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Helping the club

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Our financial state is pretty well known so I was trying to think of ways we could help as fans, we already have playershare etc and reading the post about closest league teams and some of bp1960's posts set me thinking about Crewe alex ( my closest league club ) how do they produce so many valuable players? Is it coaching or scouting?

I think we have a very good youth manager in TP so I was thinking maybe we could set up an owtb scouting network? A few of us on here aren't local so it could be a fairly wide network, I for one wouldn't object to watching school/Sunday league/ none league etc games when I can't get to Latics all reports on good players could be compiled into a monthly submission to the relevant person at BP surely after a player is mentioned so many times in succession they would take notice? It would cost the club nothing for initial watching of players and would probably open up the area the club has access to, anyone think it might be a good idea? Or are my day dreams at work getting worse?

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Just thought it could be beneficial for the club all it will cost us is time and expenses to watch of any the majority of it would be taking notes maybe phone video etc and typing then the reports could be compiled by area or whatever chosen subject and attached to an email, you never know it could lead to a manure style owtb golden generation

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If we are going to push ahead with this idea, I think it'd make sense to create a sample document structure for those taking part to adhere to when scouting.


I'd also suggest that after a player is initially spotted, the scout in question watches said player again purely from a statistical perspective as a means of gathering easy to read data.

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Can we not make a section on the forum for it? Like Classic Media and Playershare have their own.


It would be extremely useful for the club and even if only 1 player is signed and is successful for us then it's been worth it.


When the club has such tight resources we can't afford to be sending paid scouts everywhere to search for talent so this is a great voluntary way to aid the club.


1st thread will be Dan Gardner? :peepwall:

Edited by NewBlue
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The club have quite a wide youth-scouting network already (my uncle does the Warrington area part-time) and I know from popping along to the odd meeting with him that they have scouts all over the northwest.


There are a few rules to it though like you're only allowed to sign kids that live a certain distance from the club ect.



****If this is to go ahead then it might be worth checking with the club first as there are STRICT rules about watching kids football and scouting/approaching parents and clubs for details of players (crb checks are required ect.)****

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I was more thinking in the 16 - 21 age group to be honest, but when it came to school football etc I think it would have to be an open an honest thing perhaps meeting headmasters etc first explaining the aim of it and crb checks would be mandatory I would imagine not a painfully process mind I've been through it before to be an emergency foster carer

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I think the Centre of excellence teams start at under 9's and go right through to under 16's


I can only go off what my uncle has experienced and it seems its harder to sign/recommended players over 16 than it is under. The general consensus is that if they haven't already been picked up by a club once they hit 16, there usually either not good enough or trouble.


My uncle tried recommending a lad who was 19 and had previously had extended trials with Everton and played at Warrington town fc and the club didn't really want to know!

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The general consensus is that if they haven't already been picked up by a club once they hit 16, there usually either not good enough or trouble.


Charlie Austin, Stuart Pearce, Chris Smalling, Les Ferdinand, Ian Wright, Stan Collymore, Michael Kightly (dare I add Matt Smith to the list?)


Lots of players have defied that trend. It's rare to find a player in non-league who is good enough but when you do it can prove extremely fruitful; they're out there and it would be great if we could help the club find these sort of talents for little or no fee.


Also, I don't think people are on about schoolboys. We mean non-league players at the moment.

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Charlie Austin, Stuart Pearce, Chris Smalling, Les Ferdinand, Ian Wright, Stan Collymore, Michael Kightly (dare I add Matt Smith to the list?)


Lots of players have defied that trend. It's rare to find a player in non-league who is good enough but when you do it can prove extremely fruitful; they're out there and it would be great if we could help the club find these sort of talents for little or no fee.


Also, I don't think people are on about schoolboys. We mean non-league players at the moment.


Fair enough (although it did mention school & Sunday league in the OP)


For what it's worth I think it's a good idea, but im not sure how far you'd get with the club on it.

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I go to Loughborough Uni and the Nike Academy is based here. I'm sure there would some decent prospects in there and Celtic took on of the lads from the programme last year. surely the club would have already looked into these players though as its fairly well known

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About 16 years ago I suggested a local lad to Alan Hardy. Was playing for a team called Belgrave Bullets at the time and was then being scouted by some local non-league clubs. Don't even think we sent any scouts down here. Lad was called Ashley Williams and think he plays for a club called Swansea now....

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I did mention schools in my original post but i was more looking at older players as I said 16 - 21 age group I think there could be lots of players out there that have missed there chance etc I know in my year at school there were 3 or 4 training with united that got told at 15 or 16 your not really what we want and they lost interest now play sevens or Sunday league I'd mention them to the club if we were 10 years younger

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About 16 years ago I suggested a local lad to Alan Hardy. Was playing for a team called Belgrave Bullets at the time and was then being scouted by some local non-league clubs. Don't even think we sent any scouts down here. Lad was called Ashley Williams and think he plays for a club called Swansea now....

Think we did have a look at him but he went to Stockport instead of us.

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Think we did have a look at him but he went to Stockport instead of us.


Yeah whilst he was at Hednesford Town. He went from Belgrave to WBA as a youth player and then released. Played at Tamworth then onto Hednesford and then Stockport. I suggested him before he went to WBA and then when he was released. Shame we didn't snap him up ahead of Stockport as I think then have a sell-on clause and he's due to go to Arsenal for around £8 million.

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  • 3 months later...

I coach a year 9 team and there are two in particular who i think have potential.

One is an attacking mid, reminds me of Jack Wilshere in that he is small but reasonably strong, great first touch, goes past defenders etc. Only things I'd say lacking are a quality pass on the end of a move and not great defending wise (having said that, i haven't seen either of them in a proper match yet).

The other is a striker, pace to burn, okay finish on him, hard worker, skillfull and was top scorer in the league last season. Tends to be abit greedy though.

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