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When will the fans turn against Corney

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4 of these games i accept everton liverpool city n forest in the cup but celebrating beating other teams in the league??

leeds forest huddersfield etc clutching at straws at bit that.



Beating Liverpool

Anfield Night

The Everton home game and specifically the equaliser

The 3-1 win at Leeds

The 1-0 win at Goodison

The play-off run of 06-07

Thrashing Huddersfield several times (even the 1-0)

The 3-2 win and the injury time equaliser at She***ld Un***d

Celebration Sunday

Beating City 1-0

Beating Forest several times including the 5-0 and the 3-2


Some of these moments are there for a split second but, for us like-minded Latics lovers, cannot be reproduced by anything else and stay with you a lifetime. Without TTA and Simon Corney, they would never have happened.


Yes it's mainly dross inbetween but for a League One Club with limited resources, a dwindling fan base and the top two league clubs on our doorstep, it's more than I expect.


Of course we all want more, want overall progression on and off the pitch, but imagine for a moment what life would have been like if TTA hadn't taken the club over - and then delete the above list.


(Self-confessed happy clapper)

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All this sack the board stuff makes me laugh, who else in their right mind would take us on??? Our only hope is a Latics supporting Euromillions winner!


The most important result we have had in years is the fact we will make a profit two years on the trot, I would bet the only time this has happened before was during the "pinch me" seasons. We we losing 800K a year prior to Mr Corney's involvement in the club. It's quite simple, with Mr Corney's input the last 10 years there would be no Latics.


Some people need to be careful what they wish for.

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Seriously how some of you still have a corney love in is unreal.

Yes he saved us a DECADE ago but what has improved in that time please tell me.

have any of the following improved or am i alone in thinking we are only moving in one direction...


The stadium? clearly not! Agreed.

The attendances?? clearly not! While appointing Penney played a part in this attendances were going down anyway (as they are at most clubs) generally down to economic reasons.

communication with fans? clearly not! Overall I think he's better than most chairman/owners.

manager n backroom staff? well we aint got any! He hasn't had much success on this front but hindsight is a wonderful thing and all his decisions made sense at the time, also he's tried many different types of managers.

match day experiance? nope! Hard for me to judge on a regular basis but I think it's generally stayed the same since he's been here.


The only time some of you will realise is when/if we get left high n dry! If he leaves we will definitely be left high and dry.

He has lived off saving the club for to long!


just my opinion

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All this sack the board stuff makes me laugh, who else in their right mind would take us on??? Our only hope is a Latics supporting Euromillions winner!


The most important result we have had in years is the fact we will make a profit two years on the trot, I would bet the only time this has happened before was during the "pinch me" seasons. We we losing 800K a year prior to Mr Corney's involvement in the club. It's quite simple, with Mr Corney's input the last 10 years there would be no Latics.


Some people need to be careful what they wish for.



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After two sucessive relegations, the collapse of ITV digital, Chris Moore and the administration of the club, the continued dominance of the English Football by our local neighbour Man U and the rising forturnes of Man C, Football being shown up to 6 nights on TV etc..... SC has been able to stabilse the club both in football terms (maintaining league two status) and to a certain extent financially.


Yes he's failed (up to now) to redevelop the stadium, but so have Everton and Liverpool. We can also link the failures to external influences which suggests that someone else wouldn't have done any better.

Yes we have dwindling fans, but so have other teams and they are not within 10 miles of two clubs which collectivly average attendencs over 120,000 per match.

Yes results on the pitch have not been great, but we haven't been relegated.

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my personal view is corney has done an average job at oldham.

but I truly think the tta got oldham to build a nice big housing estate on bp and make money of it.

how much will be put into the team next year from the cup run. none I think.

in 10 years time we will be playing at the whitebank with oldham rugby.lol full circle

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but I truly think the tta got oldham to build a nice big housing estate on bp and make money of it.



