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Corney: If Players don't want it, even Mourinho couldn't save us

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I wish Corney would shut up.


People can say what they like about its his money, he can say what he wants. Thats fine - but he should realise this does absolutely no good.


How would you like it if your boss decided to get the staff together, call them all useles on the shop floor infront of your customers? Or worse still take out an advert in the press saying


"MY STAFF ARE :censored:"



He can bang on all he likes about professional attitude. Well get yours in order. You are allowing a member of this squad to sod off to Doncaster when we need him the most. Don't give me crap about "he didn't want to stay". You have said yourself 2 players have intimated they wont be staying. Are you sending the other packing too? Maybe? This is nothing more than a cost cutting measure. The club have had an unexpected financial boost in the past few weeks, this did not need to be done.

Edited by pukka
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Corney might not know it yet but he has had enough, is losing the will and sad to say he needs to move on as well. Me thinks he has finally realised the mistake he has made by dithering before and after the sackings/departures. Back to 1970/71!

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Yes our squad at the moment could have been challenging for a play-off spot if played throughout the season. The problem is Mr. Corney is you weren't willing to splash the cash to get us a CF for the whole season. I do wonder what our record when we played Derbyshire and Barnard is. It's no surprise to me that our two worse runs of the season were in August and early Septembef and the mid December to the end of January.

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Yes our squad at the moment could have been challenging for a play-off spot if played throughout the season. The problem is Mr. Corney is you weren't willing to splash the cash to get us a CF for the whole season. I do wonder what our record when we played Derbyshire and Barnard is. It's no surprise to me that our two worse runs of the season were in August and early Septembef and the mid December to the end of January.


It was PD's decision to renew Derybshire's loan earlier than we needed to which meant he would only be here until mid-december instead of end of December. In January PD spent most of it waiting for Derbyshire to decide if he wanted to come back or see if a team in the Championship offered him a deal.


In pre-season something was lost in translation regarding the wages of the lad from Portugal who we spent all summer chasing. He stumped up the money we needed to get Slew on loan but then he got injured, so we signed Derbyshire as soon as we sent Slew back.

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SC has come out and given us an answer on why Furman left, why can't he give us an update on the search for new manager?? Even if its, "yeah, we're still in talks, things progressing...."??? The silence is doing my head in.....

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I try to keep my thoughts to myself on these things but I have sat back and watched over the last few days but enough is enough


He is losing the plot and missing the point big time here. Does he believe it is not unsettling for the players not to know who will be managing them in the next game ot the game after that? They will be talking inside the camp and it is doing us no good. Yes the players will know more than us but if we lose Saturday, which in all honesty I would expect what will the atmosphere be like for Hartlepoo Tuesday?? Especially if its 0-0 after 60mins!


He is so naive if he thinks this is the way to get the best out of players (many of who have been mismanaged this season) by criticsing in public. Most of these players wont be here next season and the mess he is creating who can blame them


I have no problem with SC and actually have a lot of admiration for the good he has done for this club, but say something we want to know or hear or please shut the F up and keep our problems in house.

If I were the manager at b'mouth or Hartlepool I would look at us and say they are in 'turmoil' we should go to Oldham and do them


The sad thing is he can still save us but my faith in him doing just that is growing ever fainter


He didnt sack PD when he should off after the Brentford away game in Sep (maybe even last season) and he is addressing the big problem. Instead he is slagging off his staff and telling us the obvious that we are underpreforming yet is not willing to help us improve.

If he knows that much about getting the best out of the players do the managers job yourself!!!!

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In the Chron, SC bemoans the lack of players' consistency, compared with Yeovil, Walsall and Tranmere, who are on smaller budgets.


“If this team can’t do it, I’ll give up,” he said. “On paper, we should be top-four rather than bottom-four.”


What a dick he is. Shut up and sort out the managerial position, one way or another, rather than excusing not doing so. The club is a shambles at moment. Everything seems to be up in the air, just as we get into the real knitty gritty of a relegation battle.
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It was PD's decision to renew Derybshire's loan earlier than we needed to which meant he would only be here until mid-december instead of end of December. In January PD spent most of it waiting for Derbyshire to decide if he wanted to come back or see if a team in the Championship offered him a deal.


