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Di Canio gone from Swindon

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I don't see how you can be a fascist without being a racist. It's like a vegan saying they're not a vegetarian. He had the opportunity at yesterday's press conference to disassociate himself from his past comments and say he no longer held those beliefs. He chose not to. In my book still a facist, still a racist. I hope the good people of Sunland give him the level of respect he deserves.

I have a lot of Sunderland supporting mates. They're all seem to be choosing to ignore it and convincing themselves his appointment is a good move.


Ditching Martin O'Neill and replacing him with Di Canio is like trading in your classic (but misfiring) car and coming away with a bright yellow Ford Capri with a swastika spray-painted onto the bonnet.

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When asked whether he was aware his Nazi salute would offend Jewish people, he said something vile along the lines of, "Since when were the Jews in charge."


Case closed. Racist and fascist.


I've not heard that before. Do you have a link?

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How come this fuss wasn't made when di canio was at Swindon?

It was an issue just not as big an issue/ didn't make the front page of the Telegraph and because David Milliband resigned from Sunderland, also heard this morning that the Sunderland Press Officer restricted Di Canio on the questions that he was to answer. Can't say I blame them, as a football club, for doing that, look how the media have a habit of twisting things, in general.

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It was an issue just not as big an issue/ didn't make the front page of the Telegraph and because David Milliband resigned from Sunderland, also heard this morning that the Sunderland Press Officer restricted Di Canio on the questions that he was to answer. Can't say I blame them, as a football club, for doing that, look how the media have a habit of twisting things, in general.


I don't recall him imposing his political beliefs at Swindon. The furore over his appointment is over the top. He's a fascist, ok, are all Muslims suicide bombers?

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I don't recall him imposing his political beliefs at Swindon. The furore over his appointment is over the top. He's a fascist, ok, are all Muslims suicide bombers?


He didn't and I agree with you, it was inevitable though wasn't it Martin, that at wherever PDC went the controversy was sure to follow.


It's what the press do, it's how they sell the papers. I think what people forget sometimes is that he was born in Rome, Mafiso land, even the Italian coppers are bent- I got stung over €100, can't remember the exact amount for overtaking where I shouldn't have been (I didn't even realise I was in a no overtaking zone, well you wouldn't if Eyetie truck drivers were over taking as well), they fined me, I didn't get a receipt so I guess that those Euros I handed over got spent on coffee, biscuits, pizza and pasta for their working week.

Edited by tangerinedreams
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He's a fascist, ok, are all Muslims suicide bombers?


Can't really make that comparison Martin to be fair, however I agree it's OTT but it's box-office, and for me Andy Dawson from the Mirror pretty much summed it up :


Fascism aside, giving him the job makes no sense in a footballing context. He hasn’t managed anywhere near the top flight yet, has a reputation as a (ahem) dictator and created as many headlines at Swindon for his antics off the pitch as anything that happened on it.




He’s assembled a decent team in League One while reveling in the spotlight as a big fish in a small pond. He’s demonstrated some highly dubious man-management by calling out individuals for performances that displeased him, and assaulted a couple of them while he was about it.




To a certain extent regarding experience and reaction thereof, one can draw parallels with Oldham's appointment of Lee.

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I think what people forget sometimes is that he was born in Rome, Mafiso land, even the Italian coppers are bent- I got stung over €100, can't remember the exact amount for overtaking where I shouldn't have been (I didn't even realise I was in a no overtaking zone, well you wouldn't if Eyetie truck drivers were over taking as well), they fined me, I didn't get a receipt so I guess that those Euros I handed over got spent on coffee, biscuits, pizza and pasta for their working week.


Jesus christ.

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However unsavoury Di Canio's political views might be, they are completely irrelevant to his job as a football manager unless and until he brings them to work.


Nice to see all the self righteous socialist heads popping over it, though. Always good for a laugh. Miliband just shows himself up to be as big a tool as his brother. There's only one reason he's resigned so publicly - because he's duplicitous self serving arsehole who has no intention of permanently leaving UK politics.