I truly think that's bollocks. Yes there was a property angle but I do not doubt for a moment tha tit also involved an ongoing football stadium

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Corney as done a good job since taking over. Lets not forget he took over a club that was "beyond being saved" at the time and despite the problems with the shambles that is Oldham Council and the Global financial crisis we are still playing in the same division we was at the time he took over. If it wasn't for the Council or the country's Financial situation i think we could have possibly played or be playing at higher level. At the minute we are a club that is punching above its weight and have been for a few years now.

Some fans have to wake up to the fact that without him we would defiantly be playing at a much lower level than we are now unless we was to find somebody that is willing to lose even more money that Corney and Co have lost.


more rubbish!! No business is beyond saving....look at pompey

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Corney's been perfectly clear and honest with the manager search including the type of manager we're after (i.e. someone who will help progress TP's youth players). It's all in the video interviews that get published in a variety of places. It's clear from his comments that everything is fluid at the moment in that who we would appointment now would be quite different to an appointment at the end of the season. I'd rather only know information when there is something solid to report. If Corney was to start throwing names around every week then that'd just affect everyone's focus.

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Brilliant that Pompey are being highlighted by a user on here as an example of how we'd be fine. If we were relegated three consecutive seasons then that would stick us in the Conference North. We'd be better off starting from scratch.

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Corney was to start throwing names around every week then that'd just affect everyone's focus.


Not to mention that the same people complaining about having no names would be complaining that we were listing our targets therefore getting us excited/and or revealing who we're after to other sides looking for a manager.


I find the whole thing amazing. Two weeks ago we were in the FA Cup 5th Round, had won three in a row and there was a buzz in the light of the confirmation that, at long last, planning permission had been requested for the stand. Two weeks later, we've lost to the 7th side in the country, another side who are probably going to go on to win automatic promotion and lost to Tranmere and the natives are getting restless. Yes we're in the relegation zone and we need results but we have got results this year against the sides around us and should (should) be fine. People need to step back and take a breath.


(edit: Everton are 7th)

Edited by jsslatic
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I don't particularly think he's the best Chairman we could possibly have in terms of knowledge and decision making. Some of his decisions regarding the stadium, some player contracts and other managers have been questionable.


However, at a club that is obviously going downhill it's imperative that we have an owner that is willing to maintain his interest, that genuinely wants the best for the club, and understands that crippling ourselves with ridiculous transfer fees that we can't sustain is not a viable option if we want to have a club in the first place.


Yes, he has made mistakes as we all do and that has resulted in some failures, other failures he can't control. But the fact that he has treated the club well over his stint and we are still in a league that now is probably bigger than us and we have had glimpses of success means that he has a lot of respect from myself.

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Rummy, Abramovic arrived in 2003 in the 7 seasons before his arrival they finished 4th, 6th, 6th, 5th, 3rd, 4th & 6th. Won the FA Cup in 1997 and 2000, The League Cup in 1998, The Cup Winners Cup and Super Cup in 1998. So none too shabby. Yes Bates had bankrupted them with his development, but on the pitch at least they were producing under Gullit, Vialli and Ranieri...



As for Corney, the worm has turned and people are questioning how he intends to move the club forward. If he builds the stand then buggers off with us still in League One then so be it, at least we've gained a stand. I think clarity will be required as to who benefits from the revenue streams the stand generates.


Or will the club genuinely benefit from rent on the units, Corporate Hospitality, Catering, Pouring rights and other events held in the new stand's facilities?


Remember Huddersfield Town were losing out on their hospitality and catering to their landlord Ken Davy, will Corney step aside as Chairman and simply revert to being landlord of BP along with his two business partners? And would any possible rent include a percentage of the new stand's extra-curricular income?


Remember, he still has shares in the land and that still includes BP. Any deal that sees Corney leave must clearly stipulate what the terms of BP are, whether the club and ground are sold, or whether the club (worthless) is sold and BP simply becomes part of a property portfolio that the new owner(s) has to pay rent on.


If we go down and he leaves, will he take the plans for the stand with him, and still revert to being one of three landlords?


I'm more confident than I have ever been about BP's regeneration, but relegation could kill everything imho.


