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Well done Phil Dowd

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He was also complaining that Bouzanis throwing his hands up distracted Howard and that that should have been a foul too, even though he didn't touch the ball.


I see, didn't hear this.


If he did the bloke is a fool. I'm sure he knows the rules and nowhere does it state that jumping with your arms aloft is a foul!


Would have thought referees would prefer this as its better than having his arms wrapped around their defenders.


The replays show just how good a job we did on the corner. From blocking their runners, to hassling their keeper, to simply waving arms in the air to block their defenders sight of the ball.


It paid off and we got the equaliser which we fully deserved.

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Still a bit on the fussy side for my tastes.

I’d like to think that was a pun on Maurice Fussey, the high-stepping referee whose charges up and down the pitch were an entertainment in themselves. He would sprint with his knees going at full right angles every stride towards the goal line. He then did the same back to the half-way line if a goal kick ensued from the corner. The crowds used to cheer him every time.


However, you’re probably too young to remember him.

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Having been seemingly so ineffective at corner for years, I like this new technique of packing the 6 yard box, swing the corner inwards and get Smith to charge into the whole melee to knock anything and everything into the back of the net. Hoping, of course, that the ball is collected somewhere along the way and that once various bodies are removed the referee can see that it (or what remains of it) has crossed the line.

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I see, didn't hear this.


If he did the bloke is a fool. I'm sure he knows the rules and nowhere does it state that jumping with your arms aloft is a foul!


Would have thought referees would prefer this as its better than having his arms wrapped around their defenders.


The replays show just how good a job we did on the corner. From blocking their runners, to hassling their keeper, to simply waving arms in the air to block their defenders sight of the ball.


It paid off and we got the equaliser which we fully deserved.

I was under the impression years ago that goalkeepers had to wear, not only a different colour but also long sleeves, so that in a situation like the Smith goal, the ref can see whose arms are reaching up to touch the ball, but apparently it has never been in the laws of the game.

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Having been seemingly so ineffective at corner for years, I like this new technique of packing the 6 yard box, swing the corner inwards and get Smith to charge into the whole melee to knock anything and everything into the back of the net. Hoping, of course, that the ball is collected somewhere along the way and that once various bodies are removed the referee can see that it (or what remains of it) has crossed the line.

I've been yelling for this for ages. Having watched our players being held, jostled and trying to jump from a standing position, it's much more effective to be attacking the ball from an aerial position. Smith said they'd practised it all week - well done TP.

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What hasnt been mentioned is Grounds delivery for the goal was bang on the money


Baxters delivery was poor by his standards Saturday but Grounds got it spot on, had the ball not been put there we wouldnt be talking of going to Goodison Park but the poor defending and goalkeeping that led to Jagelika heading them in front


Still buzzing after Saturday, would love there to have been a camera in both dressing rooms ala Rugby after the game to see the difference in emotions

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I was under the impression years ago that goalkeepers had to wear, not only a different colour but also long sleeves, so that in a situation like the Smith goal, the ref can see whose arms are reaching up to touch the ball, but apparently it has never been in the laws of the game.

Don't the gloves sort of give it away?

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I see, didn't hear this.


If he did the bloke is a fool. I'm sure he knows the rules and nowhere does it state that jumping with your arms aloft is a foul!


Would have thought referees would prefer this as its better than having his arms wrapped around their defenders.


The replays show just how good a job we did on the corner. From blocking their runners, to hassling their keeper, to simply waving arms in the air to block their defenders sight of the ball.


It paid off and we got the equaliser which we fully deserved.


Moyes mentioned one or two things but was quick to mention we also deserved a replay. He didn't really complain at all.

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