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Supportr the Planning application for the New Stand

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Not doubting it .....but how does the support of fans influence a planning application.

If it was as simple as that surely big clubs could six figure numbers to support any application.

Why would there be a single supporter who doesn't want the ground to look once again like a proper stadium.

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Not doubting it .....but how does the support of fans influence a planning application.

If it was as simple as that surely big clubs could six figure numbers to support any application.

Why would there be a single supporter who doesn't want the ground to look once again like a proper stadium.

Let's just say the objectors outnumber the supporters of the application by 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, 10/1, whatever.


You are a councillor on the Planning Committee, with no interest in football, other than to know that all football fans are hooligans, and the world would be a better place without them. You read the objectors' lists of grievances and they all seem plausible to you, especially the ones from people who you rely on for votes.


You read the relatively small number in support, wonder why there aren't more and come to the conclusion that the proposed development is wanted by not very many people.


Therefore you decide to vote against the Planning Application, in the knowledge that you are only upsetting the minority.............stranger things have happened!


On the other hand, the councillor may read comments from a large number of people, both local and from all over the country, pointing out, in their own words, that the proposed Stand and its facilities are essential towards supporting the long-term financial sustainability of the Club. It may dawn on the councillor that the proposed Stand will provide:

good quality conference and banqueting facilities;

local employment opportunities;

a gym to replace facilities lost at the former Clayton Arms Sports Hall;

a high quality car park to remove the nuisance problem of dust clouds from the existing surface damaging the residents’ washing.


The councillor may then realise that the proposed development will help the Club to continue to raise the profile of Oldham regionally, nationally and internationally, as it has done recently, and therefore vote in favour of the Planning Application. :pray:

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I was worried that people were duplicating names - Colin Moss. Phenelope, etc. Then I realised they are just random names duplicated each page for anonymity. I was supporter ~175. We definitely need more people supporting this! anonimility

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Anyone who has ever said that the club hasn't delivered on a new stand, has moaned about slow progress, or who has complained about the state of BP ...this is your chance to do something about it.

...and prove you did something on this thread!



I think the fact you have to resgister(understandably) puts some off. Not that it should be an excuse of course.

Edited by singe
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My email..


Hi, good morning Mark,


I was just dropping you a quick note in reference to the new North Stand at Oldham Athletic.


The club has really won many fans over the last month or so with the FA Cup heroics. The games have been broadcasted around the world and has put the town of Oldham in the spotlight. Its been a warm and welcomed relief as the Borough has suffered so many setbacks historically.


The club needs the new stand to move forward, If its declined, I truly fear for the future of the club. It's vital that Oldham keeps a professional sports team within the borough.


I sincerely hope that the submitted plans go through quickly without objection , especially as the new stand is a replacement for one which has been on the site for decades.


Kindest regards,



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What can we actually put to support the application? I dont really know much about this stuff.

Putting i want a new stand because i want latics to do well doesnt seem to cut it I dont live anywhere near the ground so i dont really know what I can say


A good reason is the money it will bring to the area - additional supporters - ensure the financial stability of the club which will allow it to stay in Oldham and bring in 4,000+ supporters a week who spend money in the area.

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What can we actually put to support the application? I dont really know much about this stuff.

Putting i want a new stand because i want latics to do well doesnt seem to cut it I dont live anywhere near the ground so i dont really know what I can say


I think you ask a really good question.


Here are some thoughts from me:


A strong football club is a sign of a strong town. Often the first "advert" for inward investment. The current facilities work against this principle.


More capacity for home and visiting supporters coming to Boundary Park, increasing revenue for surrounding businesses and the football club.


Better facilities for Oldhamers attending the town's primary and most popular entertainment venue, increasing civic pride in both the club and the town.


New employment opportunities created by the new facilities.


Conferencing facilities to attract businesses to spend time in Oldham. This could potentially lead to future investment in the town creating further employment opportunities.


Better view of the stadium for local residents and visitors to the town, creating a better impression of the borough.



Build on these words with a few of your own. If anybody wants to add to them or improve them, feel free.

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So out of over 4,000 fans, and over 150 regular users on here (must be more?) only









HAve confirmed they signed it.

A few others commenting here probably have (can you confirm?)

So I can create a Planning Support Hall of Fame.


I have, check out the other thread I posted on this about a week before - lots of people confirming on there too.


There were around 185 comments yesterday think they were all supportive, didn't see any against it

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