Re: the manager situation, we've left it too long so we have to stick with TP, a new guy coming in probably would have zero effect on a bunch of players that are mostly out of contract and many looking to leave. At least with TP they have continuity and know what is expected, I'm not panicking about losing to Sheff Utd and Tranmere, yes the defeats were harsh but i've seen enough relegation battles to know you simply do not get the rub of the green when at the bottom.


If we fail to get at least 4 points from the next 4 games then it is time to worry, but until the final whistle against Colchester on Easter Monday, we have a bit of leeway to pick up a few points here and there and maybe lose a couple.

Edited by oafcprozac
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Rummy, Abramovic arrived in 2003 in the 7 seasons before his arrival they finished 4th, 6th, 6th, 5th, 3rd, 4th & 6th. Won the FA Cup in 1997 and 2000, The League Cup in 1998, The Cup Winners Cup and Super Cup in 1998. So none too shabby. Yes Bates had bankrupted them with his development, but on the pitch at least they were producing under Gullit, Vialli and Ranieri...


Spin it how you like, their chants are a bit :censored:ing rich...


Season 97/98 15 PTS from top of the table

Season 98/99 4 PTS from top of the table

Season 99/00 26 PTS from top of the table

Season 00/01 19 PTS from top of the table

Season 01/02 23 PTS from top of the table

Season 02/03 16 PTS from top of the table


Newcastle, Leeds and Ipswich finished above Chelsea during those seasons. To be brutally honest they were nowhere near a European Cup, and barring 98/99 nowhere near a title either - moral of the story? Be careful what you wish for.

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I don't particularly think he's the best Chairman we could possibly have in terms of knowledge and decision making. Some of his decisions regarding the stadium, some player contracts and other managers have been questionable.


However, at a club that is obviously going downhill it's imperative that we have an owner that is willing to maintain his interest, that genuinely wants the best for the club, and understands that crippling ourselves with ridiculous transfer fees that we can't sustain is not a viable option if we want to have a club in the first place.


Yes, he has made mistakes as we all do and that has resulted in some failures, other failures he can't control. But the fact that he has treated the club well over his stint and we are still in a league that now is probably bigger than us and we have had glimpses of success means that he has a lot of respect from myself.


Couldn't have put it better myself, great post.

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Understand where you are coming from Rummy and yes they would be a current spurs, Arsenal or Everton without RA's billions yet even without his billions they reached a Champions League 1/4 final and won 5 trophies the teams that finished above them in the league haven't won a trophy between them since 1995



But yes they are very ungrateful, he's a loon with his managerial policy but they have achieved beyond their wildest dreams, when he does bail they will gain a sense of perspective



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Just a question or four.

  1. Why, as fans/supporters, are we entitled to know the ins and outs of SC's decisions re management appointments? If your boss was looking to bring in some new head honcho, would the workforce be given chapter and verse about who, or what type of character he was was looking for? Not in my experience, so why do supporters of a football club expect to be supplied with every scrap of information from the board room.
  2. How many supporters have been unhappy about the announcement of a new manager and thought, "Oh, :censored:, not him"? Did any of us expect Talbot, Moore, Shez, Penney, Dickov at the time of their appointment to be anything other than just what we needed? I doubt it very much. But once said manager is less than successful, he becomes another ":censored: Corney appointment". Lose, lose situation there, methinks.
  3. Corney only offers crap contracts is another one that gets aired. Has it ever occurred to those that criticise that we only pay what we can afford? If we didn't do that, we'd be another Swindon with a transfer embargo and a whole load of debtors queueing up down Sheepfoot Lane.
  4. Corney shouldn't have knocked the Lookers down, big mistake, is an oft heard cry. At the time, it made perfect sense to me. Then the financial crisis buggered it all up. Corney's fault? Not for me, unless he saw the problems on the horizon and was too hasty bringing in the JCBs.

Corney is human, so he makes mistakes. Just because he is chairman of a football club, it doesn't make him infallible. He's admitted making errors in the past and I'm pretty sure he will in the future, but don't pin the failings on the pitch entirely at his door. He doesn't pick the team, he doesn't take training, he doesn't do the pre-match and half time team talks and I doubt very much that he chooses which players the manager brings into the club. He just bankrolls the thing.


