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When will the fans turn against Corney

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more rubbish!! No business is beyond saving....look at pompey

Pompey are a very poor example. They could be wound up in April if they cannot force the owner to sell the stadium to the fans.


We were definitely on the brink of extinction when TTA took over and we didn't lose any points for going into administration as is the case now, which may have relegated us (I don't remember the league situation at the time).


Corney has stabalized the club and cut costs to the bone, look at the web site. The club has been up for sale for years, but there has been no takers acceptable to Corney. Look what happened to Notts C. when rich arabs took over. Erricson brought in as manager, then months later off they go. Luckily for them they had a reasonably rich bloke to step in and save the club. These mega rich people soon get fed up if things don't go their way. I hate to think what may happen to QPR if their owner ups and leaves City could be in a mess as well.

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Pompey are a very poor example. They could be wound up in April if they cannot force the owner to sell the stadium to the fans.


We were definitely on the brink of extinction when TTA took over and we didn't lose any points for going into administration as is the case now, which may have relegated us (I don't remember the league situation at the time).


Corney has stabalized the club and cut costs to the bone, look at the web site. The club has been up for sale for years, but there has been no takers acceptable to Corney. Look what happened to Notts C. when rich arabs took over. Erricson brought in as manager, then months later off they go. Luckily for them they had a reasonably rich bloke to step in and save the club. These mega rich people soon get fed up if things don't go their way. I hate to think what may happen to QPR if their owner ups and leaves City could be in a mess as well.


Was it 2003/04 season? We finished on 57 points, if we have the -10 for entering admin then we would of finished in 22nd position on 47 so would of been relegated..


Think that QPR will be fine if Fernandes leaves, Mittal will probably sort them out.

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Prozac, just to point out, Chelsea were spending Matthew Harding's millions to reach the heights they did before Abramovic was on the scene. Until that point they were distinctly mediocre.


Harding died in '96 they were potless by the time Bates sold up In 2003

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Harding died in '96 they were potless by the time Bates sold up In 2003


I think that at the time abramovich came in chelsea were losing £19k a day and had debts of 70million even at the top end of the premiership. Ken bates always said that chelseas geographic position in the heart of west london would always help them find investment. Fortunately they found one of the few people in the world who could bail them out without breaking sweat.


As for corney well hes made a few mistakes failsworth a fewe bad appointments and some unprofessional statements howeverthe club has been up for sale for 3 years and I dont see many people beating a path to buy the club. Hes keeping alive what's is essentiallyes a failing business and too be quite frank always has been. Compared too some.of the other steaming turds that have been involved in running football clubs hes not that. Hes certainly not in this too make money anyone who thinks he is hasn't got a clue what's they are talking about.

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Would Chelsea fans ever turn again Abramovic....?


....no, because they know they'd be f*#%^d without him. Similar situation with us, yes we haven't made any progress and yes we've probably moved backwards in the 10 years since the 3 amigos took over. But without him and his money there's a good chance the club wouldn't be here



Comparing Corney with Abramovic???!!


Abramovic has brought success beyond their wildest dreams.


Corney has brought......

Edited by pukka
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Were the other 2 "amigo's" not the money men when they took over the club? In my opinion Corney is on a massive ego trip and heading for a big fall...........


It's been nearly 3 years since he took sole charge and he hasn't been obviously found out yet financially. As Blitz and Gazal are still owed a fair chunk of money by the club I don't think they'd be so patient if they thought their money owed would increase with no chance of it being paid back or if they didn't trust the man in control of that.

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Seriously are you 12 or something? "corney lovers" ?


Furman is almost certainly going to leave.


Who are YOU going to bring in as chairman?


You're keen on seeing names.....come on tell us who it would be?




1. Corney

2. Fans Trust (and likely in-fighting, relegation, non-league)

3. Aarondo Westy's best option is........

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yeah am 12


and if he goes now while we need every player to put all hands on deck it is a SHOCKING decsion from the club.

regardless if he leaving in the summer or not!!


and if you look at my posts on this topic i have not once said corney out.


just pointed out that he is no messiah witch a lot of you see him as!!

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I'll only stop supporting Corney when someone with deeper pockets AND the clubs interests at heart. He's used his own money to fund under-achieving players but is held back by what % of turnover he can spend on players.

With an average attendance of 4000 what more can he do without breaking rules?

He talks sense, backs managers & keeps spending his money on the club despite knowing he'll see little if any of it back.

I've never been more depressed as I was on the coach back from QPR after the playoff semi. Knowing that we'd have to sell off our team & might go out of business is as bad as it gets.

If you know a millionaire who fancies buying a club with a small fan base in the shadow of the top two prem clubs then please direct him to Boundary Park.

If not, consider life for the club without Simon Corney.

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I'm not into conspiracy theories and the like but something is bugging me....


1. Only offering a short-term manager contract hence why this hasn't been filled

2. Bigging up TP even though TP doesn't want the job

3. Made reference to adding to team following cup exit to Everton but hasn't happened and now rumour that Furman on way out

4. Constant trips to New York which haven't been mentioned in the past but heavily mentioned recently by local hacks

5. >1 million unaccounted income via cup run

6. Suggested that he'd walk if we get relegated


I get the feeling that love affair is coming to an end regardless of what he publicises.


Very short term approach to see out this season with no real plans for next season. Come summer I reckon SC could be gone and the club left to its own devices with Blitz, Gazal and Corney acting as landlords sitting on the land to get most of their investment back. Land prices will rise and whether that be a purchase by someone wanting to buy the club or just the land then that's what will happen.


The stand is key with the football club and what happens on the pitch coming a very late second and third in the list of priorities.

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I won't turn against Corney

We wouldn't have a club if it wasn't for him and the other two amigos


I'd guess there may be some shouts against hom tomorrow though come the second half against Bournemouth if we've not got a new manager by then and are losing


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I mean on a regular basis. My reasonings have nothing to do with Corney.


Fair point

I've often wondered this season why I'm there freezing my whatsits off, watching a pile of poo!

3 or 4 decent games, the rest have been trash

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Fair point

I've often wondered this season why I'm there freezing my whatsits off, watching a pile of poo!

3 or 4 decent games, the rest have been trash

The same reason most of us are there, one day just one day we will be Brazil and then we will take the league by storm, I know its fanciful, but like most, the club runs through your veins, and yes I'm with you on the Corney thing, without him we are really in the :censored:. IMO

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