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SC -"Listen to what the fans want"

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SC has stated a few times over the last few weeks that when it came to the appointment of a new manager that he would listen to what the fans want.


So unless this board is very very wrong tomorrow Lee Johnson (31) will be appointed our new manager, he has no previous managerial experience, he has no coaching experience.I dont know if he has his coaching badges, 2 of the clubs he played for where both managed by his Dad so he hasnt even worked under that many different managers.


I like many will give Lee a chance and hope that he thrives as a manger saves us from relegation and helps us progress, I will give him a cahnce like I do with every player and every manager but I ask you Oldham supporters.


Has SC listened to us the Oldham fans ? Is a 31 year old with no experience what you really want?

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I guess most of us fans want success...

Lee won't be on his own, he will have experienced support in the background.


Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him Back him

Edited by dazlatic
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It is definitely Johnson, we are not wrong.


Obviously he hasn't listened to the fans, but we can't change it so we have to back him and believe he can get us out of the mess we're in. I believe he can do it.

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SC has stated a few times over the last few weeks that when it came to the appointment of a new manager that he would listen to what the fans want.


So unless this board is very very wrong tomorrow Lee Johnson (31) will be appointed our new manager, he has no previous managerial experience, he has no coaching experience.I dont know if he has his coaching badges, 2 of the clubs he played for where both managed by his Dad so he hasnt even worked under that many different managers.


I like many will give Lee a chance and hope that he thrives as a manger saves us from relegation and helps us progress, I will give him a cahnce like I do with every player and every manager but I ask you Oldham supporters.


Has SC listened to us the Oldham fans ? Is a 31 year old with no experience what you really want?


Quite a lot of people said no to Sammy Lee and Brown to who do have experience.

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Quite a lot of people said no to Sammy Lee and Brown to who do have experience.

And if it was, say Brown who looked like he was going to be appointed, those people would would be spouting anti appointment rhetoric. Unfortunately the majority do not look at the bigger picture, "I don't want him, lets protest". Right or wrong the board have undergone a thorough process to find the "right fit". It may work it may not, football is not straight forward at this level, whoever is appointed manager (and lets face it we dont know for sure who it is yet). They are going to need a bit of luck, a lot of skill and a lot of patience to work with these currently under performing players. Time will tell lets not pre-judge.

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The vast majority of fans wanted us to maintain and build upon the youth system in preference to continued short term loan deals. Maybe this appointment (in preference to other candidates) is based around that.

Which would be like a shot in the arms, just what we need, if you see BP's post on another thread it could be alluding to this scenario.

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Listened to the fans... Went for Dowie - Unsuccessful.

Listened to the fans... Didn't go for Brown.


Did what he wanted... :censored: OFF CORNEY, what gives you the right to employ who you want?


The man can't :censored:ing win.

appoint mickey mouse for all i care,its gone beyond the point of caring!!!
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Listened to the fans... Went for Dowie - Unsuccessful.

Listened to the fans... Didn't go for Brown.


Did what he wanted... :censored: OFF CORNEY, what gives you the right to employ who you want?


The man can't :censored:ing win.



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I don't really care if he listens to the fans or not. Whichever way you paint it, it's a crushingly cheap option. This time next week, with two more defeats and a real gap between us and safety will break the new manager and more or less seal our relegation this season. Yes, there will be games to play for, but we'll have too much to do and require a great escape of Big Joe proportions to turn it round.


The side, on paper is arguably decent enough to at least avoid relegation relatively comfortably. But it's absolutely clear that the issue is a motivational one. It needs a real leader to inspire this group of players. I really can't see a 31-year old player, coming in and turning it round. I'll be over the moon if he can, but the realist in me sees us going down.


Simon stopped listening to the fans a while ago. For the past 12 months, possibly longer it's been a huge game of puppet directors and dodgy PR. Bull:censored: to keep the fans happy while the ducks are put in a row. Stripping down of BP and all of its worth year upon year. :censored:ty contracts and a team massively bloated with quick-fixes and loanees. Dickov was brought in mainly because of his connections, which worked for a couple of seasons but was always going to fail in the long term. The likes of Walsall, Crewe, Brentford and even :censored:ing Tranmere have overtaken us and are competing at the top. The reason? Because they know they need to invest in the side. They have no more money than we have, but they have sensible owners rather than an administrator that is slowly but surely taking us down because their business deal didn't quite work out.


I :censored:ing hope we go down this season now. I'm just sick of being strangled.

