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Blades Ticket Sales

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For anyone who's arsed, lot of things going round blades had sold out all 4200 of the RRE. just had a chat with one and looking on their forum looks like they've got 300 left of the initial 2700 allocation.


More £££ for us! but quite poor tbh I think they brought about 3.5k last year, and now they sit what 2nd? Thought they would of sold out.


Like I said though more £££ for us - just hope there's more of us than them!

Edited by Aaron Howarth
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More £££ for us! but quite poor tbh I think they brought about 3.5k last year, and now they sit what 2nd? Thought they would of sold out.


Hmmmm...What reason might they not want to return to freezing, delapadated Boundary Park for.

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