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Safe at the season end! Would you cash in our best asset?

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If we where to stay up this season at the rate he is going Jose Baxter is likley to hit 20 goals plus, a 20 plus goalscorer and talent we would have under contract for 2 more years.


in todays climate with the talent that Jose has and with that goal record we could be looking at a million pound player

(we would obviously get less going off history)


That money would be very handy and probaly cover us for a season -I dont think we would struggle for interested parties as he does seem to making a name for himself, especially if people notice his talent in the Liverpool giant killing


we have to cash in on one of our players sooner or later, rather than taking a chance to see how well we do in the league running down the contract of a player and letting go for peanuts or worse, nothing



I am so sick of players leaving us for nothing because they are out of contract or we took their word, I am very happy he has signed for us but in the long run I would say we should sell while he is a major asset.


so would you sell?

would you wait another year?

would you just keep going hoping for a push for promotion and maybe extending the deal?

Edited by palmer1
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personally we should be looking for a cash injection this summer, its desperately needed. im living in hope the reason he signed is he has been told major investment will happen in summer, we will build a team around him and go for promotion. if it doesnt succeed then he can go next summer.


but it wont happen



and he will go



as we all know already

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I don't think we'll have much choice to be honest, I can't see the release clause in his contract being any where near £1m, even if he's worth that much. Wouldn't be surprised if its as low as £250k (or worse).

I totally agree. Can't see him having signed a deal as long as two and a half years without a fairly modest realise clause.
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I totally agree. Can't see him having signed a deal as long as two and a half years without a fairly modest realise clause.

Not sure myself, I think we may have given him the basic wage he was looking for (to ensure he signs) and then a sizeable percentage of any incoming fee paid for him???


That way we are both winners.


We are all assuming but that's my thought!

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Not sure myself, I think we may have given him the basic wage he was looking for (to ensure he signs) and then a sizeable percentage of any incoming fee paid for him???


That way we are both winners.


We are all assuming but that's my thought!

Not sure he'd have agreed to that as we would control fully when he could move on. We're all pally pally now but what if down the line we refused to entertain an offer from a bigger club? He could have a huge % of any fee but if we don't sell him, that's worthless.


I'd be stunned if there's no release clause/buy-out clause in there.


You're right though, we're all assuming!

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