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It's what the press do, it's how they sell the papers. I think what people forget sometimes is that he was born in Rome, Mafiso land, even the Italian coppers are bent- I got stung over €100, can't remember the exact amount for overtaking where I shouldn't have been (I didn't even realise I was in a no overtaking zone, well you wouldn't if Eyetie truck drivers were over taking as well), they fined me, I didn't get a receipt so I guess that those Euros I handed over got spent on coffee, biscuits, pizza and pasta for their working week.


This is true. I was warned about this when I went to Italy on holiday last summer. Apparently the Mafia come over from Sicily and steal all the no overtaking signs. The police then wait to book innocent foreign motorists and force them into paying on the spot fines. They then get together and have biscuit, pizza, coffee and biscuit parties. I think the pope bloke lives in the Rome area so he is probably involved enticing tourists into the area.

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I'm going to assume there's a degree of tongue in cheek there Mikey... :grin:

As it happens I got a bit lost in a small town near Venice airport and only found out I had driven through a restricted zone when Hertz forwarded the letter from the police.

Paolo didn't comment on this at his press conference. Make of that what you will.

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However unsavoury Di Canio's political views might be, they are completely irrelevant to his job as a football manager unless and until he brings them to work.


Nice to see all the self righteous socialist heads popping over it, though. Always good for a laugh. Miliband just shows himself up to be as big a tool as his brother. There's only one reason he's resigned so publicly - because he's duplicitous self serving arsehole who has no intention of permanently leaving UK politics.


Sure. This is all about David Miliband. FFS.


I don't mind people's political views. It takes all sorts, and the many millions of bellends out there in the country have a right to proper representation. I draw the line at fascism to this extent: if you can have a go at a fascist, wherever he or she is, you should. Just for the hell of it.


How are the Liberals getting on with that diversity drive, by the way?

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Sure. This is all about David Miliband. FFS.


I don't mind people's political views. It takes all sorts, and the many millions of bellends out there in the country have a right to proper representation. I draw the line at fascism to this extent: if you can have a go at a fascist, wherever he or she is, you should. Just for the hell of it.


How are the Liberals getting on with that diversity drive, by the way?

They've recently replaced an ex-public school boy with one who isn't. Small steps and that.

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However unsavoury Di Canio's political views might be, they are completely irrelevant to his job...


Not if you're a BME player they're not. Or a BME fan. Or the socialist ex-chairman. I could go on. Lots of people have lots of reasons to be concerned about Di Canio's political views, even if you're somewhat not in that loop.


Nice to see all the self righteous socialist heads popping over it, though. Always good for a laugh.


Yes. Hilarious when someone makes a stand isn't it? Not only is it funny when someone makes a stand, it is apt to insult them when they do so. You can laugh and point the angry finger at them at the same time. Brilliant. You should join the Tories. Oh. Wait.


They're about as socialist as Maggie Thatcher.


Don't you have schoolwork to be getting on with?

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Not at the moment, I finished doing that in about 1990. My point is that the Milibeans are hardly what I'd call socialists or if they were then they've abandoned it a long time ago.


Sorry, I didn't mean to be a :censored:.


The jury's out on the Milibeans. Sometimes they sound socialist, but then do something that shows they don't really mean it. The best you can say definitively is they are supported most of the time by people who are definitely are socialists. I say "they", but there can be only one.

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I do think Miliband is relevant in so much as it was his resignation that threw this whole story into the limelight. The media are so two dimensional these days, I'm not sure they'd have picked up on it otherwise.


Trying to look at this logically. I agree with the premise that to be a real fascist you probably also need to be racist, or at the very least a xenophobic nationalist. However I don't honestly think Di Canio is a racist. He's intelligent enough, but he's a footballer, not a politician. I think if his genuinely held views were analysed fully the conclusion would be that although he might have a few right wing ideas he isn't actually a fascist after all.


In fact you could probably suggest he's actually just as much a fascist as Blair is a socialist...


How are the Liberals getting on with that diversity drive, by the way?


Ran out of bio-degradable fuel ages ago. :titanic:


As to the prospect of BME (is that the latest politically correct acronym for 'ethnic'?) Lib Dem MPs in 2015, you're probably correct, but I would argue it'll be such a small sample that it couldn't possibly be considered representative. :coffee1:

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