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New Manager vs Old

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On the face of it, it looks like PD era was unbelievably unprofessional towards players fitness. I put this down to discipline from the management. It would seem that PD and his back from staff just weren't tough enough or didn't have any ideas how to keep the playing staff focused. Now I know we're only x1 match into LJ's reign but he's already talking about so many different things to keep the players focused, 1-2-1 sessions, monitoring of Twitter etc and seems to have covered off everything you can think of.


The feeling I have though is the same from when PD started, it was very much excellent for the first 3-4 months under him, then it very slowly but surely went from bad to worse.


What are your thoughts on LJ vs PD??

Initially I'm v impressed.....

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Lets see where we are in 2 years.


But whats impressed me so far is that LJ seems to be paying attention to detail i.e. twitter, footwear earings etc and sometimes little differences which might get the 0.5-1% out of players can add up in the long run to make big differences.

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The feeling I have though is the same from when PD started, it was very much excellent for the first 3-4 months under him, then it very slowly but surely went from bad to worse.


The only thing I care about is this:


P1 W1 D0 L0 F3 A0 Pts 3.


Ultimately, what music we play at half time, what he does on the training ground, what he says in the sponsor's lounge, his age, who his dad is, what he says in interviews, whether Croft is fat, how many hashtags Bouzanis and Simpson can fit in one tweet etc etc is all irrelevant.


So far, he's doing ok.

Edited by lalalajpkalala
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Lets see where we are in 2 years.


But whats impressed me so far is that LJ seems to be paying attention to detail i.e. twitter, footwear earings etc and sometimes little differences which might get the 0.5-1% out of players can add up in the long run to make big differences.

The British Cycling team had a special unit of its back room staff dedicated to exactly that. The cumulative effect of tiny extra bits of planning can end up being quite significant.

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The British Cycling team had a special unit of its back room staff dedicated to exactly that. The cumulative effect of tiny extra bits of planning can end up being quite significant.


Yes I take it you saw the road to glory doc with the sky team Dave Brailsfords attention to detail was astonishing people ridiculed them to begin with but who's laughing now.

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Lets see where we are in 2 years.


But whats impressed me so far is that LJ seems to be paying attention to detail i.e. twitter, footwear earings etc and sometimes little differences which might get the 0.5-1% out of players can add up in the long run to make big differences.


It looks as though LJ is into the concept of 'the aggregation of marginal gains' demonstrated by the visionary coach of the GB cycling team, Dave Brailsford, who believes that by breaking down and identifying every tiny aspect of an athlete's performance and then making just a 1% improvement in each area, the athlete's overall performance can be significantly enhanced.

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The only thing I care about is this:


P1 W1 D0 L0 F3 A0 Pts 3.


Ultimately, what music we play at half time, what he does on the training ground, what he says in the sponsor's lounge, his age, who his dad is, what he says in interviews, whether Croft is fat, how many hashtags Bouzanis and Simpson can fit in one tweet etc etc is all irrelevant.


So far, he's doing ok.


Talking about music I would say we definitely need to change the music that we walk out to, the songs currently are traditional and or not pumping the players and fans up. Instead of walking out to Fan Fare or that terrible song from the theme tune of Rude Tube we should be walking out to something either traditional such as Boys in Blue etc or we should be walking out to something that will pump the players and fans up and make at atmosphere, like when City play Fat Boy Slim whilst they are walking out, makes for a quality atmosphere!

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PD was a good bloke but a crap manager. I don't have any thoughts on LJ; he's been in management for two days. He's had a good start. Let's hope it continues but let's not get carried away.

I think Dickov will become a decent manager, but his biggest flaw was that he believed that we could win matches just by talking a good game which we all found wasnt true. Bad managers talk the talk with very little action, good managers let the results do the talking for them. Others like Dave Penney were :censored:e at both. PD as well all know would have been better suited to having an experienced number 2 next to him and learning from them, but he was either unwilling to listen to advice or thought he knew better. LJ on the other hand seems to me to be the kind of character who wants to learn and is always wanting to better himself. I'm sure even Fergie would say that everyday he learns something new and the guy, even though he is a total prick, has won everything there is to win in the modern game.


Dickov needs some time away to look at himself and the way he handled the whole situation here. He could still make a decent manager but he has to learn from his mistakes but sometimes I thought that he was too stubborn to do that. His next appointment is a make or break for him as he will have to start backing up his talk with results and progress.

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I think Dickov will become a decent manager, but his biggest flaw was that he believed that we could win matches just by talking a good game which we all found wasnt true. Bad managers talk the talk with very little action, good managers let the results do the talking for them. Others like Dave Penney were :censored:e at both. PD as well all know would have been better suited to having an experienced number 2 next to him and learning from them, but he was either unwilling to listen to advice or thought he knew better. LJ on the other hand seems to me to be the kind of character who wants to learn and is always wanting to better himself. I'm sure even Fergie would say that everyday he learns something new and the guy, even though he is a total prick, has won everything there is to win in the modern game.