As many have said, where would we be now without him? Where would we be if he walked away today? Deep in the good for the roses is my guess. He may not be perfect, no one is, but he's got the club at heart and I'd have him here any day over some of the knobhounds that run football clubs. We could have had someone who would have thought that bringing in Graham Westley, Steve Evans or Martin Allen would have been a good idea.

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Just a question or four.

  1. Why, as fans/supporters, are we entitled to know the ins and outs of SC's decisions re management appointments? If your boss was looking to bring in some new head honcho, would the workforce be given chapter and verse about who, or what type of character he was was looking for? Not in my experience, so why do supporters of a football club expect to be supplied with every scrap of information from the board room.
  2. How many supporters have been unhappy about the announcement of a new manager and thought, "Oh, :censored:, not him"? Did any of us expect Talbot, Moore, Shez, Penney, Dickov at the time of their appointment to be anything other than just what we needed? I doubt it very much. But once said manager is less than successful, he becomes another ":censored: Corney appointment". Lose, lose situation there, methinks.
  3. Corney only offers crap contracts is another one that gets aired. Has it ever occurred to those that criticise that we only pay what we can afford? If we didn't do that, we'd be another Swindon with a transfer embargo and a whole load of debtors queueing up down Sheepfoot Lane.
  4. Corney shouldn't have knocked the Lookers down, big mistake, is an oft heard cry. At the time, it made perfect sense to me. Then the financial crisis buggered it all up. Corney's fault? Not for me, unless he saw the problems on the horizon and was too hasty bringing in the JCBs.

Corney is human, so he makes mistakes. Just because he is chairman of a football club, it doesn't make him infallible. He's admitted making errors in the past and I'm pretty sure he will in the future, but don't pin the failings on the pitch entirely at his door. He doesn't pick the team, he doesn't take training, he doesn't do the pre-match and half time team talks and I doubt very much that he chooses which players the manager brings into the club. He just bankrolls the thing.


As many have said, where would we be now without him? Where would we be if he walked away today? Deep in the good for the roses is my guess. He may not be perfect, no one is, but he's got the club at heart and I'd have him here any day over some of the knobhounds that run football clubs. We could have had someone who would have thought that bringing in Graham Westley, Steve Evans or Martin Allen would have been a good idea.


So few words, So much common sense.

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How many supporters have been unhappy about the announcement of a new manager and thought, "Oh, :censored:, not him"? Did any of us expect Talbot, Moore, Shez, Penney, Dickov at the time of their appointment to be anything other than just what we needed? I doubt it very much. But once said manager is less than successful, he becomes another ":censored: Corney appointment". Lose, lose situation there, methinks.


Thinking back through all those appointments and for me the most depressing failure was Penney. Talbot and Moore were fairly ambitious appointments whereas Shez and Dickov were cheap punts so my expectations were lower for both, but Penney at the time was seen as a "safe" medium to long term choice. After a season where Shez's team pushed close for promotion but eventually imploded due to the volatile nature of the squad he picked, we wanted a squad that wasn't over-hyped with an experienced lower league manager.


The thing that depressed me wasn't that we didn't get what we expected but that we got things we hoped for...as well as all the :censored: that went with it! A squad that isn't over-hyped is usually one that's lacking in ability, an experienced lower league manager is classed as that because they haven't been seen as being good enough to cut it with players with better ability and "safe" medium to long term appointment will give you safety, but at the cost of chronic enjoyment and hope for future progression. This eats away at a club (e.g. attendances) and is exactly what happened with Penney.


I'd like to think that Corney has learned from all his appointments as he's gone for something different each time, unfortunately I can't think of another type of manager that he could possibly go for that he hasn't gone for previously.

Edited by the_mighty_bosh
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Nailed it Bristol. In my opinion, given the attendances we get and the resources we have, I think we've done well just to consistently consolidate our position in this division. Especially when you look at some of the clubs that have been relegated in recent years and have stagnated in League 2 or worse (Bradford, Port Vale, Stockport, Luton etc etc etc...). I know it's not the most ambitious outlook to have, but it's a realistic one.


The Stockport and Luton examples show how things could've been much, much worse...

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