In pre-season something was lost in translation regarding the wages of the lad from Portugal who we spent all summer chasing. He stumped up the money we needed to get Slew on loan but then he got injured, so we signed Derbyshire as soon as we sent Slew back.

PD wanted to sign Leon Clarke, the same Leon Clarke is top scorer in this league despite not playing in it in December and August and a bit of January.


SC said he was too expensive, funny how Scunny managed to pay for him and his goal at BP might be the difference between the two sides come April 28th. If we go down (note I don't think we will) it would have been worth paying Clarke's wages for 2 seasons nevermind 1 in order to stay up.


Derbyshire could have played maybe 1 more game if PD hadn't renewed his loan when he did, as he would have missed a game anyway in order to renew so he could play on Boxing Day. If SC had loaned Clarke in August we wouldn't have needed to loan Derbyshire and Barnard.


SC keeps saying he is looking for a new buyer/investor. What person selling anything keeps releasing very public statements about how expensive something that they are trying to sell is to run.


One of the few good things I can say about SC is he isn't Ian Hill, what exactly does he do/contribute to the club.

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What an unbelievable reply! We're passionate about the club and want only good things for it. Is it wrong to question when we're going to hear of news of a new manager? Even if SC didn't want one until next season, at least tell us so we know what's happening. Otherwise it's mere speculation and this sort of thing happens.....

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It's not a reply that should be taken to heart by the majority, who rightly just want the best for the club. It's a response to those who actively want Corney out. The ones who seem to think he's got a bottomless pit of money that he just doesn't want to spend. The ones who still think he's going to sell the ground and do us over in the worst drawn out property deal in history.


He's not perfect, he has made many mistakes, the silence over the manager's position being one of them in my opinion, but right now he is the thin line between survival and oblivion. People should be very careful what they wish for.

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Latic76 - But he has given you news. That he's taking his time. That the club is interviewing.

News isn't always definite. Do you really expect a blow by blow account of every conversation with potential managers? A written report on Board discussions about possible candidates?

Edited by LaticsPete
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In the Chron, SC bemoans the lack of players' consistency, compared with Yeovil, Walsall and Tranmere, who are on smaller budgets.


“If this team can’t do it, I’ll give up,” he said. “On paper, we should be top-four rather than bottom-four.”



The difference with Yeovil , Walsall & Trannies is that they have much better managers than the one we had.


I said back in September that half a decent manager would have this squad pushing for a play off at least -


Over to you Mr Corney !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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without corney we would not be writing about him as we would not have a club to support ,if he goes who would want to own a club with 3stand's and 3000 die hard fans



True, but it is in the main because of TTA's and now Corney alone that we only have 3 stands and 3000 die hards. If we continue this gradual decline we may still have only 3 stands and nearer 2000 fans!


He and his mates saved us from liquidation, no doubt about that but since then the whole scenario has been a bloody disaster.


The situation we find ourselves now in, even after a money spinning cup run to the tune of £1m is mind boggling....no

manager, no back room staff, and now no captain ....coupled with all that we are also entrenched in the bottom 4 of possibly the worst 1st division in the last 10 seasons.


Can it possibly get any worse.........I bloody hope not!!

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It's not a reply that should be taken to heart by the majority, who rightly just want the best for the club. It's a response to those who actively want Corney out. The ones who seem to think he's got a bottomless pit of money that he just doesn't want to spend. The ones who still think he's going to sell the ground and do us over in the worst drawn out property deal in history.


He's not perfect, he has made many mistakes, the silence over the manager's position being one of them in my opinion, but right now he is the thin line between survival and oblivion. People should be very careful what they wish for.


This is the bit I keep coming back to, more informed posters on here take the line that TTA are asset strippers and only in it for the money, if an owner of a football club wasn't in it for the money then I think there is something wrong with their business model, whether they get the money or not the idea isn't to run a failing business.


