't queue up but shouldn't miss out? won't solve everyone's problems but might solve one or two?

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there's a fair few season tickets holders on here, and a fair few who aren't and might not get a ticket. so if there's 2 tickets per ST, what about an OWTB pool of spare tickets where if there's no-one else for the ST-holder to buy for, offer it on here to someone who can't queue up but shouldn't miss out? won't solve everyone's problems but might solve one or two?


Pre Nottingham Forest match members only of course.

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will be a huge mistake on latics part if a voucher system isn't introduced. will put a couple of hundred on the gate atleast. Already had my mate (who attends regularly) saying he is giving up overtime on saturday if he can get a voucher. Will be mainly adultstoo as most kids have a st. say an extra 250 on the gate at £20 each? £5000. plus pie sales etc. The club win financially and the fans who want lpool tickets, get them! simple

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there's a fair few season tickets holders on here, and a fair few who aren't and might not get a ticket. so if there's 2 tickets per ST, what about an OWTB pool of spare tickets where if there's no-one else for the ST-holder to buy for, offer it on here to someone who can't queue up but shouldn't miss out? won't solve everyone's problems but might solve one or two?

That's happened before, and no doubt will do again. I thought I would be stumped for the Blackpool away play off and ended up with a handful that I was able to spread about. There are always also late cancellations going if it gets really bad. It'll be reet.
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There's no real fair way of doing this, so I say sod that. Make as much money in the process as possible. Get a voucher in the Brentford programme and only sell it in the ground. One per person on entry (if they want one -ha!).


Then sell in order:


(1) ST Holders

(2) 1/2 ST Holders (Advertise this as available too - not sure what they get at the moment)

(3) Voucher holder

(4) Free for all


One ticket per person.

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A simple but effective idea- a card (made out of card) to be stamped on entrance to BP, handed out on the turnstyles on the forst home game of the season or available for collection from the club shop at the supporters' convenience. Edit: for future seasons.


Is this not down to the club marketing staff to come up with, before the idea gets put out on here???

Edited by tangerinedreams
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A simple but effective idea- a card (made out of card) to be stamped on entrance to BP, handed out on the turnstyles on the forst home game of the season or available for collection from the club shop at the supporters' convenience. Edit: for future seasons.


Is this not down to the club marketing staff to come up with, before the idea gets put out on here???


And what's to stop somebody passing their card to a mate?

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will be a huge mistake on latics part if a voucher system isn't introduced. will put a couple of hundred on the gate atleast. Already had my mate (who attends regularly) saying he is giving up overtime on saturday if he can get a voucher. Will be mainly adultstoo as most kids have a st. say an extra 250 on the gate at £20 each? £5000. plus pie sales etc. The club win financially and the fans who want lpool tickets, get them! simple

NOTE TO CATERERS: Get more pies in, otherwise if the extra fans are disappointed it may give them a reason for not coming again.

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A voucher given to all non ST holders at the Brentford game would help boost the crowd for that game. I'd then give them second priority after ST holders for cup tickets.


I'd also restrict ST holders initial allocation to 1 ticket per ST holder. Why should a mate of a ST holder get priority over a non ST holder who went to the Forest game for example?


As I was saying . . .


(Wonder if they'll have a one pie only rule as well?)

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