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I don't really care if he listens to the fans or not. Whichever way you paint it, it's a crushingly cheap option. This time next week, with two more defeats and a real gap between us and safety will break the new manager and more or less seal our relegation this season. Yes, there will be games to play for, but we'll have too much to do and require a great escape of Big Joe proportions to turn it round.


The side, on paper is arguably decent enough to at least avoid relegation relatively comfortably. But it's absolutely clear that the issue is a motivational one. It needs a real leader to inspire this group of players. I really can't see a 31-year old player, coming in and turning it round. I'll be over the moon if he can, but the realist in me sees us going down.


Simon stopped listening to the fans a while ago. For the past 12 months, possibly longer it's been a huge game of puppet directors and dodgy PR. Bull:censored: to keep the fans happy while the ducks are put in a row. Stripping down of BP and all of its worth year upon year. :censored:ty contracts and a team massively bloated with quick-fixes and loanees. Dickov was brought in mainly because of his connections, which worked for a couple of seasons but was always going to fail in the long term. The likes of Walsall, Crewe, Brentford and even :censored:ing Tranmere have overtaken us and are competing at the top. The reason? Because they know they need to invest in the side. They have no more money than we have, but they have sensible owners rather than an administrator that is slowly but surely taking us down because their business deal didn't quite work out.


I :censored:ing hope we go down this season now. I'm just sick of being strangled.


Fantastic post. Couldn't agree more.

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Corney said he would listen to the fans - that's not saying he would do what the fans want. He can listen all day then do something else, like appoint Lee Johnson for example.


But if there's a fan who wanted that, I'd be amazed. If there is a fan who backed Lee in the bookies I'd be very interested in hearing what they think next week's lotto numbers are.



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I may be wrong, but I am coming to the conclusion that others came to a while ago, and that is SC will be selling up very soon and going back to New York, hence all the recent business trips.

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I may be wrong, but I am coming to the conclusion that others came to a while ago, and that is SC will be selling up very soon and going back to New York, hence all the recent business trips.


Yep - i'm in this camp too....it's not too long ago i felt real change in the air with the cup results and some extra cash flying in - right at this minute I'm hating everything about the club and part of me wishes we'd never beaten forest....I know thats wrong, but there is defiantly some funny business going on down Sheepfoot Lane. We've gone from bizarre to ridiculous and although obviously any manager employed should be given a fair crack of the whip, I have to admit I'm going to find it very difficult to see any positives from employing an inexperienced (non-experienced!) manager with barely any decent quality playing experience....


We're doomed to League 2.....get your buckets out people, we're gonna need to get out there filling them up with donations before long.....

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well if SC does listen to the fans then we have some muppets hoping we go down this season.


it amazes me that there are some idiots that watch this club,post on this message board hope for relegtion and that SC leaves the club in the :censored: so that they can post " I told you so"


Some of these posters dont even go and watch anymore! well its been said before but you get the club you deserve!

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It is a truly strange social media phenomenon that to some people the ability to claim they were right is more important than the success or failure of something supposedly precious to them.


Whatever the chairman says in public, he should have stopped listening to the fans a long time ago. If he operated the club in response to the noise on this forum he'd have lurched to one knee-jerk reaction after another and put us out of business years ago.

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I have slept on it and it all comes back to one thing for me


If SC belives Johsnon is the best man for the job why wasnt he appointed 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks ago? This would have also given Lee Johnson a better chance

The sad thing is if we go down some idiots will blame Johnson as Corney will be saying he had a quarter of the season to save us. That for me is crap as we are in a rut and short of confidence


Corney in the week said Mourinho couldnt save this lot if the players dont want it and then appointed a rookie! Its beggers belief


We must however stick together as fans and a club or we will most certainly be down


I worry that after this meet between Johnson, the board and 12 fans they realise how passionaite we are about this club, its a shame the 1st team playing squad arent present in their as well but they will probably be :censored:ing about on twitter instead

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I have slept on it and it all comes back to one thing for me


If SC belives Johsnon is the best man for the job why wasnt he appointed 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks ago? This would have also given Lee Johnson a better chance

The sad thing is if we go down some idiots will blame Johnson as Corney will be saying he had a quarter of the season to save us. That for me is crap as we are in a rut and short of confidence


Corney in the week said Mourinho couldnt save this lot if the players dont want it and then appointed a rookie! Its beggers belief


We must however stick together as fans and a club or we will most certainly be down


I worry that after this meet between Johnson, the board and 12 fans they realise how passionaite we are about this club, its a shame the 1st team playing squad arent present in their as well but they will probably be :censored:ing about on twitter instead


Perhaps a rearranged Hartlepool match at home is just about as good as a new manager is going to get at this stage of the season.

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