Dickov needs some time away to look at himself and the way he handled the whole situation here. He could still make a decent manager but he has to learn from his mistakes but sometimes I thought that he was too stubborn to do that. His next appointment is a make or break for him as he will have to start backing up his talk with results and progress.

I don't agree that Dickov will become a good manager; I don't think he's up to it and never will be tactically. I think a job in the media beckons. Having said that, to distinguish LJ from PD as "who wants to learn and is always wanting to better himself" - I think PD had those very qualities, he just didn't pull it off. I hope LJ can but there's only talk to go on at this stage and PD gave us plenty of that.
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I don't agree that Dickov will become a good manager; I don't think he's up to it and never will be tactically.

But surely the only way Dickov is going to learn is by getting good advice and ideas from others who know more about the game than him? No one can every question is work ethic but judging by the comments surrounding his regime and their fitness, he needs to adopt a more professional attitude towards his coaching and management techniques. I still think he has the makings of a decent manager but he has got a hell of a lot of work ahead of him starting with his tactical nouse.


Maybe he needs to lose that nice guy attitude and become an arsehole instead!


By the way to what level did PD have his coaching badges?

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He'll be named Doncaster manager at the end of the season ;-)


I know where I'd rather end up and it isn't north of BP, I haven't looked on their forum but I bet it doesn't make for pleasant reading if you're a Venky. And now Stevenage have given their manager the boot, who imo have over performed this season.

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Talking about music I would say we definitely need to change the music that we walk out to, the songs currently are traditional and or not pumping the players and fans up. Instead of walking out to Fan Fare or that terrible song from the theme tune of Rude Tube we should be walking out to something either traditional such as Boys in Blue etc or we should be walking out to something that will pump the players and fans up and make at atmosphere, like when City play Fat Boy Slim whilst they are walking out, makes for a quality atmosphere!

This has already ben addressed by LJ, Broady tweeted that LJ told him to pump it up yesterday evening. Cliff Byrne asked what was in store, but Broady would not divulge
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On the face of it, it looks like PD era was unbelievably unprofessional towards players fitness. I put this down to discipline from the management. It would seem that PD and his back from staff just weren't tough enough or didn't have any ideas how to keep the playing staff focused. Now I know we're only x1 match into LJ's reign but he's already talking about so many different things to keep the players focused, 1-2-1 sessions, monitoring of Twitter etc and seems to have covered off everything you can think of.


The feeling I have though is the same from when PD started, it was very much excellent for the first 3-4 months under him, then it very slowly but surely went from bad to worse.


What are your thoughts on LJ vs PD??

Initially I'm v impressed.....

I agree about the first 3-4 months. IIRC we had a spell with the bad weather about 4 months in and did not play for a while, and it was dross ever since.

In the end PD looked like he had tried everything and was a broken man.

TP got them going for 3 games before they reverted to type.


So a few markers of 5 games, end of season and start of next season, and Jan should give us a good insight if it is all talk or not.

Fingers firmly crossed it is not.

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This has already ben addressed by LJ, Broady tweeted that LJ told him to pump it up yesterday evening. Cliff Byrne asked what was in store, but Broady would not divulge


Good news! I couldn't make it to the game last night but was the music indeed a lot more different and uplifting? Would love to have a set song every time we walk out, one that gets everyone pumped up and builds an atmosphere.


Obviously no one fully knows about LJ football management yet as only one game but I'm a massive fan of him addressing issues like players using Twitter, changing the music etc. it's like he's listening to the fans. With everything off the pitch improving and hopefully everything on the pitch improving hopefully Latics can become something closer to the club we once were!

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Good news! I couldn't make it to the game last night but was the music indeed a lot more different and uplifting? Would love to have a set song every time we walk out, one that gets everyone pumped up and builds an atmosphere.


The team came out to 'Fanfare For the Common Man', but the music leading up to that was worse than usual.

Edited by Diego_Sideburns
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It is about character. Lee looks like a winner and sounds like a winner and guess what we won easily. Paul was much liked by the players, respected for what he had achieved but it all wore off and we were left with an under performing unfit group of players who couldn't give a toss. I don't expect this to happen with Lee, in his quiet determined way he is clearly driven to be the best. I know there is usually a new manager bounce but I can't see him letting this lot land. I'm now sure we won't go down when after Saturday I thought we would.

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The Aggregation of Marginal Gains.

Have been using this philospphy at work a bit.

But just seen a bit that details The Aggregation of Marginal Decay. Same concept in reverse.

I think that sums up the Paul Dickov era quite well, so lets hope that the LJ era builds on the former

Edited by singe
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Good points


. Good contacts

. Could attract decent players

. Passionate

. Tried hard


Bad points


. :censored:e tactician

. Always backed the players whenever they did :censored:

. Used to blame everyone else ie refs every time something went against us

. Employed GT and PB who were basically useless

. Played players out of position

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