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Di Canio gone from Swindon

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Presumably, I wasn't being serious, though. Some bookie might give you odds on that, but then again they might parachute a BME candidate into a relatively safe seat. They aren't winning a seat of another party at the next election, but they will retain a few.


No safe seats for Lib Dems anymore (they never really had any anyway). Ladbrokes has Lib Dems at 12/1 to have between zero and 10 seats after the next general election. They were 16/1 at the last election to have between 60 and 70 seats.


(I'm not sure about them retaining even one seat. Labour voters in the south-west and elsewhere have long propped them up to defeat the Tories. (I'd love it if the Eastleigh by-election backed up that theory but it just doesn't.) The Tories would've won Eastleigh if (i) they didn't put up a barmcake as a candidate, and (ii) UKIP's vote hadn't rocketed. If UKIP holds up at the general election, Lib Dems will retain seats. If UKIP-inclined people hold their noses and vote Tory, the Lib Dems are :censored:ed. Lib Dems are therefore absolutely desperate for UKIP to do well at the next election. Funny old game.)

Edited by 24hoursfromtulsehill
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No safe seats for Lib Dems anymore (they never really had any anyway). Ladbrokes has Lib Dems at 12/1 to have between zero and 10 seats after the next general election.




So they're heavily odds on to have more than 10 seats then. 1/33 perhaps?

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So they're heavily odds on to have more than 10 seats then. 1/33 perhaps?


It's a shock-averse market I reckon, and probably a thin one at that. Based on the polling numbers and indicators such as the :censored: people are in because of them, I reckon 12/1 is a very attractive price. They're relying on other results, as it were, which is never good.

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Lib Dems currently have 57 MPs. It would take an unprecedented swing to drop to 10, never mind lose the lot. They will lose out but I'd be amazed if they dropped to under 25. You're right that UKIP may be the key - very likely at the expense of all three main parties in different areas.


Anyway, back to fascist footballers.

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Would one say that Fascism would be classed as Racism before Mussolini colluded with the German Socialist Party?



Was it case a case of: Facism is an alternative to racism.




Was it: Mussolini colluded with the GSP so as to avoid genocide in Italy



Mussolini was a Fascist head of government before Hitler was out of short trousers. Therefore he gets to say what Fascism is.


It's a strong centrally controlled state, the government runs things by and large and has a nationalist bearing.

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You can't be otherwise


This is bollocks - and you know it - but the real problem is you also obviously wouldn't recognise real political evil if it kicked you in the bollocks.


Therefore he gets to say what Fascism is.


Do you subscribe to all of Il Duce's teachings, or just that one? For most people, Il Duce doesn't get to decide what anything is.

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Would one say that Fascism would be classed as Racism before Mussolini colluded with the German Socialist Party?



Was it case a case of: Facism is an alternative to racism.




Was it: Mussolini colluded with the GSP so as to avoid genocide in Italy




Mussolini happily (for him) colluded in the rounding up of Jews for deportation. There really is no need for such nuance. He was fascist and racist. In modern times, fascism implies racism. Di Canio has a tattoo.

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Do you subscribe to all of Il Duce's teachings, or just that one? For most people, Il Duce doesn't get to decide what anything is.

He was the first leader of a Fascist party in the post-Roman Empire era. I will hold by my idea of using his party as a fair definition of what it was to be a Fascist in C20 Europe. It was comical, and :censored:, and socialist, and inefficient, and had the standard centralisation that inclines towards totalitarianism, despotism and war. It didn't come from the same pot as Hitler though.


As for your other points, as you know, you agree with far more of Il Duce's policies and ideology than I do. Even so, as I have no need or desire to defend him, you are pretty much wrong on his rounding up of the Jews. The Italian government showed less enthusiasm for this than they do for monitoring farm subsidies today.

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He was the first leader of a Fascist party in the post-Roman Empire era. I will hold by my idea of using his party as a fair definition of what it was to be a Fascist in C20 Europe. It was comical, and :censored:, and socialist, and inefficient, and had the standard centralisation that inclines towards totalitarianism, despotism and war. It didn't come from the same pot as Hitler though.


As for your other points, as you know, you agree with far more of Il Duce's policies and ideology than I do. Even so, as I have no need or desire to defend him, you are pretty much wrong on his rounding up of the Jews. The Italian government showed less enthusiasm for this than they do for monitoring farm subsidies today.


Primo. Levi. Okay?

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Primo. Levi. Okay?

The were racial laws in Italy which covered Jews, but little by way of sending to the camps until German occupation, and even then it was on a lesser scale than most occupied countries. Not great, but it shows that Musso had no great appetite for the mass murder aspect of it, he could have done it very easily
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The were racial laws in Italy which covered Jews, but little by way of sending to the camps until German occupation, and even then it was on a lesser scale than most occupied countries. Not great, but it shows that Musso had no great appetite for the mass murder aspect of it, he could have done it very easily


Not good enough for me. "Less efficient than Hungary" does not cleanse the stain. "No great appetite" similarly does not get you beatification. He was involved plenty enough for me. Plus we now know from bitter experience one very likely outcome of racial laws.

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Not good enough for me. "Less efficient than Hungary" does not cleanse the stain. "No great appetite" similarly does not get you beatification. He was involved plenty enough for me. Plus we now know from bitter experience one very likely outcome of racial laws.

Nobody is saying he was a nice man. Well, maybe Di Canio is, but not many people are. My point is that the racist laws were cynical rather than ideological. In so far as there was racist motivation to them it was as much to stop Italians getting jiggy in Ethiopia as anything.
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Nobody is saying he was a nice man. Well, maybe Di Canio is, but not many people are. My point is that the racist laws were cynical rather than ideological. In so far as there was racist motivation to them it was as much to stop Italians getting jiggy in Ethiopia as anything.


Anti-semitic laws stop Italians shagging Ethiopians how? Di Canio is a racist. Mussolini was a racist. I can't believe you're actually defending Mussolini.

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Anti-semitic laws stop Italians shagging Ethiopians how? Di Canio is a racist. Mussolini was a racist. I can't believe you're actually defending Mussolini.

I on the other hand can easily believe that you would falsely claim I was doing so.


Racism was not a feature of Mussolini's ideology until later on in his government. Most of the racial laws he passed post his invasion of Ethiopia referred to non-Aryan people, not to Jews. No doubt he was pandering to Hitler as well at that point following the formation of the Axis.


My point is that associating yourself with the Italian fascist movement means you are associating with evil bastards, but it is massively crude to insinuate that it is entirely or primarily about racism.

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I on the other hand can easily believe that you would falsely claim I was doing so.


Racism was not a feature of Mussolini's ideology until later on in his government. Most of the racial laws he passed post his invasion of Ethiopia referred to non-Aryan people, not to Jews. No doubt he was pandering to Hitler as well at that point following the formation of the Axis.


My point is that associating yourself with the Italian fascist movement means you are associating with evil bastards, but it is massively crude to insinuate that it is entirely or primarily about racism.


I'm not insinuating any such thing. I'm saying Italian fascism is racist enough. More than enough.

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