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Pinch Me

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There was more than enough quality out there from Liverpool to have wiped the floor with us. We looked up for it from the off and the goal despite being so early had been coming. I think Matt Smith must've gone all Ivan Drago in the Pre-Match Handshake, saying to Skrtel and Coates "I must break you!" They simply did not want it and must've thought "Who the :censored: is this?!".


Sterling did a number on Changy and I thought that could have been us done for, but young Carl came on took 10-15 minutes to grow into the game and was arguably my MOM, he was magnificent. Liverpool began to bully us and we lost our way a little, then we decided to man up again and gave as good as we got, despite a referee that gave them everything in that first half. My thoughts on Wabara are well documented although his goal, I will take it and thank him for his efforts. When Gerrard came on even at 3-1 I thought he could make things happen. My mate said 'He's running the show', my reply? "He should be running the show away to a third division team and he's bloody England captain!


The goal that made it 3-2 was harsh as Ivan was down injured and other refs may have blown up, and I was in two minds about possibly wanting an equaliser in a financial sense, but emotions took over and when Gerrard hit the bar I knew it was going to be our day, just like it was when McClair hit the RRE bar late on in '93!


I was so chuffed at the final whistle, I've seen stuff like this before but my boy was overjoyed and yesterday was for him and others like him. Kids that watch the regular :censored:e week after week!


I'd also like to think that win was a little in part repayment for the 80 of us that endured Meadow Lane little over 5 days previous!


I was 13 during the Pinch Me Season and loved every minute of it, but as an adult you truly get to drink it all in (literally) the wins over City have been fantastic, Everton was wonderful but yesterday was my 'Arsenal'!!!


As a footnote, I did say a few weeks ago after watching the Mansfield game that if Jones played we had a real chance. As for Ivan Drago up front, I said all along if we used him properly he could be a real asset and over the last 6 weeks he has grown into the role. Add a few more goals to his game and we don't need a new number 9, just someone to play off him.


Regarding Dickov's situation, I have wanted him out but he has to be given a stay of execution, possibly the next three games with the mantra to gain at least 6 points and take it from there…..


Very proud to be a Latic and I hope a few of the floaters and stayaways who came yesterday, can see there is life in the old dog yet and come along to either the Yeovil or MK Dons games!

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Tbf I thought ITV made very few excuses and although they made 7 changes at the Emirates last night many of the guys that played at BP have played for most of the season. Only perhaps the young kid at LB and Coates were not recent regulars. Even Jones in goal has played his fair share.



In addition Rogers' interview made no excuses, unlike the interview post-Everton with Moyes when the interviewer immediately allowed Gollum to seize on the weakened team, not paid them enough respect card. When bearing in mind their team too, was bollocks.


When we beat City that was an understrength team, as their front pairing all season had been Anelka and Fowler and BWP's ability at the time to not being able to hit a cow's arse with a banjo, coupled with Pogs' brilliance saw us home….

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I can honestly say I wasn't!


Great post though.




I kmow, I know, part of me was thinking it wouldn't be the end of the world but I would have been gutted. Still I wouldn't have swapped that feeling at full time for anything!

Edited by oafcprozac
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I have seen a few cup upsets in my time.


Man City, Everton and Forest for Latics, and a handful of big Stockport games too where they were 3rd division and beat Premiership QPR in the FA Cup (Andy Preece volley) and then had their 96/97 League Cup run beating 4 Premiership sides (Blackburn who'd been in the Champions League the previous season and West Ham, Dowie own goal classic, and I missed the QF win at Southampton and semi final second leg win at Middlesbrough).


But Stockport were a strong side in this league back then and Danny Bergara / Dave Jones had them on a roll. Similar with Sheridan when we beat Everton.


So the Liverpool win on Sunday is, by some distance, the most exceptional giant killing I've ever witnessed. Because we've been so poor for so long.

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...When we beat City that was an understrength team, as their front pairing all season had been Anelka and Fowler and BWP's ability at the time to not being able to hit a cow's arse with a banjo, coupled with Pogs' brilliance saw us home….


Don't forget we also beat the Greedy League Champions this season, when they were understrength by only having the multi-national Euro 2012 players at their disposal.


Another match to be added to that proposed DVD.

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That Stockport team was a bloody good side


Jones in goal

Flynn at CB

Marsden in CM

Armstrong and Angel up front


And managed by Dave Jones


I remember Brett Angell losing a contact lens in the 6 yard box during a corner. As the ball went up the other end of the pitch he's down on his hands and knees searching for the thing.


Probably the kind of striker Matt Smith should aspire to being. What he lack in natural ability he can make up for in so many other ways.

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86 hours later and still absolutely buzzing, if I could bottle this feeling and sell it, I'd be a very rich man….




It is difficult to put into context , 52 years of some great times, but it was my best experience at Boundary Park since we beat Southampton to stay up in 93.

Once every 20 years I need something like this !

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My love for Latics was at an all time low. I was boycotting Boundary Park due to it being a dump and the :censored:e on offer : I'd not been since August. My mate rang me the other week to tell me he'd got me a ticket for the game, even though he knew I didn't want to go.


But after watching that on Sunday, I am more in love with them than I've ever been before and, if my game is called off on Saturday, I'll be in the first possible car heading to Walsall! And I'll be there on Tuesday!


Come on the Blue and Tangerine Machine!

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My love for Latics was at an all time low. I was boycotting Boundary Park due to it being a dump and the :censored:e on offer : I'd not been since August. My mate rang me the other week to tell me he'd got me a ticket for the game, even though he knew I didn't want to go.


But after watching that on Sunday, I am more in love with them than I've ever been before and, if my game is called off on Saturday, I'll be in the first possible car heading to Walsall! And I'll be there on Tuesday!


Come on the Blue and Tangerine Machine!


Love that. See you on the Terraces.

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I think for me Sunday really opened my eyes.

Its well documented that I am an Arsenal fan and I have a soft spot for Latics but on Sunday even as I turned up to the game I actually felt like an Oldham fan. Its hard when you go watching another team not to become overjoyed every time they win etc but as I walked out of BP Sunday very slowly I may add to milk every last min something felt different.

I have been to approx 10 games this season including all the cup games bar Forest, yes I clap when Oldham score and it brings a smile to my face as makes my father-in-law happy but Sunday I was up jumping around like a man possesed.

Living so far away is a pain in the ass, i would like to go to more games but finacially cant.

I seem to be going on without direction here but what I am trying to say is I felt proud Sunday to be associated with Oldham and not because they beat Liverpool but because I looked around and thought this is a proper football club and this is what football should be like

I got home 1145pm Sunday after the game and talked about it all the way home and then booked asap 2 tickets for Walsall for me and dad who has only been 2 latics games before (chelsea fan who goes all the time). He wants the bug as well now and wanted Oldham in the draw.

Well done Latics and all the decent fans and staff who put tireless proper effort to make this a proper club. Roll on not Everton but Walsall tomorrow where the game is equally as important

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Getting the season ticket leaflets in the hands of everybody attending the Everton game is the first step in a major Latics rebirth for town.


Agreed. If there's is this big offer (all gone a bit quiet since DF interview) then get it finalised in the next two weeks and make sure it's hammered home to everyone on the 16th.

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