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Chron: This can’t go on any longer

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It's not his to sell though, is it? Anyone who thinks the other 'Amigos' (the ones with the money) aren't still sitting in the background is deluded. Corney's their puppet and not a lot more.


Amazing that he pleads poverty then miraculously money appears for a signing or two. You watch if we lose the next couple of games he'll pull a striker and a midfielder out of his arse…..

Edited by oafcprozac
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I thought everybody knew that?


No, you see Simon is here out of the goodness of his heart and only wants the best for the club. Without Simon the club would turn to dust, Wednesdays wouldn't exist and Cats and Dog's would live in harmony.


Blah, Blah feckin' Blah with lashings of Happy Clapping…..

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It's not his to sell though, is it? Anyone who thinks the other 'Amigos' (the ones with the money) aren't still sitting in the background is deluded. Corney's their puppet and not a lot more.

If SC is the puppet of the landlords what does that make Barry and Hill?

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There's been interest, but the asking price was apparently ridiculous...


The following is taken from an article in The Independent in March 2004:


" . . Blitz and Gazal paid £120,000 for Oldham's office equipment and other assets." & "They are paying £4.6m more for the ground and land."


As the players are not classed as tangible assets this suggests that the club (minus the land) was worth only £120,000. SC now owns 97%, which he got from Blitz and Gazal. I wonder how much he paid for their shares?


When you state a 'ridiculous' asking price, do you mean for the club or the club and ground/land?



PS: Great article in The Chron by the way.

Edited by Mark59
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The following is taken from an article in The Independent in March 2004:


" . . Blitz and Gazal paid £120,000 for Oldham's office equipment and other assets." & "They are paying £4.6m more for the ground and land."


As the players are not classed as tangible assets this suggests that the club (minus the land) was worth only £120,000. SC now owns 97%, which he got from Blitz and Gazal. I wonder how much he paid for their shares?


When you state a 'ridiculous' asking price, do you mean for the club or the club and ground/land?



PS: Great article in The Chron by the way.


Some of the land has already gone hasn't it ?

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As the players are not classed as tangible assets this suggests that the club (minus the land) was worth only £120,000. SC now owns 97%, which he got from Blitz and Gazal. I wonder how much he paid for their shares?


I wasn't aware that they'd sold their shares.


Only that they weren't willing to bankroll any further losses.

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I wasn't aware that they'd sold their shares.


Only that they weren't willing to bankroll any further losses.


From Latics' website (about the football club or Oldham Athletic (2004) AFC Ltd.)


Declaration under Regulation 94.1 of The Football League Limited. Shareholders holding 10% or more of the shares is issue are:


Simon Corney holds 97% of share capital.




Blitz (and Gazal) of course still own the ground / land.

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These anti-management articles always frustrate me because there are so many people who imply great knowledge without actually putting any substance behind it.


Does anyone actually know the financial position at the club? Could we survive without investment, say through fan ownership or similar?


For my money the club has had some pretty impressive squads in recent years, with big money players. What therefore is the appalling mismanagement that is constantly referred to?

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These anti-management articles always frustrate me because there are so many people who imply great knowledge without actually putting any substance behind it.


Does anyone actually know the financial position at the club? Could we survive without investment, say through fan ownership or similar?


For my money the club has had some pretty impressive squads in recent years, with big money players. What therefore is the appalling mismanagement that is constantly referred to?

Every player we sign is ignored, every bit of income (eg TV for Scousers) is profit for the owners. Hence they make a load of money with dramatically reducing revenue.
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From Latics' website (about the football club or Oldham Athletic (2004) AFC Ltd.)


Declaration under Regulation 94.1 of The Football League Limited. Shareholders holding 10% or more of the shares is issue are:


Simon Corney holds 97% of share capital.




Blitz (and Gazal) of course still own the ground / land.



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These anti-management articles always frustrate me because there are so many people who imply great knowledge without actually putting any substance behind it.


Does anyone actually know the financial position at the club? Could we survive without investment, say through fan ownership or similar?


For my money the club has had some pretty impressive squads in recent years, with big money players. What therefore is the appalling mismanagement that is constantly referred to?


Corney himself has been quoted as saying on more than one occasion 'if he walked away tomorrow the club would survive', 'If I was hit by a bus the club would survive' which asks the question, what exactly is he bringing to the table, and what exactly is he taking from the table?

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But that's a good thing to say, I'd be more worried if he said the club couldn't survive without him. Owners are only at the helm for a relatively short time, their role is, if possible, to get success but asa bare minimum it is to ensure the club is in a fit state to hand over the baton when that time omes - Corney is saying that's what he's done.

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I'm not saying people are wrong, but again I have asked a question about the supposed mismanagement and the responses are an allegation of taking funds out from extraordinary revenue streams and Corney suggesting the club could survive him.


Hardly conclusive, and as for the comment regarding the creaming of profits then you have to balance that against the fact that we didn't win a cup game for about three years so surely all that time the losses were being covered elsewhere?


The ground status is very worrying, but I don't get the rest of the innuendo I'm afraid.

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At the end of the day it will boil down to how Blitz and Gazal want to play it.


If, with the help of the local council, a better rate of return on the land can be made from redeveloping stand by stand and selling off pockets of land here and there, that's the direction they will go in. However, if an opportunity arises to flog the lot to a developer and see out the covenant to play professional sport at Boundary Park, I'm sure that's got as much chance of happening.


Corney's 97% stake is worthless without the land so I wouldn't read too much into that.

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Corney himself has been quoted as saying on more than one occasion 'if he walked away tomorrow the club would survive', 'If I was hit by a bus the club would survive' which asks the question, what exactly is he bringing to the table, and what exactly is he taking from the table?


Are you saying you want him to run the club in a way where it wouldn't survive if he walked away tomorrow?

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I'm not saying people are wrong, but again I have asked a question about the supposed mismanagement and the responses are an allegation of taking funds out from extraordinary revenue streams and Corney suggesting the club could survive him.


Hardly conclusive, and as for the comment regarding the creaming of profits then you have to balance that against the fact that we didn't win a cup game for about three years so surely all that time the losses were being covered elsewhere?


The ground status is very worrying, but I don't get the rest of the innuendo I'm afraid.


Agree totally. No-one on here (other than probably Barry) really knows anything with regards to budgets, individual player renumeration, upkeep of the ground and general club running costs. No-one has any idea how much revenue we are able to generate from commercial activities, from selling Jose Baxter t-shirts or the pennies from click throughs from the website. We know that there isn't too much money that comes through the turnstile anymore but that's about it. I take pretty much anything stated as fact on here with very large pinch of salt.

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Corney himself has been quoted as saying on more than one occasion 'if he walked away tomorrow the club would survive', 'If I was hit by a bus the club would survive' which asks the question, what exactly is he bringing to the table, and what exactly is he taking from the table?


This is a good thing, it means were not laden with third party debt.

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Corney himself has been quoted as saying on more than one occasion 'if he walked away tomorrow the club would survive', 'If I was hit by a bus the club would survive' which asks the question, what exactly is he bringing to the table, and what exactly is he taking from the table?


Did he say in what form?

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