Unless it is, if they did only take over to get their mitts on the land then I think they have gone about it in a roundabout way, some of the investments over the seasons would appear to have been designed to get us out of this league at the right end. If they were just asset stripping then I doubt that they would have been pushing too hard for promotions? We can't ignore the global financial meltdown which scuppered a few of their redevelopment plans, or the council doing it too. Even if TTA then changed tack and decided sod it, lets run it into the ground and then build houses there; surely they must have learned that they would struggle to get even a portacabin built on that site with the council and the nimbys. If we did go bust every ex-latic would join with the nimbys to stop any proposed Brassbank owned development at the bottom of Sheepfoot lane, plus with McMahon's Damascene moment against Liverpool I can not see the council letting them turn the site of BP into anything other than a football stadium?


I have a nagging doubt that in time we could look back on TTA's era as a very black period in OAFC's history but this is all it is for me, a nagging doubt that they were a bunch of shysters who saw ther pound signs when they saw the land behind BP. But they will have been the worst, most ineffective bunch of shysters to have failed to get any return on their investment so far.


Instead I believe that TTA were naive when they took over the club, they thought they could transfer their business skills gained in another sector to sportsclub ownership and they got it badly wrong. They sought the advice of a subject matter expert to try and get the best product and hired Talbot but didn't give him enough cash to do what he had done at R&D and bought his way out of the division, there were failings on both sides but I think they were looking at it like the market they knew and it didn't come off.


They've tried again with different managers, different ways of providing the playing budget, I've lost count of the number of plans I've seen for stadiums at BP, elsewhere then back at BP again, this really is one long drawn out plan to hoodwink the people of Oldham and get their hands on land that is worth less than the price they paid for it now.


The only way out that I can see for TTA is to get the stand up, get us higher in the league and convince some other set of fools that OAFC is a going concern and a club that is on the up.

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I wish he would shut his trap.


With half the people on here wanting him to keep away from interviews and the other half saying that it doesn't communicate enough, it probably means he's got the balance about right.


Also, the fact that there have been applicants and interviews for the job probably indicates that there is interest in the role so anything he's says about the current crop of players under-performing isn't going to put anyone off (and only echoes what many on here say anyway).

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I think that trying to motivate and improve this squad is actually going to entice some managers. There are clubs with far bigger problems than us.

Some would know that underneath this is an under performing group rather than a wors problem of trying to gt a set of poor players over performing.

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Here's something good I can say about Simon Corney.


If Simon had decided to bail out when Blitz and Gazaal did, you bunch of moaning :censored: wouldn't have a club.

I presume that's a reply to me

1.) If you can't reply without swearing it kind of makes my point.


2.) Quite frankly you talk nonsense, Blitz and Gazal did one but the club still owes them money, they still own the land but the club has the right to play on it due to a 10 year covenant, which probably hasn't got long to run. All 3 of the landlords were not going to jump ship at once as its not in their interests to do so. Someone needed to mind the shop, no sensible man lets someone they don't trust keep watch over a multi-million pound bit of their multi-million pound fortune. (That use of multi-million pound is deliberate, BTW).


Corney is the caretaker and despite supposedly making a profit last season the club went begging for volunteers to maintain the stands and gave very little in return. Aside from Neil Joy, none of the staff have much experience, we have a radio DJ and a young woman barely out of university (where judging by her twitter she did a PGCE) running our marketing, our accountant is in her 20s. Corney regularly moans about the cost of this and that and underplays how much money we made from the cup run. "Clubs are now calling in the loan fees we owe them." We only seem to get players in when we are in danger of being relegated; eventually that is not going to work. Oldham Athletic is up for sale, great here's £1 that ought to cover it. The land is worth £0 to Oldham Athletic because the landlords moved it to a new company, but despite this the club still pays the taxes and what not on the land (which won't give our books the best look). All this and more, (if you note I barely covered anything about the players yet, but I realise this post is long enough already) makes me think Corney is the man who has got his lifeboat all set and is going to jump ship at the moment it is doomed to sink but hasn't just yet.

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