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Simpson: He and other players guilty of letting down PD

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn!!! Do your talking on the pitch on Saturday Simmo, not in the papers. You've been wank, Forest apart, for as long as I can remember. And give Montano a boot up the arse while you're at it. He's another lazy sod...

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Honest words but wish they would of pulled their fingers out months ago.


Honest words but talk is cheap. The ex-manager talked a good game; but ultimately never delivered on it. Even he wished the players would shut up in the media towards the end, and just start to perform instead of spouting off in the media.


Simpsons been pants this season, in fact - he's been pants since we signed him up on a full-time contract. The performances he put n whilst on loan, have been poles apart when placed against the one's he'd put in since.....time to nut up or shut up Robbie basically. Do it on the pitch rather the in the papers or twitter......

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Doesn't he have a column in the Chron? If this is it, what would you have him say in it today? If it's just a quote, what would you have him say in his quote?

I'm sorry but collectively they have had 6 months of this season to keep PD in a job and they havent done it, and now because their mate Dickov has resigned they feel bad for him. If they liked him that much they would have put in a shift week in week out like they did against Liverpool which they have during the odd game in 5. They knew he was under pressure but they still arsed about on the pitch with next to no passion or commitment.


If they werent good enough players for this level you could understand the crap performances, but ,most the time they are being outplayed and outfought by other teams who in terms of ability are not as good. Thats what frustrates the hell out of me!

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I'm sorry but collectively they have had 6 months of this season to keep PD in a job and they havent done it, and now because their mate Dickov has resigned they feel bad for him. If they liked him that much they would have put in a shift week in week out like they did against Liverpool which they have during the odd game in 5. They knew he was under pressure but they still arsed about on the pitch with next to no passion or commitment.


If they werent good enough players for this level you could understand the crap performances, but ,most the time they are being outplayed and outfought by other teams who in terms of ability are not as good. Thats what frustrates the hell out of me!


I agree with most of that. I'm not sure what people want from him / the team though. They are asked for quotes - I think they're well within their rights to make comments if asked for them. Why is it an either/or thing - why does it have to be 'sort it on the pitch, not in the press'? Why can't we ask both? If things don't change on the pitch, lambast players for that - not for their past performances (which can not be changed), or for commenting in the press when asked to. We need to draw a line under past performances. Clean slate.


Just seems like yet another chance to have a whinge - not just aimed at you!

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Always makes me laugh when people go on about what a manager or player has said and then used it as a stick to beat them with. Most of the time it is a banal "We're disappointed" or "Over the moon" type comment. What do people expect managers to actually say in these post match interviews? "Well we tried matching their two in midfield but their extra man dropping back from their front two out numbered our midfield and enabled them to take advantage. I tried to counter this by tucking our full backs in....


It is all part of the praise in public, criticise in private methodology. Occasionally a manger will break from this such as Rodgers did with his young Liverpool players but these occurrences are few and fare between.

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They keep on rolling up their sleeves. Just wear short sleeves! It isn't just about effort. It is about your keeping your head up. It is about wanting it. It is about skill and playing as a team. It is about doing the simple things well.


Am I hopeful? Am I confident? No! Every day that passes without a manager makes the great escape less likely.

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The quicker Dowie comes in the better.


I get the feeling SC is testing the water with the 75 applicants to see what they can offer rather than ID turning us down.


ID would know what we'd offer so I doubt it's wages but if its length of contract then I'm disappointed with SC

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